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Prepare To Save Yourselves OR Prepare To DIE

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posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:33 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

As a disclosure, I had concluded that the crossing is probably real prior to reading this post.

I am in Iowa. A coincidence (synchronicity?) happened this morning. My wife had set the alarm earlier than normal (6 on the clock but we are like many others, 6 is really 5:45 or so). Due to my schedule, I would NEVER voluntarily be awake between 12am and 6am CST. Anyway, I was laying quietly listening in bed and swear that I heard (maybe more felt) a certain rumbling "sound" / "vibration". It lasted approximately 10 minutes. Also, in the last 3 days I have started to monitor the position of the sun set in horizon. I couldn't help but notice that it was impossible to view tonight due to clouds that appear to be entirely made by "contrails"...

Thanks for this post OP. I hope it helps raise awareness.

Thank you for taking the time to stop in as it is a big help to me and many others to gauge the scope of things. I have a brother in Chicago and he should be able to get his motivational vibrations, too. What a long, strange trip it's been, brother. Peace be with you.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Originally posted by A52FWY
Some science fiction have placed a planet called Planet X at the L3 lagrangian point. There is this New Scientist article that discusses the possibility that an earth killing asteroid could be hidden in the L4 or L5 lagrangian point that one day could slip its hold and come crashing into earth.

Thank you for the contribution, friend. We are living in strange days indeed, while as viewed from the source it's just another cycle coming to an end. I wish you much luck and peace.

Once again, I'm not trying to derail your thread... But the New Scientist article you referenced said very specifically....

Could another planet be stalking the Earth? Most astronomers accept that the moon was formed when a Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth during its infancy. Some research suggests that this kamikaze planet formed at either the L4 or L5 Lagrangian point where gravity from the Earth and sun cancel each other out. So could some other threat be lurking there today? "Absolutely not," says Paul Weigert at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. There are not enough dust particles or pebbles in the solar system.

The article does go on to suggest that there could be uncatalogued asteroids trapped within the Lagrangian points of celestial bodies that would be potential earth killers. Are you suggesting this "Planet X" is a asteroid broadcasting sound to the Earth?

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Snisha]

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Snisha]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 09:53 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

I don't think the point is to shelter yourself from Mother Nature. To me, it's simple. You have to Ascend. Death is something which cannot be true, just consider it for second. We spend our whole life trying to stop the inevitable, Why??? Perhaps, this life is supposed to be a lesson, and the Soul (Something Scientists can't even find, but eveyone claims to have one, me included) is the only part of us which is aware of the goal of this life (without this ideal, Free-will would not exist). Also, the World has shown throughout History (through to the Modern Day even), that something bigger is at play on our own Planet. I just compare Science with what I know internally, and straight away I see this whole Universe is of Divinity. Everything works too perfectly for it not to be. It's Mezmerisingly beautiful in one vision, but sickeningly Cruel in another, it's a perfect, intelligent balance...

Well that was a beautiful post and made the top of my head tingle, brother. I think I'll have to increase the font and post that one in a prominent place where my wife and daughter can drink from the cup you have offered. Peace be with you.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:06 PM

Originally posted by ACEMANN

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

But once you hear THE SOUND you will know deep down in your scrotum.

I dunno about you, but I don't get too much info from my scrotum, temp maybe, but that is about it

this thread just made my day !!!!!

[edit on 25-2-2009 by ACEMANN]

Well your warm smile has brightened my night kind friend. Sometimes it doesn't take much and I'm glad we were here at different times for each other in a positive capacity. Peace be with you.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Originally posted by jfj123
OK it's obvious at this point this is simply not a constructive thread in any way shape or form.

The OP who opened the thread is making random incoherent statements and accusations and doesn't answer anyone's questions.

Seems to me the joke is over and it's time to close this thread and move on.

Could you please review this thread so it can be CLOSED ????

I've answered many of your posts, jfj123.

You've replied to A FEW but never answered any questions I have asked.

You should read the entire thread as I have already told you many many times.

I have.

Everything that you mention has been brought up.

But never answered by you so I continue to bring them up.

Have you been to this link that appeared on the first page of this thread?

I didn't come here to goto a link but, I'll do so, read it out of good faith and comment later on it.

