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If Nibiru were really coming, it would be visible by now

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 11:39 PM
Ok so look Nibiru is usually said to be a brown dwarf. First of all, where did this idea of Nibiru even come from. I dont believe NASA ever said there was something coming our way so what makes you think that there is? Second, a brown dward is said to be about the size of Jupiter. If this thing were to go through our solar system in 2012, wed easily be able to see it by now.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:06 AM
Not to lend credence to the theory nor disparage it either, but it would really all depend on the approach vector, velocity, internal luminosity, how well it reflects Sol's light and how large of a gravity well it produces.

There has been a post about a very bright object in the infrared spectrum that produces little to no visible light. One other thing to consider is that object will be closer than when it is visible to the naked eye.

For example, Pluto is roughly 100 light-hours away. If there was a bright enough flash on Pluto, it would take 100 hours for us to actually see it. And Pluto would have moved some distance from that exact point when did see it. Likewise if Sol went supernova, we would not see it for 8 minutes, provided of course the gamma burst didn't fry us before we saw it.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:08 AM
Ah yes, the Annunaki's home planet .. The timeline keeps being pushed back more and more , i doubt there is such a planet in our solar system

Heres a quote from -

There are those who believe that the Anunnaki of Nibiru are coming back to Earth soon. They believe that Planet X is going to pass by Earth, in May or June of 2003, on its 3,600 year orbit around our sun. Such believers are terrified of the consequences that a close pass by Nibiru might bring. They fear this will cause earthquakes, tidal waves, severe flooding, food shortages due to climatic conditions, diseases, meteor fire storms, volcanic eruptions and the like. They are afraid that it will result in a great catastrophic infliction of loss of life on Earth

I do believe we would be able to see it by now.

Good post , star and flag.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:15 AM
The whole nabiri ia a joke,
But the Lion of the tribe of Juda is coming with a Bang, repent a be ready!

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:24 AM
The essense is based on some actual theories about our solar system. For at least a good chunk of the previous century, many scientists have speculated that there is a large planet (planet X) on the outer reaches of our solar system.

The idea of it being a brown dwarf seems to stem from the fact that generally this planet X has been theorized to be about the size of Jupiter AND that when we've started seeing the other solar systems many other stars do appear to have a brown dwarf companion.

That is where is started. A few people probably taking something that is an actual possibility (our star has a darker companion star or large outer planet) and running wild with it.

Just because the people adding myth and crappola on top of it are all over the 'net, doesn't mean that there isn't possibly an actual planet or dark companion beyond the Kuiper Belt.

I find it unlikely that such a companion would be on such an erratic and elongated course as the mythology spinners are using to try and prove out their myths.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by nasacarl
Ah yes, the Annunaki's home planet .. The timeline keeps being pushed back more and more , i doubt there is such a planet in our solar system

I do believe we would be able to see it by now.

I noticed that was written before 2003. Have you seen the site?

What do you think of the pics coming from the south pole telescope? Do you believe they're authentic? I believe minimumly, that Marshel Masters is sincere to a self threatening level by the ptb..

I believe that something is definitely in the mix. Wheather it is Nibaru or not I don't know for sure. However it dosn't take a rocket scientist to see that major problems are coming upon the race from all directions. It has to culminate somewhere doesn't it?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:32 AM
Those pictures from the south pole were a hoax ... the 2nd video he uploaded even told us :

T H I S --- (20)(8)(9)(19)
I S ---------(9)(19)
A -----------(1)
H O A X---(8)(15)(1)(24)

I just don't think it helps to come to conclusions with no knowledge or facts. Most of this belief is based off a story , and never let the truth get in the way of a good yarn seems to be the moral.

[edit on 22-2-2009 by nasacarl]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:48 AM
I hear what you're saying about the hoax thing; however he feels has more to go on though.. It would not surprise me one way or the other..

I believe the current state of the world needs tending to; and that this, "tending" to is going to occur one way or another..


[edit on 22-2-2009 by noconsequence]

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 01:58 AM
Well it's a living planet right? what vital thing does all life need? power.

This leads me to the wild conclusion that it is in fact covered in a bacteria which absorbs 100% of the light which hits the surface -thus it is black against black, perfectly hidden. This bacteria feeds it's energy into the soil where a complex system of underground life (hollow nibiru theory) uses it with near perfect efficency, however as it reaches the hot zone near the sun the high energy causes the layer to burn away revealing the golden surface which transmits the heat to the core of the planet and stores it in compex plant and animal life which wake up to full potential for the brief time it sweeps through the warm zone before the bacteria which was safe in the center of the planet recovers it and hides it again.

thus 'heaven' will reappear as a golden city in the sky, the great beings which inhabit it may fly to earth as they pass to nuke some citys and rape some women, etc (as in the angels of soddom and gomora,the nephilm) before ascending to 'heaven' again to prepare for the long trip into deep space when they shut down phsical functions and exist only in the realm of thought (hence the holy trinity) or as they promised last time they're going to come back riding a pale horse to kill us all.

Then again, it would make more sense if nibiru isn't coming at all - it's possible that it is, but almost impossible that we would know about it if it was, myths and psudo-legends aren't the best source of info on what the future will hold. I will be very shocked it it happens, hehe but i'll tell everyone i predicted it too

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 06:20 AM
reply to post by NatureBoy

"This leads me to the wild conclusion that it is in fact covered in a bacteria which absorbs 100% of the light which hits the surface -thus it is black against black, perfectly hidden. This bacteria feeds it's energy into the soil where a complex system of underground life (hollow nibiru theory) uses it with near perfect efficency"


Sounds like you just read "Starmaker" by Olaf Stapldon. I think he has some similar worlds described in his book.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by NatureBoy
Well it's a living planet right? what vital thing does all life need? power.

