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Hillary says to China "You SO own America, Dude" or something like that.

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posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 12:50 PM
reply to post by Mynaeris

Mynaeris, if my government defaults, and it leads to foreclosure ...does that mean I'll be kicked out of my own country? Where would I live?

I could be totally wrong, but I think that the Chinese must see us as the hungry ghost that can't ever be filled (addicted to filling physical desires). That's good for their business, but do the Chinese want to see themselves as turning into a hungry ghost?

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:48 PM
reply to post by desert

desert: When the Chinese foreclose on our country we will all try and move into Canada. Americans won't want to travel too far and probably we will all want to live in the English speaking region of Canda, we hate to learn new languages.

I am pretty surprised that so few people are responding to this rather strong wake up call I have posted in this thread. When a superpower says to a mjor human rights violator that we really don't want to speak to you about this, we want to just discuss finances it's never a good thing. A fair anaolgy would be you going to speak to the bank manager who holds your mortgage and say "don't worry about me being p***d at you sleeping with my wife, but do you promise not to foreclose on my house"?

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris

( For those who object to the heading of this thread - I was just translating from Diplomatese into English)

The government always tries to come across in the best light possible with their citizens. So when the Secretary of State starts speaking about Human Rights not being as important as keeping a "healthy" relationship with a known human rights violator, then you know America is in deep doodies. And from the Chinese Foreign Minister's statement he quite opaquely responds that China is aware of the fact.

Yes - absolutely - we need it translated. It's like doctor speak - lawyer speak -
It's not for us to really know ---

I think you were doing a bit of what they do here.
This is where I get some of my "news" translated.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by desert
reply to post by Mynaeris

I could be totally wrong, but I think that the Chinese must see us as the hungry ghost that can't ever be filled (addicted to filling physical desires). That's good for their business, but do the Chinese want to see themselves as turning into a hungry ghost?

We are seeing the magicians oldest trick. Look at this hand while I transfer all your wealth and jobs. They do not need our consumerism except to build a country full of slave labor in China. The Chines can be controlled.

Once we are fleeced completely we will not have any leverage as a people. Too many of my fellow countrymen have the mindset of "if they cant sell to us then who do they sell to"

It doesn't work that way. They are using our wealth to propel the machine of the Chinese and Indian consumer. We will not be needed when nearly half of the worlds population become the ultimate mindless consumers. Those consumers will be obedient and easily controllable.

If you ran the entire show who would you think will have more buying power in the future? One third of a billion people or 3 billion people that can be satisfied with minimal comforts? Abusive human rights and the ability to pollute all they want. No labor laws to speak of, its like heaven for those greedy bastards.

Start looking at both hands of the magician before you are duped. Wake up before you are standing in the cold without any wool to cover your sheeple butts. They are fleecing us right now.

Edit to add: desert I was not referring to you as a sheep. Just so you are clear on that. You seem awake to me.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by LoneGunMan]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:12 PM
Ever since Bill Clinton was kissing China's butt back in the day, I always knew that it would come back to bite us in the future. When I was younger, I remember asking people about American flags that said "made in China", and what was wrong with that picture. I either just got shrugs because they didn't know and didn't care, or they would laugh saying it was made in the sweatshops for a penny each, but are selling them for a good profit! I always thought the flag should be made here, and they should be free but I guess not. But anyway, the Clintons obviously have a continuing history of adding tongue with their ass kissing of China and we are I guess expected to accept that. Don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not.

China knew America's politicians weaknesses are money, greed, power and knew they would sell their own soul for more of it, and would definitely betray the people they were elected to represent easily. China didn't have to do much of anything, we did this to ourselves. The arrogance Americans have achieved became our downfall. We got too comfortable, we used to live in reality, but now we get our "reality" from reality shows. We are so caught up in celebrities lives and care more about what an actress is wearing at an awards show than about our own priorities. I've even been seeing men and women in their 20's have more pills than my grandma had to take more often, so they are drugging us up.