Either you want your fellow Americans to remain in the dark as to what is going on, or you're attacking me for some reason.

Actually, you want people in the dark. That is very obvious. If you didn't, you would actually answer questions about the thread YOU have started.

My purpose here is to help people....

Then you would answer their questions and since you don't answer their questions, your purpose is obviously NOT to help people.

just what is your purpose on this thread, sir??? Can you answer my question for a change???

Yes, I'll be more then happy to.
My purpose here is to learn if what you're saying is legit and act accordingly.

I want to know whether or not I should be concerned. Right now, based on how you've responded to NOBODIES questions with actual ANSWERS, I don't put much credence in this thread as most post have not. Now I'm going to say something you should have a long time ago. Here it is:
If my answer to your questions was not sufficient, please tell me and I will expand on it. Just let me know what wasn't clear.

If you really want to "help" as you've stated, you would answer peoples questions so you could show them you're serious. Your title says "prepare or DIE" that is pretty serious so I'd think you would take this thread more serious unless you just wanted to fear monger and troll. The more time that goes by without you answering questions, the more people WON'T believe you which creates the exact opposite situation you claim you want.
Up to this point, all you've done is post ONE link. To me that shows a lack of knowledge about this subject. This also tells me you are not concerned about this subject which in turns, tell me you don't believe this subject to be true.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by huckfinn
Maybe the humming noise is the Throne.

Sometimes if you jiggle the flapper in the tank, the noise goes away.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:34 PM

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Originally posted by jfj123
Post it so we can hear it and analyze it.

If it's as loud as you say, it should be easy to do.

When will you post it?

I'll tell you what, jfj. You can have this thread and I'll go start my own. Will you leave me alone then?

Or you can post the noise so we can listen to it.

Why are you attached to me like a leach?

Read the opening line to YOUR thread for god sake !!!!!!!!
PREPARE OR DIE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have made 32 posts to this thread and have not contributed anything yet.

Actually I have.
For example, I've mentioned that due to gravitational lensing affect, if planet x was behind the sun, we'd be able to see it. You've never responded to that point or any other questions I have asked or any questions others have asked which means in all these pages, you haven't contributed to YOUR OWN THREAD. Try it, maybe you'll like it.

THIRTY TWO. If this topic is so bad that you want it removed, then why do you continue to post every five minutes?

32 posts and nothing but TRIPE.

Why do you consider legit questions, TRIPE?
Is your position so weak that you can't answer reasonable questions from people?
I have asked questions such as:
What is this "cycle" you are referring to?
and other classics such as
Since sound does not travel through a vacuum, where do you think the sound is coming from? It can't be coming from space.
When was the last pole shift?
How often does planet x orbit?
When was the last time planet x "stopped by" ?
and do you know how many of those questions you've answered?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:40 PM
reply to post by HaveSeen4Myself

If the sound is from planet x, assuming sound can travel through a vacuum, which it can't, and the sound only occurs during a certain time, does that mean the planet only moves during a certain time? If the planet is moving toward us, then the sound should get continually louder and be constant.

Also, here are a few more questions:
Why is planet x coming?
What do the aliens want?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:55 PM
I don't mean to throw a wrench in anything because I don't buy this story for a second. But sound does travel through space because space is NOT a vacuum.
It is very, very close, but it is not a vacuum. Afterall, how does SETI work?


It's often said that in space, you can't hear yourself scream. True enough, more or less, but rather misleading. Recently, several readers wrote to ask how a B-flat emanating from a black hole could be detected from 250 million light-years away, as we reported earlier this month.

The answer, along with related interesting facts, reveals that silence is in the ear of the beholder, and ears come in a variety of configurations.

Sound can travel through space, because space is not the total vacuum it's often made out to be. Atoms of gas give the universe a ubiquitous atmosphere of sorts, albeit a very thin one.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

Mod Edit: Use External Source Tags – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/26/2009 by Hal9000]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:57 PM
All i hear everyday are c-5 galaxy jets fly over. You live near a base or airport?

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 10:58 PM
Same article...

""We wouldn't be able to hear the sound because our ears aren't sensitive enough." "

Doesn't matter much to the argument. Because without VERY, VERY sensitive equipment, you can't hear anything in space.

Just clearing that up.

