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Prepare To Save Yourselves OR Prepare To DIE

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posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:21 PM

Originally posted by debunky
I am hearing the sounds too...



wait, don't worry the Doctor will save us

Wait, I hear another noise.....

Oh my god ! NO !!!

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:24 PM
For the majority of the people on earth, we dont have the access to the doomsday vault or any underground shelters the governments of the world created. They made them specifically to save their own a$$e$. My question concerning all this is; what does an ordinary person do to protect himself from such catastrophes ?

I sense somthing is happening and I dont know what it is. I feel it and all my life I've been searching for answers without finding many hense the reason why I've researched ancient civilizations for hints. These feeling are becoming stronger each passing year and I stumbled across this site not even a month ago. I'v noticed many people share these same feelings and I'm doing my own investigations towards these rather than ingnore them. Many people will scrutinize others for doing such things and claim they're paranoid. I dont care what people think of me because if I did I wouldnt be who I am today.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by disfugured]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

As far as the dynamics behind what enables the sound to be heard, that's not my area of expertise. I never claimed to be any kind of astro-acoustical technician. I'm just invited to the party like you.

I guess the point that is trying to be made is that the sound does not and cannot come from another approaching planetary body outside the earth's atmosphere so it must be coming from within the confines of earths atmosphere.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

I'll make this quite simple friend. Although the Anunnaki have the ability to travel between dimensions, this has been very troublesome for them in the past.

How do you know this?
Also, why are they coming here?
How many times in the past have they come here?

For this reason, while they are able to 'navigate' and alter their path, PlanetX HAS to emerge from behind the Sun at some point. This is the April 24, 2009 date that was given. While the planet can be blinded by chemtrails, the sound is not so easily hidden. Many have chosen the ostrich method.

What is planet x made of? What is the size of planet x?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:33 PM

Originally posted by pieman
i find it interesting that your replies all centre around personal exchanges rather than providing more details of your hypotheses. i understand you might feel attacked but what else did you expect when you posted an unsubstantiated thread on ATS?

i'll ask you again, what makes you believe this particular sound can only be attributed to planet X?

also i wondered if you have tried recording the sound?

The message is the important thing, the only thing. How I arrived at my conclusions is of no consequence to you. I embarked on a personal journey long ago, friend. You must seek out your own truths. You and you alone will be the judge of all the choices you make in this illusion that we call life. The attacks have been a lifelong part of my experience. You might be interested to know that some people who have been among the most critical of me in the past are starting to sing a different tune.

Recording and posting the sound would only create more ridicule. Since most of this thread is already cluttered with those posts, I do not wish to bring more upon myself. If you do not have ears, then you must seek out other methods to obtain the proof you purport to require.

[edit on 2/24/09 by HaveSeen4Myself]

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by disfugured

My question concerning all this is; what does an ordinary person do to protect himself from such catastrophes ?

I have been pondering this question and I think the best low cost solution is to construct a grotto. This can be done with cinder blocks, plain old dirt and a good really thick solid wooden door and frame.

Erecting the blocks into a small room attaching a door and well supported roof shouldn't be too hard or to costly. Then building a hill over it to insulate the structure and protect it from high winds is somethign a simple rented earth mover could accomplish or a grateful crew of probably otherwise unemployed contractors. Sodding the hill and making sure the grass takes will help make the dirt cohesive and protect the structure.

I am pretty sure a low mound dwelling of that type could stand up to winds in excess of 200 miles an hour and protect the occupants inside.

Don't skimp on the door and make sure you have a shovel and way to dig yourself out if need be.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:39 PM

Originally posted by foremanator
Loud roar from space
"And since sound doesn't travel well in space"

That's an interpretation of a spectrum that has been converted to sound, it doesn't appear in the sound spectrum. Similar to UV cameras, you can't see UV but you can see UV when it's been converted to the visible spectrum.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:45 PM
plant x as you call it. has already come and gone. you think their goin to report on stuff like that mainstream?

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by spitefulgod

Originally posted by foremanator
Loud roar from space
"And since sound doesn't travel well in space"

That's an interpretation of a spectrum that has been converted to sound, it doesn't appear in the sound spectrum. Similar to UV cameras, you can't see UV but you can see UV when it's been converted to the visible spectrum.

Yes I understand.
But just like in so many other instances there is always the few that don't see like the rest of us, or feel like the rest of us, or even hear like the rest of us.

