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Senator Tells Public to start Protesting on the Streets

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posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:30 AM
This is my congressman, and I can assure you that his motives are not as pure as this thread implies.
This guy is nothing more than Lindsay Grahams bagman.

Whiloe I agree that it is way past time for us to take the power back from the hands that have been abusing it, even to the point of an uprising or insurrection if need be, please do not place any trust in tis man, please.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by uaocteaou

Unless Ron Paul said it, they would all have there own motives.

Mostly just scum bags.

But, if it's an excuse to get peoples attention that is OK to bitch slap the Govt. like it needs, then I am ok with it.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:36 AM
The only way that people will get the attention of the government is with a mass protest in Washington, this will send the fat rats into their hiding holes.

That is the only way that the people will have the media and the nations attention for days.

Right now, no marches not media attention.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by marg6043
The only way that people will get the attention of the government is with a mass protest in Washington, this will send the fat rats into their hiding holes.

That is the only way that the people will have the media and the nations attention for days.

Right now, no marches not media attention.

You are right.

I just don't know what it's going to take for people in mass to wake up.

It's lurking there and the Govt. knows it. That is why I don't think a false flag will go off right now. It could easily backfire on them.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by j2000

Trust me the government is getting ready and has been training lately for population management.

It's just that they are not going to expose their plans to the rest of the nation, rather they like to keep it as nothing more than conspiracy theories.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:45 AM
But, much like here in the UK, you're not permitted to protest within the vicinity of Parliament. Breaching that will 'justify' - in the minds of anti-'terror' authorities the complete and utter suppression of a protest. To break that suppression, a degree of violence would be necessary.

I hate to say it, but this is the reality. Peaceful protest only works when the chants are heard, and the laws that prevent peaceful protest from occurring in a position where they will be heard thus prevent the effectiveness of peaceful protest.

Actually, I don't remember the last time a peaceful protest achieved anything significant.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:47 AM
Come on! This is ATS people - try to look at this a bit more critically, please.

A sitting U.S. Senator calls for public demonstrations? You don't think that's just a tad absurd? The people elect our officials in order that they should represent our interests. It's his job, as well as other elected officials, to find solutions to this problem, partially created by them in the first place. He is calling for an end-run around a 200 plus year tradition of mostly peaceful government.

Ask your selves "Why?".

What would demonstrations accomplish? Attention to the issue? Everyone already knows there are issues that need to be addressed. An event like he is calling for would only serve to ramp up emotions and incite violence. Likely there would be provocateurs in the mix, instigating skirmishes. Things could get out of hand, possibly curfews or martial law. This is what they want people!

When Michael Steele was elected party Chairman for the RNC, he promised an insurgency. Well this is it.

You are being led by your emotions into exactly what you all feared. What we need now is calm heads and confident leadership - not hysterical demonstrations and calls for action by cowards who failed to act in the first place.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 09:53 AM

Originally posted by j2000
reply to post by guessing

Taking care of your own? yes, make sure you have food, water, shelter.

Running for the Hills? That's the pussy way out.

The same people that vote for the problems, and the one's that will just hide and run away.

do you vote? Really? then you need not complain if you do. otherwise, run for the hills

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by guessing

What are you kidding me? yes, or I would have nothing to say.


posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:39 AM
Oh please. This sort of hysteric rhetoric does no one any good.

People should be protesting over the mess Wall street and its congressional enablers have gotten us into.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 10:43 AM
reply to post by Sergeant Stiletto

Hell, in normal times I would agree.
What do you think will be left of our rights and property in 2 years?
How about 4 years?

People can make all the excuses in the world because they are afraid of their Govt.
The Fed. Govt. should be afraid of the people. It has been most evident in the last 6 months.

The voting will do little at this point. The best way is to take control of your state Govts. If enough of them get under control, they have the power.
They can make change. The type that is needed, not some promise by another politition talking out of both sides of their collectives asses.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:18 AM
The majority of Sheeple voted for change and they have gotten change. I believe the troops will be brought home from overseas if protesting on a massive scale begins on the streets of America.

It will take one hot spot to rally We The People and South Carolina has taken a stand and refusing Federal money. We as a Nation are setting on a potential powder Geg and everyone knows this but most will not speak out.

I think everyday of the children and the elderly of this beloved Nation and what future will we have especially for the children? We will look at today as the good old days as this administration spends us into oblivion.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:36 AM
SC has taken NO stand at all!
The Governor is making a political play for 2012, just like jindal is. That's where their motivaton is and nowhere else.
Sanford has "stated" that he doesn't want the money, not that SC wouldn't take it, do you see the difference.
Sanford also knows ofthe povision in the stimulus bill that allows each states legislature to override the governors wishhes and accdept the money. Sanford knows this, and is acting accordingly with regard to his own personal political gain.

