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aftermath of reporting a sighting

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posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 08:45 AM
A old friend and her mom were driving home from cheerleading practice of all things many years ago in Ohio, and saw a UFO landed in a forest clearing on the side of the road. They reported the sighting to the police and were later visited by a couple of federal agents -- which agency they said they were from my friend does not recall. The agents were very polite and made a point not to dispute what my friend and her mom saw, but simply requested that they tell no one in order to keep the story out of the papers and as quiet as possible.

Has anyone else here had reported a sighting and been visited by so-called MIBs? What was your experience of this? If not your own sighting, have you heard about others who've had this experience?

I'm writing a grad. school paper about the whole phenomenon and am very interested to hear additional stories. Any contributions greatly appreciated and feel free to U2U.

thank you.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:32 AM
reply to post by desklamp3

I didn't report my sighting
. To me it was a very personal thing and it's something I hope will happen again.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 09:52 AM
reply to post by desklamp3

I haven't reported mine as well.
If a guy in a black suit shows up at my door he is not going to be welcome and I have no plans of co-operating.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:01 AM

I understand it being a personal thing so reporting it was not a consideration. I gather your sighting was not traumatic as you'd like it to happen again? Is it something that you think about daily or do you think about it less as time passes? I take it you've been able to 'integrate it into your life? Can you give me some details of the sighting?


I take it you don't trust the guys in black
So it wasn't a consideration to report it? Questions as above -- is it on your mind every day, has it faded, etc? and would like to hear more about the sighting as well.

Thank you both and feel free to U2U.

-- Bob

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:05 AM
I reported a sighting along with numerous other witnesses and not even to local authorities, but on a few forums. Had a member who even used my one of my three photos on his own personal site, and i got some crazy replies where then i made "the" decision to change my user name and keep my experience/s personal and share to those who i trust or care.

We don't really need "MIB's" to harass or criticize those whom experienced the unknown beyond embarrassment. I will never give up on getting to the truth, i know and believe what i have seen/experienced.

If i lived in the U.S. then NO i would not inform the authorities to be honest.

[edit on 2/23/2009 by qonone]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:20 AM
reply to post by desklamp3

Unfortunately I didn't take any photos.. I wasn't exactly expecting to see a UFO lol. I actually saw it last year while at the beach with some friends and family. I do think about the experience a lot and no it wasn't necessarily a good one, i'd be more than happy to U2U you the story.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:21 AM

Originally posted by qonone
We don't really need "MIB's" to harass or criticize those whom experienced the unknown beyond embarrassment. I will never give up on getting to the truth, i know and believe what i have seen/experienced.

If i lived in the U.S. then NO i would not inform the authorities to be honest.

Loud and clear qonone.

I Had a member who even used my one of my three photos on his own personal site, and i got some crazy replies where then i made "the" decision to change my user name and keep my experience/s personal and share to those who i trust or care.

By crazy replies, you mean bashing/ridicule? Can you pass me a link to the picture?


posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Wethesheeple

Wethesheepie --

Just sent you a U2U.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 11:27 AM
reply to post by desklamp3

Here is my original link on ATS.

I am on the laptop now but when i am at home later i will grab the photos from my desktop and post it for you.

I don't care about what people think or say about this anymore, not one bit. As you shall see in my 2005 original i totally distanced myself from my thread, reasons which i just won't and don't want to mention. No, i never was threatened... but in a way it would have been better

Many think when a person is a "white" S.African that they are dealing with a dumb racist, so it was better to stay offline on certain forums.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 11:29 AM
reply to post by desklamp3

My friend and i saw something while camping on an island.
It just stayed in one place and we noticed that.Then it came towards us overhead.It was very high up but we could see it was not any kind of plane or aircraft.The way it moved freaked us out.What scared us was how scared the other person was as we are usually not the type to be scared of too much.
Since that day we have been using vid cams and we have gone out all nite a few times to try and get it on film.
After seeing Zorgons post about using nightvision,I went out and bought one for my cam.

The best sighting I saw was on one of those nights where my buddy had the camera and I was out at band practice.
It was only about 3 seconds long.It was a 2 circles to me.It was black like a black ring on the outside and it was red in the middle.
The red light didn't give off was like flat and didn't give off light if that makes sense.
It was a red light but it had no brightness to it.Its really hard to explain.
That one was about 100 feet up and it just zig zagged and dissappeared.

As for a guy in a black suit...I don't trust anybody in a suit.

[edit on 23-2-2009 by DrumsRfun]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 11:31 AM
Very much looking forward to your upcoming post.

Meantime, I'll check out the original link. Sounds like you had to put up w/a lot of nonsense and worse.


EDIT: Have read the original link and am hyper-interested to see the pics as their links no longer work from that thread. Have some ?s, but will hold back till you post.

Originally posted by qonone
reply to post by desklamp3

Here is my original link on ATS.

I am on the laptop now but when i am at home later i will grab the photos from my desktop and post it for you.

I don't care about what people think or say about this anymore, not one bit. As you shall see in my 2005 original i totally distanced myself from my thread, reasons which i just won't and don't want to mention. No, i never was threatened... but in a way it would have been better

Many think when a person is a "white" S.African that they are dealing with a dumb racist, so it was better to stay offline on certain forums.

[edit on 23-2-2009 by desklamp3]

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 12:02 PM
Here you go desklamp3, with love from South Africa

It was huge, and i have heard it all, every possible "debunk theory". Myself and numerous people witnessed this. It was not balloons, flares, lanterns, CGI or the 20 other theories. I must say this again it was silent, it was ominously silent. I cannot say it was an alien craft or if it was me it stays a UFO. And though it was five lights it appeared as if they were of one object. Sorry the only way i can explain it.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:23 PM
Wow, interesting picture. We're you able to get any sense of the object (shape, etc.) outside of the lights?

Am very interested in how you felt at the time and in the days after experiencing this -- I"ll send you a U2U if you'd prefer to reply that way.

Thanks for sharing this.

BTW, have been enjoying a lot of S. African wine of late. De Trafford makes great stuff.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by desklamp3

It was exiting, in honesty truly amazing. It came from the west passing straight over us towards the east. Myself and neighbours who informed me as they were outside that Friday night having a braai (barbeque) were stunned to silence.

I ran for my phone and took photos as it went over slowly. Others took photos, my nephew being a good 10 minutes away from my place took photos.

I can honestly vouch that the following Monday that Waterkloof AFB in Pretoria had more than unusual activity. I had people telling me, them not knowing what i saw and how strange things at the AFB were that week. Two people confirmed they had to close their shop (at that time a liquor and mini market based on the AFB) WITH DIRECT ORDERS.

Pretoria citizens confirmed military presence out of the norm, military helicopters, military vehicles etc. I have more to say but whatever i can say will be scrubbed off.

And then to top it off one of Johannesburg's biggest Radio station 94.7 (Highveld Stereo) made a "statement" on Monday and the Tuesday that on that previous Friday there were "helicopters" doing "whatever" and 100's of witnesses had mistaken it for a UFO or UFO's.

The size of that was the size of a couple of Boeing Air Busses, not one Airbus nor the ludicrous 5 choppers story that flew in silence and kept perfect distance.

After all some of us got together and we all agreed that the silence of that "UFO" was eerie and creepy. If it was man who flew a mother of a plane, then that plane was/is made to attack in unexpected situations, and if it was greys, they'd better hypnotize me with those big eyes before i bash their head in.


[edit on 2/23/2009 by qonone]

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