posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:52 PM
I posted a artical not that long about about obama's administration using the secrecy act to hide activites conducted by the bush administration that
artical, is not the same as this one this is another use of the National Security Act, hiding Activities that george bush and others did why in
National Insecurity
For all you obama supporters I would like to make you aware that clinton did the same thing as bush and now bush is being covered up by obama's
2 lies by my count so far have taken place with obama first he ran on the idea he would over turn bush's executive orders. Secondly he ran on the
fact once elected into office he would conduct a investigation of bush's activities into the cia leaks and other things inside the white house on the
past 8 years.
Neither one have taken place.
Thats my 2 cents for now.