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:00 PM
I don't know how this thread became a big debate over PLANET X. I think 2 different posts stated that multiple people heard these sounds and that they are not in the posters head. Let's forget about the PLANET X crap and just try to figure out what the bizzare sounds are. I'm sure if it was cars/highway or airplane sounds these people would be used to it and not even notice the sound, so obviously it is something new, and something not normal. Let's speculate on other theorys and quit attacking the original poster on his personal theory. I am also suprised at the amount of people crapping on this guy. Being a rather shy guy myself, I rarely post living by the saying, "tis the fool that babbles, whilst the wise man listens". After reading some threads on here one might be afraid to post because of fear of ridicule, and that might hurt us all as some really important information might not see the light of day. I applaud the original poster, even if your theory about the sound is wrong, the reporting of the sound itself is very interesting. Any other theorys besides PLANET X?
My theory if I may be so bold.... I have read reports on this site I believe, about the NWO stepping up construction significantly on it's secret underground bases, and after seeing some pictures on the web of some of there "SECRET" tunneling equipment, I couldn't even imagine what kind of noise it would make. Also the stated time of 12AM to 6AM sounds like a great time to get secret SH*T done while all the sheeple are sleeping. It's not just the chem trail pilots working late these days
Anyways, no stranger than a planet x theory anybody else have any ideas.

Please don't jump on me, and club me. I bruise easy

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:12 PM
reply to post by timerider

These mystery sounds have been popping up quite a bit lately, actually...
I have no idea, but in my humble opinion, it isn't underground bases.

There was a thread a little while back (see below) where this same sort of phenomenon was noticed happening in Oklahoma... By TONS of people over the course of weeks. Nobody ever figured out what it was. The best guess is that it is an atmospheric anomaly, as nothing unusual was noted on ANY seismographs.
There wasn't even an official explanation on it at all. The story just kinda' went away.

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Jay-in-AR]

posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 11:37 PM

Originally posted by Raud"I once stood in your position[...]"

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself]
"Are you claiming to have stood in my shoes?"

Originally posted by RaudNo. I specifically chose not to use that expression.
I have not even met you, man. I have no idea what kind of shoes you are in, but their not mine, either.

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself Since you are so trusting in NASA, perhaps you should focus solely on what they have to say and start your own thread. They have your shoe size with many different styles and colors to choose from.

Originally posted by RaudYou are not getting me!
NASA is sure as hell no liable provider of information. Especially not the info I like to know about.

Originally posted by RaudBut what about the thousands of telescopes NOT belonging to NASA? Would not the owner of one of these speak out?
If such a planet, and of such alleged proportion, is closing in on us (if it is using conventional means of travel, no worm holes or inter-dimensional travel) we should able to see it by now.
But we see it not.
Why is this, then?

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself]
I would advise you to be your own astronomer and stop relying on others to do the work for you. Revisiting your mystic friend might also be prudent.

Originally posted by RaudGah!

That is just what I did, man! And it came out: Hoax and/or lack of decent material/sources.
I will revisit him. I tend to do that. But neither is he my teacher.

If you are serious, and not just some old troll having a laugh at making people go outside at night and look like a fool, just because you told them to, that you may sense something. What this something could be, I am pretty interested in.

Thank you.

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself You seem very familiar to me for some reason. I'm sorry we got off on a bad note, I truly am. We'll both be better for it. When I came to your post I was in the middle of a very long swaft of ad hominems. I hope you will accept my heartfelt apology. The NASA reference got the better of me lol.

Originally posted by RaudLuckily, however, have there leaked lots of footage that more or less proves to us that there are someone more than "us" living in and/or visiting this planet. This truth is slowly, but steadily, emerging for everyone's knowledge. I find that extremely exciting and positive.
But enough about that.

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself Regarding alien life: In 1979 When I was 13, I'd had my fill of lies. I'd already ditched religion and decided to look to the cosmos from my yard one day. I closed my eyes and broadcasted a thought with the utmost intent a few times: "If there is ANYTHING out there AT ALL show yourself to me." About the time it left my mind (30 min), I was answered. Starship, spotlights, close encounter, shoulder to shoulder with an advanced humanoid. An electronic gadget was used as a learning tool along with telepathy. This is by far the most religious experience of my life thus far.

Originally posted by RaudWhat I try to say is that NASA would most probably cover up any such information.

