posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 07:55 PM
i was discussing this with my friend since we sometimes discuss what's happening in the world and we reached the same conclusion, that the evolution
of the human civilization has been stalled for the past 20 or 30 years, i mean, it seems is slowing down since the discover of fire, the sumerian,
egipcian, greek, roman civilization, renaissance, the industrial revolution, the micro chip
we should be more advanced, especially in the technological area, but we dont see any big and i mean BIG improvements since the 60's or the 70s. My
question is why is that? Are the governments, Nasa, technological companies concealing their finds?
Where are the breakthrough technologies we thought we would have in the new millenium? We are almost in 2010 and i see nothing relevant.
We didnt conquer the seas (there's much to it we dont know) nor space, we are stuck in this rock and we have found zero solutions to bend time and
space, we stick to the same old energy forms, being oil the most important one and why is that? because of political and economic interests?
Nicola Tesla discovered alternate forms of energy and his studies were confiscated by the CIA and again i ask why?
NASA gets millions of dollars every year and people demand substantial news, findings, etc yet they get nothing.
So i ask all of you, do you guys think we have reached the end of our intelectual potential and we don't have anything more to invent, create or are
all new findings being taken from us by our own governments?
And with this i include all the info related to UFOS and alien agenda