Not saying this is what it is, just suggesting that there could be some among us that pick up this kind noise, beyond what most of us are able to

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:45 PM
This noise you people are hearing is psychosomatic.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:52 PM

I once stood in your position, and it made me create this thread.
I don't know if you have chosen to have access to R.A.T.S, but I can tell you (and the others here) that the thread title is "Seriously Talking About Nibiru".

In that thread, I went out directly stating that Nibiru is for real and that it is heading our way with all the consequences that it holds for us.
I never mentioned the assumed population of Nibiru since I even back then found such claims a little too far fetched.

I jumped the gun. And it made me feel like crap, but at least I heard the truth and I could handle it.

It was like I was under some sort of spell. I just swallowed the whole deal, hook, line and sinker.
No idea why I did that really, it is rather unlike me.

So when the posters calmly explained to me the flaws in the story I did some independent research.
This research (aka "Truth Seeking") led me to these facts, and I have a seriously hard time overcoming them:

1. Nibiru is the brain-child of one (1) person; Zecharia Sitchin
A man rather known for not mastering the Sumerian language.
Beyond this man, there is nothing that speaks for this plantes existance.

2. If this planet would exist, and especially if it would be closing in on us, like the way yo say it is, we would see it by now.
If not NASA, then hundereds of amateur astronomers out there, and I don't think all of them would be bribed/scared to shut up.

I don't debunk or discard the experiences you are having right now. I am not you, and I don't live in your area or even country, so I know nothing of that.
What I say to you is however; there must be some other explanation.

Nevertheless, I must mention that my most respected and highly experienced Shaman-friend (native American) told me about Nibiru, and that shocked me somewhat since I had just recently finished my research.
I asked him for the only possible (?) alternative to this myth; that Nibiru might not a physical planet, but maybe a metaphor or some sort of metaphysical manifestation...
He did not give me a clear answer, more than "maybe it is both?".
I don't like answers that sound like questions...

Friend, you have lost your way. Are you claiming to have stood in my shoes? You're welcome to strap them on at your leisure. Since you are so trusting in NASA, perhaps you should focus solely on what they have to say and start your own thread. They have your shoe size with many different styles and colors to choose from.

I would advise you to be your own astronomer and stop relying on others to do the work for you. Revisiting your mystic friend might also be prudent.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 01:56 PM

I have been pondering this question and I think the best low cost solution is to construct a grotto. This can be done with cinder blocks, plain old dirt and a good really thick solid wooden door and frame.

Determined to be the least sane person on this thread I shall now endeavor to reply to my own reply from a previous reply to someone else.

You don’t want a low cost solution to how to protect yourself like the powers that be! You want to be as well protected as the powers that be at a moderate cost and enjoy some of the same luxuries?

This is the site for you 20th Century Castles

Browse through a unique collection of converted decommissioned missle silos and communications bunkers designed to withstand a nuclear blast. Suprisingly affordable with some owner financing available!

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

I would appreciate it if you'd answer my questions.


posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Determined to be the least sane person on this thread I shall now endeavor to reply to my own reply from a previous reply to someone else.

You don’t want a low cost solution to how to protect yourself like the powers that be! You want to be as well protected as the powers that be at a moderate cost and enjoy some of the same luxuries?

This is the site for you 20th Century Castles

Browse through a unique collection of converted decommissioned missle silos and communications bunkers designed to withstand a nuclear blast. Suprisingly affordable with some owner financing available!

Thank you for the link.

Probably still out of my means though but something to look into.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:15 PM
u might not want to know what i think but here it is .i think that 2012 migh be when the open first contact might be .and could also be a first contact war .i hold no clame to knowing all of whats going on .its just a guess.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:17 PM

A better question to ask would be; what are you doing to prepare for such an eleged event ?

Your the one stating we should prepare for such an event and I'm wondering what it is that you're doing ?

I have an open mind and will for the sake of curiosity reasons go out to my relatives farm and listen at night when its quiet for these sounds you claim you hear.

I research in ancient Samarian/Babylonian text and artifacts and possess a decent knowledge towards nibiru and the annunaki. I know for certian that many governments are putting emphasis on these artifacts especially the last ten years. They ( governments that I wont mention ) have many artifacts they wont even display which are kept secret. Anyhow, I know there's some truth concerning these ancient people and I dont know if it has anything to do with the year 2012. People just like to connect too many dots and conspire their own theories. I base all that I know on hard evidence not speculation.. as fun as it can be to speculate.

