posted on Mar, 4 2009 @ 06:04 PM
reply to post by ArMaP
Hello Armap,
As usual, your replies are most helpful, just one little point I would like to make,
the third area you show as you rightly state is not of the area of interest, so still there remains some non conclusive data to me personally. Its not
my intent to prove to anyone else my opinions for they are just that, 'opinions'.
You are an asset to ats Armap and be assured that I as well as most do greatly appreciate your help in deserning the truth. Many thanks to you my
Mars is still a mystery, but I have a feeling that this mysterious planet's secrets are slowing being solved.
Best Regards to you and to all in the thread.
Also I find it very fascinating the new post regard the water history theory of Mars. Most interesting.
I have been absent from this thread for health reasons and apolize to you all for that. Its migrane time again! Migranes just wipe me out. They come
in clusters. Ugh!
Take care All,