People are becoming more and more uneducated, and this even includes the ones that are in college! And the universities are lowering the standards just so that these people can have a chance to get through without having to do any work. You see it on Leno when he does his Jay walking thing. I used to think people acted that way, but no, as I have realized over the years that people really are that clueless. Ask them why we celebrate on the 4th of July, they say fireworks day. I even heard a few people say cinco de mayo! It's pathetic. Ask them who won on Idol or big brother, or whatever else that is on, and they could tell you in detail what happened and who is from where. I sometimes get the feeling that we have actually been sold to another country, probably China, and they are just slowly breaking the news to us. If that hasn't happened, then we need to prevent that. I hope we all wake up to everything that is going on before it's too late.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:30 PM
reply to post by itinerantseeker

You raise a few very good points there.

I want to play devil's advocate here. If for some reason or other through manipulation from say the Chinese government - they sell off our debt or something and the American currency collapses.

And let's throw in some biblical prophecy of a day's work will pay for a loaf of bread? Is it possible that America might become the new sweatshops of the world. Making cheap trinkets and working 18 hour a day for a dollar to feed their families? That would be terribly ironic and tragic. Definitely not realistic but I am sure as hell not sewing Levi jeans for the NWO!

Remember the Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times". WELL they are helping you live in "interesting times". However we must not make the Chinese the villains - it was our administrations that sold us to them, and our passivity that allowed them to.

I am not suggesting a revolution, but the rest of the western world seems to have the will to say to their governments "NO we won't!" The irony of the statement in the light of Obama's "Yes we can" hasn't escaped me. He has already shown that he and his team believe in "Yes they can".

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris

And let's throw in some biblical prophecy of a day's work will pay for a loaf of bread? Is it possible that America might become the new sweatshops of the world. Making cheap trinkets and working 18 hour a day for a dollar to feed their families? That would be terribly ironic and tragic. Definitely not realistic but I am sure as hell not sewing Levi jeans for the NWO!

Remember the Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times". WELL they are helping you live in them.

Gee I wish you had not said all that. It has been my fear you just put into words even down to the Chinese curse. Hmmm I am a little shaken to hear another person say this. As Bond would say "Shaken not stirred"

Damn it.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by LoneGunMan
Edit to add: desert I was not referring to you as a sheep. Just so you are clear on that. You seem awake to me.

Thank you, LGM. Being "awake" too long in the physical sense can cause one to hallucinate, but OTOH being "awake" in the non-physical sense causes others to think you're hallucinating
Either way is quite disconcerting, but the latter awake is much preferable!

To all those who are awake, never, never fall asleep, for your purpose is to stay awake, standing guard, so that others who are asleep might live.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:39 PM
For the record, I despise American Idol and I think that illegal caucasian immigrants are just as much a problem as non-caucasian illegal immigrants.

But down to business,
"Human rights cannot interfere with the global economic crisis, the global climate change crisis and the security crises," Clinton said in talks with China's foreign minister."

Translation- The most important thing right now is making the world a better place, and keeping the world (both physically and economically) healthy. Because when people don't have money, people don't have houses or food. And that is very important, and our own little disputes over morality or technology advancement or cultural divergence should be going in the same direction as the improvements that the world needs, not against them.

Kind of like saying "We're all going to die and the world will crumble if we don't... eat strawberries" and then suddenly someone says "humans don't have the right to eat strawberries."

I don't know where you get your stars...

I speaky Clinton. Do you speaky Clinton?
Clinton speaky like Obama speaky and I understand it because I can read English.

[edit on 2/21/2009 by ravenshadow13]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

Maybe I got my stars from (1) being respectful to others, (2) spending time working as a diplomat at the UN and understanding diplomatic double speak and (3) thinking about the ramifications of decisions that leaders make on the lives of people who have no control over their very persons. It is easy to say we will worry about human rights when we have another TV, a new car, a vacation in the Bahamas. But true values come not only when it is convenient for you , but at all times.

You like speaking about people being anti-semitic. Would you want America to say well we will worry about the holocaust in Nazi Germany when things are going great at home? Or would you consider human rights to be vital at all points in a humane society? Human rights are essentials not "nice to haves".

I don't speak High School. If you are rude to me again I will let the mods know.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by Mynaeris]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:40 PM

Originally posted by Mynaeris
reply to post by desert

...When the Chinese foreclose on our country we will all try and move into Canada. ...

