posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 05:30 PM
I was visiting my grandparents house with my family. My mother and I were splitting a bedroom. So one night....
I woke up after feeling someone enter the room. I was on my stomach and didn't have my contacts in, so I was blind as a bat. For some reason I was
sure it was my grandfather....sure, why not. The person sat down on the edge of my bed by the foot.
At this point, it starts to get a bit weird. As they sat down, I became paralyzed....but not uncomfortably so. I simply could not move or speak. A
second or 2 later my pillow was unceremoniously pulled out from under my head and placed OVER my head. Two
strong hands held the pillow down on
either side of my head.
This is the point where the paralysis became a bit of a concern - and by that I mean I was silently screaming my head off. I don't know if I overcame
the paralysis myself or what, but I was finally able to move my left arm out from under me and I reached out to my smotherer's wrist. As soon as I
hit the physical place where I would have made contact.....nothing.
Literally nothing. The pressure let up over my head and there was no one on the bed. As quickly as it started it ended.
The next day I told my mom about. I was expecting her to say "Oh it was just a dream" or something similarly comforting (I was 12 and freaked out).
NOPE. She saw a figure who did look like my grandfather enter the room, sit on the corner of my bed, and put the pillow over my head. She was so
convinced it was a dream she did nothing...then.
My grandparents house was never used for anything other than forest. We had been staying at the house for a couple days with no prior incidents. Quite
literally the only difference was, for the first time ever, I wore a ring to bed. It was new, silver, I got it from a local store in town. Nothing
special, although I loved that ring.
Thanks for giving me a forum to share this story!