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself Yes, disappearing NASA data has been a good indicator for me several times, most recently Jan 31 pertaining to this thread. Very long story that I shall type up soon.

Originally posted by RaudBut before I think one more second at the possibility of Nibiru's existence, I would like at least one (1) more source. And that is not much to be asked for. But there is only that one guy and his interpretations. Listening blindly to his perceptions is more like "relying on others to do the work for you".

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself] There are images here and here. People are dying for these photos. This thread is worth dying for to me.

I certainly can't argue with anything you have said in this post as I feel like I am having a conversation with myself. This is a very rare occurance for me, brother. I would very much like to talk with you at length without all the htmhell

[edit on 2/25/09 by HaveSeen4Myself]

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by Snisha

Originally posted by HaveSeen4Myself

Originally posted by A52FWY
Some science fiction have placed a planet called Planet X at the L3 lagrangian point. There is this New Scientist article that discusses the possibility that an earth killing asteroid could be hidden in the L4 or L5 lagrangian point that one day could slip its hold and come crashing into earth.

Thank you for the contribution, friend. We are living in strange days indeed, while as viewed from the source it's just another cycle coming to an end. I wish you much luck and peace.

Once again, I'm not trying to derail your thread... But the New Scientist article you referenced said very specifically....

Could another planet be stalking the Earth? Most astronomers accept that the moon was formed when a Mars-sized planet crashed into Earth during its infancy. Some research suggests that this kamikaze planet formed at either the L4 or L5 Lagrangian point where gravity from the Earth and sun cancel each other out. So could some other threat be lurking there today? "Absolutely not," says Paul Weigert at the University of Western Ontario, Canada. There are not enough dust particles or pebbles in the solar system.

The article does go on to suggest that there could be uncatalogued asteroids trapped within the Lagrangian points of celestial bodies that would be potential earth killers. Are you suggesting this "Planet X" is a asteroid broadcasting sound to the Earth?

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Snisha]

[edit on 25-2-2009 by Snisha]

Hey Snisha. It's been a long day, and maybe I am mistaken. But I don't remember referencing that article, and a bookmark for it does not reside on my machine. I'm going to turn in for the night and see if I'm still this confused in the morn.
Be well

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:39 AM
The northern Lights make noise. It could be sound from particles hitting the ionosphere.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:51 AM
The Bravery - "Believe"

The faces all around me they don't smile they just crack
Waiting for our ship to come but our ships not coming back
We do have time like pennies in a jar
What are we saving for [x2]

There's a smell of stale feeling that's drinking from my skins
The drinking never stops because the drink absolves our sins
We sit and throw our roots into the floor
What are we waiting for [x2]

So give me something to believe
Cause I am living just to breathe
And I need something more
To keep on breathing for
So give me something to believe

Something's always coming you can hear it in the ground
It swells into the air
With the rising
Rising sound
And never comes but shakes the boards and rattles all the doors
What are we waiting for [x2]

So give me something to believe
Cause I am living just to breath
And I need something more
To keep on breathing for
So give me something to believe

I am hiding from some beast
But the beast was always here
Watching without eyes
Because the beast is just my fear
That I am just nothing
Now its just what I've become
What am I waiting for
Its already done


So give me something to believe
Cause I am living just to breath
And I need something more
To keep on breathing for
So give me something to believe

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 12:58 AM

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 03:27 AM
OK, so I spend most of my time on 4chan these days so it's been a while since I've been here. But I've noticed my BS quotient has gone down since then. YOU GUYS ARE FEEDING A TROLL! NO SOUND IN SPACE! Even if he really is hearing something it's probably that E.L.F. sound thats been heard in the MidWest since like the 80's. I'm a little fuzzy on it but they had a thing on it on Unsolved Mysteries once. heres a link

Long Story Short, I was just out smoking out my back door (which faces south in Southern Michigan where it's cold.) and heard nothing but my butt sizzling. Yes I'm talking about the cigarette. Stop feeding the Troll. Theres nothing viable in this thread. God, I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 05:49 AM

Originally posted by N1thNa1ath



Yes there is something up there right now, and you are correct that it should remind you of Halley’s Comet, because its another comet named Lulin which is bigger than the planet Jupiter:

Comet Lulin

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