Jindal has also sai that he would refuse "some" of the money, upon examination, lo and behold he is only talking abot refusing the unemployment insurance extension and increase, NOTHING ELSE. That portion amounts to only 1% of the total amount that states woould receive. So the big man standing up against the evils of the stimilus is in realiy only refusing 1% and will accept the other 99%.

Big man.

These governors who are making all of this noise are full of junk. Examine these fools and their positions, their TRUE motivation will be revealed to you.

None of them are honorable, not one. It's all about them personally, either now or in the interests of 2012.

Please don't fall for their self serving obfuscation tactics, yoou're smarter than tha or you wouldn't be here.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:50 AM
reply to post by uaocteaou

Jindal has also sai that he would refuse "some" of the money, upon examination, lo and behold he is only talking abot refusing the unemployment insurance extension and increase, NOTHING ELSE. That portion amounts to only 1% of the total amount that states woould receive. So the big man standing up against the evils of the stimilus is in realiy only refusing 1% and will accept the other 99%.

Actually, what those few governors are doing is quite courageous.
Are you aware that the Federal money is ONLY AVAILABLE for two years.?AFTER THAT, if a state had accepted this "seed" money, THE STATE WOULD BE OBLIGATED TO FULLY FUND the extensions. In the long run, the STATE TAXPAYERS would be saddled with MUCH HIGHER TAXES to pay for the forced funding.
THAT is why those governors are refusing the unemployment money.
Furthermore, it is counterproductive. Paying someone to stay out of work for additional time, is NOT the way to get this country going again.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:51 AM
Ya but what is the actual message to protest

They are trying to "fix" the sytem allright.......the self serving system that has benefited the highest 5% of the population with high rewards on asset prices at the expense of putting the whole system in jeopardy...this is the system i think they are trying to's my sign

"STOP rewarding BAD BEHAVIOR and JAIL and Bankrupt those who are reckless with our economy!"

including Everyone in positions of Authority

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:54 AM
reply to post by uaocteaou

Who really cares what reasons they have. The whole system is corupt.

If its an excuse to get people to stand up and fight, then it's good.

Who will you wait for. Ghandi?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 11:58 AM
If people REALLY want to do something, instead of just talking, here is how to take an active stand:

Thread has been removed by moderators, as it violated the T & C, by advocating social action.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by ProfEmeritus]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:01 PM
violence breeds contempt, its one thing to say lets stand up en masse, it another to actually do it for real. Don't rely on California, as the are about to become stoned outtta there minds , thats a great contribution. What would happen if people actually did something instead of talking about it... makes me wonder. fear, thats the name of this game. it will never happen to me, thats the reason why the mess is in this time, apathy and someonelse will bail me out is the reason why it won't work. unless each person takes a firm stand, and is prepared to die for what they believe in , then its all just a talk show with operah showing que cards...

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by guessing

What would happen if people actually did something instead of talking about it... makes me wonder. fear, thats the name of this game. it will never happen to me, thats the reason why the mess is in this time, apathy and someonelse will bail me out is the reason why it won't work. unless each person takes a firm stand, and is prepared to die for what they believe in , then its all just a talk show with operah showing que cards...

Then, if you believe that. you need to join the new party and go to their website in the post mentioned above yours. They already have non-violent actions planned.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 12:11 PM
I too agree that it's too late for protest.
Should have been done many years ago because of...

-taxpayer subsidies and tax breaks to corporations for moving manufacturing and service jobs overseas
-acceleration of taxpayer subsidies and tax breaks for the wealthiest individuals and businesses
-allowing business to establish HQ's overseas to evade taxes
-the (un)Patriot Act(s)
-crackdown on right to free speech and peaceable assemble in public
-the property taxes of corporations like Wal Mart are subsidized by municipalities (a.k.a. taxpayers)
-ridiculous pork spending by government
-lack of will on part of governement to establish term-limits
-the Fed can manipulate our economy at-will instead of the free market
-the Fed prints money like no tomorrow (which may be possible soon) with no accountability (see above)
-government/military/corporations create needless war with no end leading to the decimation of our conventional military (human and supply)
-salary hikes for government workers, especially elected leaders in times of economic hardship
-government and corporate surveillance of the people with no checks involved
-allowing foreign governments to sway domestic and foreign policies (and there are a LOT!)
-allowing private and corporate lobbyists to establish energy and tax policies (among many others)

These are just a few of the top of my head, could probably get a dozen more if I had time right now...feel free to add to my list.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by TypeSH2001]

[edit on 24-2-2009 by TypeSH2001]

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