Originally posted by Kandinsky
There seems to me a far simpler way of killing a population or depopulating it.
I'd send as many troops overseas as possible. I'd send my wife and kid on holiday. I'd advise friends and family to take a vacation. I'd then
instruct my fellow conspirators to poison the water supply with polonium or something similar that is tasteless and scentless. If major cities were
affected in one day mortality would rocket. It would happen too fast for the cause to be found immediately and water would continue to be used.
After less than a week, I'd call the troops back to restore order and clean up. A suitable overseas culprit would be implicated in the 'attack' on
our nation to avoid questions.
There are probably simpler ways than all these biological weapons, chemtrails and false flag incidents. You never know, but I just don't agree with
the FEMA coffins, depopulation myths. It's easy to imagine such a dark world but you guys don't have to live in it.
I sure do believe it.
Your plan has probably been considered and used to the greatest degree possible (ie the flouride is routinely dumped in the water now, which is toxic
waste, brings the IQ down at least 20 points, and shortens lives, horrible stuff.) The pelonium, don't know what that is, but I think they are
already poisoning the water as much as they think they can get away with. Many people drink bottled water, avoid tap water anyway, which is smart. Or
they have filters.
What is pelonium?
The people who are getting ready for the Big Kill want to be sure it looks "natural" -- the chemtrails are wearing down all our immune systems. Read
up online on the effects of barium salts to the human body, very toxic, hard on the heart, also makes people complacent and dumbed down as does the
fluoride. Maybe that's why people are sitting back in a stupor while the offshore banksters steal all our money, pass gun control legislation that
puts everybody on a "no gun" list, and allows the police state to push us around like dogs every day. We're all sick from the chemicals being put
in the air and water DELIBERATELY right now. The don't need pelonium. They've already got fluoride and the stuff in the chemtrails.
Further, chlorine reacts with the green matter in the water, the leaves and such that fall into the water, to form compounds which are deadly toxic,
unbelievably toxic, far worse than chlorine, which isn't that harmful, except when it reacts with the leaf matter. Check out Mercola link on this.
articles.mercola.com..." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>
When you shower
you absorb even more of the chemicals, the DBPs formed by trihalomethanes (THMs)
and haloacetic acids (HAAs). Deadly, and you absorb even more in the shower than when you drink the water. Municipal water is also full of all kinds
of pharmaceuticals too.
They already are soft-killing us with bad water, and the GM foods are making us sick too. Check out barium salts used in the chemtrails, see how toxic
that is.
Americans are sickly, stupified, dumbed down, hypnotized by TV.
We are all in so much trouble.