I am pretty surprised that so few people are responding to this rather strong wake up call I have posted in this thread.

Canada! Good Lord, my grandparents moved themselves and my mother to the USA from Canada...they all surely would be at least rolling their eyes in their graves
Where do I get my underground train ticket to BC?

I remember a few years ago purchasing a world map for my kids, a map drawn truly to scale, a map not showing the USA out of its true proportion to the rest of the world (I guess world maps, like history, are drawn by the victors).

I love my country, but I realize how little my fellow citizens in general are aware of the rest of the world. Since WW2 Americans have tended to view the world, not as round, but as the food pyramid, with the USA on top.
It is as if America suffered a severe neck injury from that war, leaving its citizens with the full ability to look eastward, westward, north or south. To many, perhaps out of fear of not being in control, the US must remain in the dominant position, sending corporate/military missionaries out into the world. Boy, are they missing out

Anyway...thus I am not surprised of the dearth of replies. We must make our collective heads more flexible if we're going to survive as we would like. We must open our ears to hear other voices in the world, voices we must not dismiss as having less to say.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:52 PM
well, does anyone not know that the US is owned by China? Old story.
And the US doesn't even think to pay back even the interest!
So, basically most Americans live on Chinese soil!!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by ravenshadow13

I have never read such babble in my life. That was some of the most disconnected garbage I have seen in a while.

Humans rights and moral value means everything.

Damn you sound like a typical disrespectful American child.

I think the OP got so many stars because the OP is right on the money baby!

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:05 PM
reply to post by Mynaeris

As unrealistic as you say it is for us to work in the sweatshop environment, it can be possible and if you think about it, it's already that way though unofficially in some jobs. The last warehouse job I had was "flexible" hours but turned out it was flexible for them. They would make us work until done. To save money they didn't hire more people, but just had the same people come in every day. There were times where we would be there for 16-19 hours. They used the "mandatory overtime" excuse to get away with this. You would think with all that overtime people would be happy come pay day, but it was still only enough to get by.

I don't have kids personally, but lot of my co-workers were single parents and they would be always having to find sitters cause they couldn't come home to their kids. But even the married ones would get affected by this, it was tearing up some marriages. Peoples lives became this pointless and endless job. I heard from longtime employees that they at least used to give out bonuses and rewarded well when it got tough, but they really went downhill and just really showed how they didn't care about their workers. I remember on one halloween, it was a light day and everyone was expected to go home either early or at eight hours for a change. Well, one of the assistant managers had decided to make everyone clean and reorganize everything as well as do a full inventory, which it all eventually being a 15 hour day. Those single parents protested, saying they don't have sitters and their kids were expecting to go trick or treating, she said well you're plans have changed and they'll just have get over it.

It is possible with the mass layoffs that the plans for "job creation" will be sweatshop type of work "because it's better than nothing". People might go for it at first, one thing we still maintained after everything is that, we don't like to be screwed with and won't put up with it. I agree China isn't the villian, and that the idiots put in charge are indeed the evil ones. It all makes me think of a line from some mafia themed movie, "it ain't personal, it's just business". That would be their response if they actually did sell us for a price. After all, we care about their best interests right? Not. I also agree with the last line of your post, but hopefully we do make them know that we aren't going to put up with it.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:17 PM
reply to post by itinerantseeker

I want to thank you for your post - you make really valid points. My remarks about sweatshops were meant to be tongue in cheek, but there is a reality about it also. If our currency does go the way of a number of others before us we will be extremely grateful for whatever work we can find. And in order to feed our children we will work under any conditions and any hours to see that they eat.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:30 PM
With $2 Trillion dollars in bonds China is the country keeping us afloat. The Japanese are technically in a depression. So they won't be lending to anyone anymore if they know whats good for them. Then, one day, we're going to wake up and see that Japan has, over night, moved a trillion out of American bonds(Which could happen at any moment). Saudi Arabia, another huge creditor to the US is falling to pieces because of crude oil shocks to their economy. What happens when they have to call in those bonds? They can't call all of them in, none of the three can. But they can sell many of them and drain the American economy of liquidity should the need arise. And it will.