This leads me to the wild conclusion that it is in fact covered in a bacteria which absorbs 100% of the light which hits the surface -thus it is black against black, perfectly hidden.

Hidden or not, any star, celestial body etc, does give of radiation, especially in the case of a brown dwarf. Thats how astronomers pin point locations the few brown dwarf stars they have already found.

Also brown dwarfs are spotted using the infra red spectrum, but its hard to locate them with this way alone

So regardless of wether its hidden by "bacteria" or whatever other outrageous theory, if its close enough to us, it will be seen

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:33 PM

as they promised last time they're going to come back riding a pale horse to kill us all.

Where does it say this?

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:45 PM
It would not be visible from Earth if this Nibiru is approaching on the opposite side of the Sun, and is traveling at a rate where it will continue to approach from the far side of the Sun until it gets closer, where the eliptic orbit that it travels would in fact make it travel faster as it approaches the gravity pull of the Sun, at that point, would move from behind the Sun and then be visible.

Celestrial mechanics is quite fascinating..and quite revealing.


posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 12:47 PM
reply to post by RFBurns

Wait a sec....

Considering we are orbiting the sun, the only way Nibiru wouldnt be visible, is if it were also orbiting the sun, and orbiting the sun at the same rate as the Earth

And that doesnt even seem possible

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:03 PM
The 'pale horse called death' is from the bible, i was suggesting that the myths of the nibulites got mixed in with the control mechanisms of judao-christian tradition and pauls rev. was just a retelling of the nibiruians promised slaughter.

No i never read olafs book, i doubt i would bother because as i was pointing out in my post we're talking about things we KNOW NOTHING ABOUT! We can speculate all day long, some wild bacteria COULD have powers we don't understand at all -it could be possible that by absorbing all EM radiation (not just visible light, but infrared, gamma, etc too) plus harmonateing with the 16th dimensional flux of super-reverse dry-aqua hyperpurbulation on the sixth and eight faze so that our rubbish near earth based instruments can't detect it at all.

However this has taken a step beyond what is likely, or known to be possible and into the realm of what #might# be possible. Anytihng might be possible, while i admire the great imagination of HG Wells, AC Clarke, etc in creating vivid and lively fantasy worlds as an act of fiction i don't like it when people try and convince me they KNOW the future, it's unknowable just accept it. Olaf may have stumbled across some things which really exist in the universe, his wild guesswork (i'm guessing never having heard of him before) may turn out to be spot on one day, however at this time we don't know, he doesn't know, no one knows -Pretending you have the only right answer is foolish, it shouldn't be done by religion. science or crackpot conspiracy theorists.

Oh and Oz, we've been to space now and seen the back of the sun -sterioA and B is the latest version of this, two sats either side of the sun so we can know what's going on behind it. We're not missing any big planets in our solar system (unless they're invisible)

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by NatureBoy
Oh and Oz, we've been to space now and seen the back of the sun -sterioA and B is the latest version of this, two sats either side of the sun so we can know what's going on behind it. We're not missing any big planets in our solar system (unless they're invisible)


Thanks for proving my point

Nibiru does not exist

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 02:27 PM
Is Nibaru were as close as people claim it is, we'd be feeling the gravitational effects right now as well.

While I don't doubt that it is possible for a celestial body to screw up the earth's ecosystem just by passing by, I think we would've noticed something as large as Nibaru in one way or another.

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 04:50 PM
reply to post by OzWeatherman

wow, that was kinda childish, i had the good grace to agree with you on most points but yet you tottaly ignored my entire post until you got to the bit where i tentatively confirmed that no planets hide behind the sun.

I don't suppose you like thinking about the point i'm making, WE DON'T KNOW! You can't say it certainly doesn't exist any more than the other nutjobs can say it CERTAINLY does exist, I provided an entirely possible rational example of how a stealth planet could still be hidden from us but yet you choose to ignore that, why? don't you think your argument would be better if you accepted that it #might# exist but probably doesn't?

I don't believe a new planet will enter our solar system in 2012 any more than i believe in bertrand russles china tea pot, however both #could# be true. If you aren't willing to consider all the possible aspects then you're just debunking for debunking sake which is just as bad as believing for belief sake.

Just as much read science gets swept under the carpet by close minded scientists as psudo-science gets printed on the internet. A classic example happened when a certain US Airforce man visited the UK during the War, the conversation went something along the lines of 'crackpots keep on at me to waste money in these silly jet plains, i just can't get them to accept they will never work.' to witch the RAF man replied, 'gosh, well how about you come and watch some test flights of our jets?' hehe to witch the slackjawed yank no doubt replied 'oh.'

So yes nibiru probably doesn't exist, but it might and we #might# have seen them before and our old tales might have some truth, it would be a massively unlikely event but then the world is made of unlikely events.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 04:21 AM

Originally posted by NatureBoy
reply to post by OzWeatherman

wow, that was kinda childish, i had the good grace to agree with you on most points but yet you tottaly ignored my entire post until you got to the bit where i tentatively confirmed that no planets hide behind the sun.

Sorry, I read that back to myself, I never intended it to come out like that..

But still, I cant believe in planet Nibiru, due to several facts, including Sitchin's misinterpretations, the fact that it has failed to appear on at least three occasions that were prophecised in the past, and also due to the lack of scientific data and credibility that actually support (or dont support) the theory

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