[edit on 24-2-2009 by disfugured]

The question you pose is one that is shared among many. I am preparing my soul, and this thread is an attempt to aid in that process. Sometimes, the mere act of transforming your thoughts into words can be of great benefit. Also I hope to assist others who might be confused by all the things happening around them.

Having an open mind is vital, but trusting your heart is the key. Time is of the essence, friend. The party is coming to you. The emphasis that has been placed on 2012 is intended to keep you unprepared.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:29 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself
The message is the important thing, the only thing. How I arrived at my conclusions is of no consequence to you. I embarked on a personal journey long ago, friend. You must seek out your own truths.

so why bother posting your personal truths about noises then?!?

good luck with the preparations for the apocalypse, friend, i was interested in your views and curious about your ideas but i guess you're only interested in the ego massage that comes from thinking you're important enough for us to systematically attack you.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:38 PM

I was just wondering about the sound, is it just You that hears it? it surly must be there all the time and other people must hear it too, one should think ! I am realy not getting the whole point of who are talking true or who is anubildernati agents..

If this sound could only be heard by myself, I can assure you that this thread would not exist, friend. There have already been many different types of replies made here. What motivates an individual to respond the way they do? Ask this question with regards to each post and you will have your answers.

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:42 PM
Can someone please explain to me how an approaching celestial object = impending doom? What's going to happen? What will cause these dust storms, etc.? Just the mere presence of another object in our solar system? Sounds a little far fetched, but I'd like to hear more...

posted on Feb, 24 2009 @ 02:46 PM

Originally posted by foremanator
Years ago I watched a documentary about Dr John Mack (Harvard professor in psychology) Interviewing a group of school children from South Africa.

The children claimed that a "disc" landed in a field adjacent to the schools playground. Out of this craft emerged little Grey people.
They went on to state that, these little Grey people talked to them without moving their mouths. And told them that the world was going to end.

Now you could dismiss this as children making up a story, because children do tell stories. But they don't get together in a group of 25 or so, and come up with a story so well thought out with all the details remaining consistent enough to fool a tenured psychology professor.

I remember thinking at the time....Hmmm could have happened...maybe

Years later (in 1997) I was driving with a friend back from North Dakota. It was in the summer late at night. When I witnessed a massive black triangle come over the top of the car. It was very low about a hundred feet or so and made absolutley no noise whatsoever.

I remember thinking at the time...Hmmm W.T.F

Not so long ago I am lying in bed sleeping. When all of a sudden, I feel I have to sneeze, but I can’t. I can’t move at all. A voice in my head tells me not to move (it seems female for some reason, I don’t know why). In my head, I say “I have to sneeze” but it replies, “you have to wait until the bone comes out” . I get a mental image of a wishbone coming out of my nose. It doesn’t feel like a bone I suggest ... no response. It feels hard and smooth like glass or tensile steel. Its in deep, its still coming out, still have to sneeze so bad, again it says “not yet”. I can feel the pressure on the inside of my nose like its spring loaded, just as it comes out I hear a "Ting" like two glasses clinking together. I can sneeze now. I sit up I am on the edge of the bed and I sneeze. All this gunk comes out, (not to be gross but snot all over my chest). I have to get up and clean myself off.

I remember thinking at the time.... Holy sh#$

For myself and for people like me there is no need for convincing.
I don't know what is going to happen. But I do know "something is going to happen"

Are you really such an expert on these matters, that you can absolutely deny the existence of a planetary body moving through our solar system?

Do you think if the Government knew of an impending cataclysm, where most of the life on earth would be wiped out. And they had prepared structures to try and save the human race. Do you think they would tell the public?

Do you think there might be a simple reason that UFO'S don't land and say here we are? Oh and by the way your all going to die

Do you think that maybe there is a reason that the most powerful country in the world couldn't see an economic crisis like this coming.

Do you think there is a reason that you have been paying so much taxes for the last 60 years?

Hey.... wake up use your brain, listen to your fellow man, he has nothing to gain by lying to you in matters like this.

Do not scoff at someone giving you information. As a whole you make it harder to share information in an environment where people feel ridiculed for telling what they experienced.

In reading a lot of these responses I notice that there is nothing contributed except for scorn and ridicule. This does not help to "deny ignorance" It helps to encourage ignorance.

People tend to be the most honest and dependable to those that they respect.

Respect is a two way street.

It's a lonely place out here on Respect Street. Most people have been led down the one way street by their shepherds. Wonder where that one leads to? I do appreciate your call to reason, sir. Peace be with you.

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