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Because of the Chimp Cartoon, I must Educate!

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posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:36 AM

The U.S. has been once again stirred to the rants of known Racists and race baiters and as usual without a clue as to the facts of anything. I saw the cartoon which I thought was offensive because it made monkeys out of our Representatives, which is a dishonor to the MONKIES!

As the video this Thread starts with clearly tells us it is the President who signs bills not authors them, it is the Sponsors in the two houses that get the bill through the committees and voted on and then hopefully if it is a good bill the President will sign it.



Why oh why I wonder would I have to explain such simple things to what are supposed to be some of the brightest people on the web, the ATS Community. This group can debunk a UFO photo in 3 seconds in 6 ways, but they missed who writes Laws in America?

Maybe with Black men running both parties President Obama and RNC Chair Steele, poor ole Rev Al and Rev Jessie are out of business and must use the ignorance of the masses to get their mugs on tv, and that is fine if that is what they want to do. What I don't get is the supposed educated classses of peoples, particularly Journalists who jumped on onto ole Rev. Al's recent racist rant. I would love top blame this on Rev. AL, or American Idol being back on the air and most Americans losing their freaking minds when it is on, but I can't. This is, to me, one of the simplest of things that I grasped as child watching Saturday Morning Cartoons, Schoolhouse Rock so I have to wonder why when someone says racism people take their brains out of their heads and then proceed? Should not one understand the concepts, what is being said, and the facts before spouting nonsense?

I put this in the Educational section because I can see by looking at the Cartoon thread that a great many of you may need this learning. Now the next time some moron claims a cartoon is racist because it happens to show a monkey or chimp, maybe you will look at context before automatically assuming Monkey means black.

Probably not, but I can hope can't I?

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:59 AM
I whole heartedly agree with you on this. The fact that everyone is carrying on over this is insane. People just cannot let the racism die so they fuel it endlessly. If you saw the cartoon and you instantly saw something racist, well I think you need to take a long hard look at yourself.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 11:22 AM
S&F for this one. My thoughts exactly. It is pretty obvious that Obama does not write the bills but then again a lot of people haven't any idea what congress or it's purpose is all about. Same thing as the "lipstick on a pig" remark made by Obama, only I believe Obama was smart enough to know how most people would interpret it. He was just trying to be a smart ass without technically being one as he was talking about McCains policy as opposed to Palin but most people prefer the controversial interpretation than the legitimate one in todays society. When will the whining stop?

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 12:31 PM
yeah it can be seen as racist. it is not. get a grip ;iberals and black racists. it is what it is. and for all the people screaming hate. its a free country. so deal with it.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:06 PM
I had noticed that myself and also thought they were just looking for things to point out as if racist. These writers and papers should still have some sense to ask certain groups for their opinions like lawyers. Some appear to do this intentionally to create a diversion in the media.

The cartoon may have several meanings to different people. The objective seems to be controversy. For all we know, these people who came forward already knew about it. Part of the news media seems to be to disinform and manipulate. The continual negative media coverage of the stock market seems to also be part of the plan.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:42 PM
I think part of the problem is that we are not turning out journalist so much as spokesmen (or spokespersons if you prefer). For the most part they seem today to be focused on only knowing what they present for as long as the story lasts, then like cramming for a test it is forgotten.

Sensationalism for fame's sake instead of stories of substance. People that are supposed to inform, but entertain instead because the want to be the next "Rush Limbaugh" or whatever, but whatever sells right? Got to make the news fresh and exciting. The biggest problem is that the cartoonist did his job. The purpose of political/editorial cartoons are to become a talking point to facilitate discussion. It doesn't matter if the point is good or bad, it is all done to get a reaction. Always has been.

Another problem I see is that there are some that have made their life's work to incite reaction and gain attention. Sorry to say but this has been a MO of Rev.Jackson, Rev. Sharpton and even Rev. Phelps (on a different subject).