China doesn't own this country. They're just one of three who do.

[edit on 21-2-2009 by projectvxn]

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by itinerantseeker

It is possible with the mass layoffs that the plans for "job creation" will be sweatshop type of work "because it's better than nothing". People might go for it at first, one thing we still maintained after everything is that, we don't like to be screwed with and won't put up with it. I agree China isn't the villian, and that the idiots put in charge are indeed the evil ones. It all makes me think of a line from some mafia themed movie, "it ain't personal, it's just business". That would be their response if they actually did sell us for a price. After all, we care about their best interests right? Not. I also agree with the last line of your post, but hopefully we do make them know that we aren't going to put up with it.

This has been the plan for a while. I get a strong feeling the economic crash was designed for quite sometime to remove our American teeth and take what we can get.

I wouldn't give them the satisfaction. I would rather go off the grid and live in the woods then to work for slave labor. In Michigan we know how to live off the land. I may starve but that would be on MY terms not some creeps that designed this up and coming hell. # em.

Most of the people of our nation let this happen. A well trained bunch of fools that can only see the flashy magicians tricks and not see the direction we were taken. Well I hear that train a coming.

We can take this nation back before its too late.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 07:59 PM
reply to post by itinerantseeker

Wow, itinerant, a testimony to the devaluation of the American worker over the years.

As this nation's politicians played lipservice to those who would vote on wedge issues of flag burning, Ten Commandments, homosexuality, abortion, and family values, they pandered to corporations who could care less about these issues as well as the dignity of the American worker, let alone a worker in a sweatshop elsewhere.
Those corporations corrupted the political process, allowing them to run roughshod over the economy, trampling workers' safety, health, and general well being, making a mockery of family values as they devalued families, literally and figuratively.

My father's warehouse job fed, clothed, and sheltered a family of seven, plus having health insurance and paying into a retirement plan. He had a profit sharing bonus along with a turkey at Christmas. He worked 40 hours a week, being home for church and every family function, with a two week vacation to spend taking his children on fun trips to the National Parks. Some pundits, politicians, and assorted personalities would now call such a worker greedy, the boss who gave out profit sharing a Godless Socialist.

A nation, no matter where its location on this planet, that can strip a worker of dignity, is devoid of values save those that turn a profit.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 08:39 PM
We do have options to this world-wide crisis. First we need to get our country back from the greedy bastards that sold it out. Then we need to prosecute the bankers that have created our mess to start with.

After all that we forgive all debt. Start from a clean slate and start over.

It begins with the Biblical Year of Jubilee, a periodic (and complete) economic overhaul of the economy as outlined in Leviticus 25-26. During the time of Jubilee (every seventh year), there is a Sabbath period of rest for land and people, and a release of persons enslaved by debt. The broader Jubilee concept in Leviticus 25 builds on the Sabbath seventh year debt release and rest cycle outlined in Deuteronomy 15 and Exodus 21:2 and 23:10-11, and culminates in a fiftieth year "super--release" for purposes of restoration of community and freedom from debt bondage. "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land, and unto the inhabitants thereof . . ." Indeed-- these words ring out today, just as they have down through the ages.

Year of Jubilee may be our only hope the problems are too deep and the solutions put forth so far are not going to work at all.

"In the Biblical view, debt is always the responsibility of creditors as well as debtors. In the ancient Near East, even pagan kings periodically cancelled debts to allow the poor a measure of respite from harsh conditions. The Biblical mandate goes much further, reordering the whole economy around the need for periodic cancellation of debt and restoration of community."

Let China eat debt. Let the world-wide banking system kiss my ass and eat debt. If not we wont even get to eat bread let alone cake.

posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 09:45 PM
reply to post by Mynaeris

No problem, you touched on a topic I've often had with others throughout the years. I've always wondered why they would increase the standard of living, but keep people working the same wages. Plus, with the job market as it is, it often makes me wonder if it is all done on purpose. Companies do mass layoffs everywhere so that it's almost impossible in some areas to find another, that maybe this is going to be the solution for the average joe, make him work in an actual sweatshop. Hopefully this isn't true and I'm just overthinking this.

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