Frankly, the only way this cartoon would have been about Obama and therefore deeply offensive would be if the cartoonist said "The Stimulus Bill is going to need another cheerleader" That would have made a big difference as it would compare directly with Obama's drumming up support as being like a dangerous and rabid chimpanzee. And then we can look at the racial bigotry involved. Sharpton made a big leap and the MSM ran with it. Even people on ATS did the same.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:57 PM
Al Sharpton makes his living by keeping his name in the media and protesting non-issues like this. Its been a while since we have had to see his ugly mug on TV. He needs donations.

If you saw something racist about this cartoon then you should look at the person in the mirror because it is you that automatically associated a chimp with Obama.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:09 PM
The one thing that is striking about this is the very people that are screaming racism are the ones who are actually identifying themselves and Obama as the monkey in this cartoon. No one else is... It's the black people that see Obama as the monkey in this cartoon... It would be funny if it weren't so absurd...

The real way to deal with this is to take it for what it was. You don't associate Obama with a monkey in a cartoon unless you really see him as a monkey.

Personally, I don't see the resemblance.... I guess some of the "black leaders" in this country do? I would say the real baboons or monkies if you will are the ones screaming racism from the roof tops....

It really is getting old. Do they really think we care about this? Issues like this may have been fashionable before the crash but now they are liable to get these race baiters put in the hurt locker...

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:12 PM
Thank you all for your on target and insightful observations. That is what I was looking for, not more of the same stuff being spewed on the other sites/threads about this Cartoon. I thought the comment on what a political cartoonist job is to do was very ON POINT and that is why I want to add this to my post so everyone will see what and how I came to it and why I can not for the life of me see how anyone can see it differently.

I heard about the Cartoon and several friends told me to look at it and see what I thought, I turned that down for a few days figuring it was not worth the time or effort, and quite frankly with all the coverage I figured it was probably close to racist because it was being portrayed as such. Then I looked at it and here is what I saw and thought immediately...

Chimp being shot, this is obviously about the chimp story that attacked the woman's friend and they had to put the Chimp down for the attack. So the Police are putting down something dangerous to Society, a person in our society was attacked. Then I noticed the words and particularly the word WROTE in the caption. Speaking of course about shooting the next chimp that writes a stimulus bill so harmful to Americans. I took chimp/monkey to mean those 535 scumbags in D.C. and didn't think it was fair to the chimps or monkeys to equate them to legislators. But other than that it made instant and perfect sense to me...

The police should protect us from things that harm us, like that chimp attack or attacks from Washington. I liked it, I thought it was cleverly done and on point with most Americans point of view about the Stimulus plan.

So thanks for your responses and I am glad to see that the ATS community still has many thinkers. Now if we could just educate the rest of the American Idol watching public to THINK...

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:15 PM


posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:17 PM
I agree. It was blown way out of proportion. The first thing I thought when this whole controversy started was that the president doesn't write legislation.

Like mentioned above, Sharpton and others like him need to fuel this kind of thing to keep themselves relevant.

I see black comedians make fun of white people all the time. No big deal. That's allowed. Chris Rock gets an HBO show to do it on, and guess what...I'm white and I laugh because he's funny. I don't sit there thinking of how I'm going to organize my next protest at his next show. Would it have been distasteful to portray the president as a dead monkey, well I would say yes but c'mon now. It's all I saw on the news for 2 days. A stupid cartoon...geez.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:30 PM
I will take issue with your post theindependentjournal. You are trying to explain something using LOGIC, REASON, and INTELLIGENCE. You are speaking the truth which is something any moron with a 6th grade education should know, but it doesn't matter!!

You can't do that. You need to whip yourself into an irrational and emotional frenzy and then argue nonsensically.

Here is some background on the king himself and perhaps this sheds light on why he is doing what he is doing:

NY Post v. Al Sharpton


posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:31 PM
Maybe if you guys took some cultural sensitivity training, or looked at the history of racism, then perhaps you can understand why so many ppl are offended by the image. This happened before with Japan, and needless to say, black (and many white, yellow, red and others too) Americans are often offended when their leaders are juxtaposed with old racist stereotypes.

It's just a cartoon yes, but to see it as only that is to be ignorant of the offense it harbors.

And I thought the motto was deny ignorance. yeah.

P.S: Sure the artist had a right to post it, but the protesters have the same right to bash it, no?

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:37 PM
The only reason this cartoon received national attention was that the corporate media needed something to distract the American people from the fact that Congress voted for $300 billion in pork spending that the majority of their constituents didn't want and Congress didn't even read.

There was no good way to sugarcoat that, so just ignore it and move on to a racism story.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:37 PM
I was just reading a story on how Al extorts corporate America if they don't give him cash. I think it's time we start boycotting black owned establishments until they tell Al to shut up and go away.

Now you may say it's not their fault but it's just like condoning terrorism through silence.

I think Al is a terrorist and I think Corporate America are a bunch of wimps. I think just one guy publicly telling Al to shut the hell up would do an extreme amount of good.

Here's a good read on this baboon...

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

"Schoolhouse" ROCKS!

For nearly 18 months during the campaign for the presidential election we heard the rhetoric from Obama and "his" plan to socialize America. His plan was written into this "screwus" bill. As I recall, the Obama plan amounted to $800B.

About the only provision of the original Obama plan that was not incorporated into the bill that was passed, is the National Security Force. This provision was disguised, not so cleverly, as a $5B sum targeted to ACORN.

From the campaign rhetoric, "people" considered the plan as coming from Obama, so anything negative stated against the plan, is a direct association
to him.

When the bill was passed, I recall a clip in which Obama quipped..."It isn't
like I was itchin to sign a $800B dollar bill once I got into office.

The mistake made is that "they" figure, when it comes to campaign rhetoric, people do not listen. Sometimes they do, and sometimes, they hear just what they want to hear.

Remember? "now we got Obama!"

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Anonymous ATS
Maybe if you guys took some cultural sensitivity training, or looked at the history of racism, then perhaps you can understand why so many ppl are offended by the image. This happened before with Japan, and needless to say, black (and many white, yellow, red and others too) Americans are often offended when their leaders are juxtaposed with old racist stereotypes.

It's just a cartoon yes, but to see it as only that is to be ignorant of the offense it harbors.

And I thought the motto was deny ignorance. yeah.

P.S: Sure the artist had a right to post it, but the protesters have the same right to bash it, no?

You state that Americans are often offended when their leaders are juxtaposed with old racist stereotypes. I did not see in the cartoon where it labeled the chimp as Obama so it was in your own mind that the chimp was labeled Obama. Ask yourself why is that?

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 03:55 PM
reply to post by theindependentjournal

Sorry, can't let you off without pointing to the fact that several weeks before this, FOX News headline story was about people trying to get the "racoons" out of the White House...and now the cable "chatter" devolves to shooting "chimps" on the capital lawn. How does any of that rise to the level of commercial or newspaper journalism?

Maybe there's more to it than harmless racial stereotyping in a comedy club. And there was nothing partularly funny about either topic.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 04:00 PM
It might have been blown out of proportion, but it was definitely racist. The two things weren't even closely related. C'mon, the chimp attack and killing the chimp by gun is somehow like the stimulus package? What?!! The only people who see the logic there are the very racists who were entertained by it because it was racist. They want to see more of that stuff but they know they won't if it's seen for what it really was. So just deny it's racist.

And that newspaper editor was total idiot if he saw that cartoon and it actually never occurred to him that it might be seen as racist. What a complete moron.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 04:11 PM

Originally posted by northof8
I was just reading a story on how Al extorts corporate America if they don't give him cash. I think it's time we start boycotting black owned establishments until they tell Al to shut up and go away.

Now you may say it's not their fault but it's just like condoning terrorism through silence.

I think Al is a terrorist and I think Corporate America are a bunch of wimps. I think just one guy publicly telling Al to shut the hell up would do an extreme amount of good.

Here's a good read on this baboon...

Wow, uh.. "Baboon"? that is kinda racist man. In fact, I think a lot of people here on ATS are racist. A lot of you let loose here. how do I know? Because I sit back and read some of the blatant bigotry you spew out on any given day. Real class acts some of you are.

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