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Santelli Sreaming for Sanity and ACTION!!

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posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by John Matrix

I'm all for freedom. But poverty is not freedom my friend. Poverty brings ridicule, humiliation, scorn, loss of dignity, loss of self respect, health problems, social problems, kids that grow up to be criminals, I can go on and on....and where is the FREEDOM in any of that when you are crushed and oppressed by it?

I disagree.

I have been poor all my life live among the poor, what about all this white collar crime?

MY father and grandfather were blacksmiths.

What about our tax cheating politicians?


My children are not criminals, they work, just like everyone else, who doesn't have health problems, I have friends with health insurance who go to the Dr. every time the have a pimple on their arse, I have not been to a Dr. since 1981.

Poverty brings ridicule, humiliation, scorn, loss of dignity,

Oh really, that's not my problem.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by Bringer
I'd just like to remind you that if you want to "ACT" you should contact your state reps and tell them to claim sovereignty that they should enforce the 10th amendment, if they haven't already. and if they have congratulate them on not being Vagina's and dong there duty when the Federal government go's corrupt.

This is the one of the single most important and effective things you can do as a just a joe blow American.

I already have here in Washington, and legislation is proceeding. I agree with you, it's a great idea to get on top of this now. I look forward to hearing more of what Santelli has to say.

As of this writing, the poll asking if we'd attend the Chicago Tea Party reads as follows:

192,281 participating

93% = Yes
5% = No
1.5% = Not Sure

While that's still only a fraction of our population, it is still a rather loud voice.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by bpg131313


think they will make any mention of these poll numbers on live TV?

[edit on 102828p://bFriday2009 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:22 AM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Probably not, aside from on CNBC. Gold's been above $1000 today, but is a bit under right now. DJIA is down 144 to 7321.39, and GM (that company we just can't seem to shovel enough of our tax dollars into is at 1.81 (-.19)

Santelli is right on the money with his comments. Quite a ways back in this thread I posted a link to the CNBC email site where you can leave them a message telling them how much we appreciate them letting Santelli speak his mind, and that you agree with him. If you haven't yet written to CNBC, here's where to write.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:39 AM
To the members that think we should go with the bail out, Im very sorry that the only way to fix this is to let the banks go, let all the homes forclose, and we may all have to work hard to take care of each other instead of depending on the fed. I realize this dosn't fit your mind set that it has always been the way it was and you can't make it unless you have TV,cell phones, banks, and social security. Your Wrong! We the people of the United States have made it before and we can do it together this time. Do you want your children to have to suffer and pay for this for the rest of there lives?
There may be a way to do this that would force them to give the People back the power! Next post.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by Anonymous ATS

Complete hogwash. Any regular viewer of CNBC knows this.

Should I find an earlier clip of Saint-Telli bashing the bailout?
-Ok, here i'll do it for you - anonymous,

(My edit) At about 3:50? rick is about to blow - and walks "off set" live at the end.

[edit on 20-2-2009 by scrapple]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by questioningall

I found the rant unbelievable, I sure didn't hear that, when the govt. gave them billions of dollars to BAIL WALL STREET OUT!! So now, when it comes to ACTUALLY possibly help the "normal" hardworking people, now Wall St. is going to yell ' NO BAILOUT'? Give me a Break!! So, the point of the rant was 'ONLY HELP WALL ST AND THE RICH, BUT NO ONE ELSE'? Sickening!!!

WRONG! I am a "normal" hardworking person and I won't be getting a dime! Not one F-ing dime! His rant wasn't against bailing out the average american...It was against bailing out people who got into homes they can't afford@! It isn't a bailout of "normal" working people, its a bailout of greedy, selfish, ignorant people who bit off more than they can chew! I say F them.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by bpg131313
True. But when "Keeping up with the Jones's" is what got them so far in debt that they come tumbling down, I don't have pity for them. I was talking to a guy down the street that was being foreclosed upon and he was depressed. He's going to have to sell his boat, and three of his cars, not to mention his two four-wheeler ATV's. His garage door was open and I could see that it is impossible for him to get any of his cars into it because it's jam packed full of stuff they've accumulated over the years. I have to say, I think being bumped down a couple of notches will do these people more good than harm, even if their ego's take a hit.

That's what I'm talking about. Capitalism breeds that kind of selfish greed and the "keeping up with the Jones's" mentality etc. I don't really believe what I am advocating will stop that...since greed is part of human nature which only a few overcome. But what I advocate will reduce many social ills and costs associated with them.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 11:26 AM
Like Rick we can no longer afford to stand by and let them take all they want. We the People must stand up for what we believe instead of sitting here on the computer just getting mad. Be proactive, informed, get a copy of your state and the United States Constitution and find out just what our rights are and just what does the Fed have the right to do under the United States Constitution! We the people have the power to Make the Fed null and void and without force. We made the Fed we can take it apart if we would just hold them to the United States Constitution.

1. you must contact your Rep. and Congressman. This won't make any differenc but there are things that must be done before we can just jump up and burn it down!

2. document all contact with said officials, note if the out come was favorable or not and realease there names and your noted out come to everyone you know.

3. Start pressure at your state level.(states have the power to remove themselves from the Fed!)

4. If that dosn't work take your documentation to the Fed Rep level.

5. Find out how many people are with you, talk to them often.( I believe we are almost to the point that this would grow fast)

6. Do not show doubt at any time. Never show fear (even thow you may be scared to death) This is critical.

7.Get a hand copy of the Constitution and take it with you anywhere you go. and the Bill of Rights! Learn these as best you can before you are confronted. Even if you agree with what is going on!

8. Do not hide your thoughts about this subject to anyone.

now that we are past that point.

9. This group of the people has to begin to demand action under the Constitution to the Federal Government.

10. If your state constitution explains a malitia, use it as a guide to form and advise your state Gov. that you are forming due to the demand by the people. You have this right you just have to inforce it.

11. Submit your demands to the Gov. of the state to be delivered to the Fed. The more states and People the better. Don't jump to early.

12. this will be tuff, and probably the most fearful thing you have ever done in your life but it is better than your children living in servatude!(see my signature)

The rest is up to The People of these states that take this to this level, some may be arrested at first and be prepared to stand your ground, be professional but firm. the copy of the Constitution is your copy of your contoling stock in the Union! Always be proud to let your beliefs be known no matter what they are. You are a United States Citizen,we are the governing body if we take our country back.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by John Matrix

Originally posted by ACEMANN
I know you probably haven't heard of them, but there was this country called the "USSR" and they tried that. Didn't turn out too well if I recall. Too much Gov't intervention.

Could someone verify that for me?

I know you probably haven't hear of this, but there is a country called the "USA" and they are bankrupt and will likely send the whole world down the black hole of bankruptcy. Capitalism, Imperialism and Patriotism didn't turn out too well if I recall.

I don't need anyone to verify that for me!

Go back and take a look at what the infrastructure of the USSR looked like, along with the emotional health of the people, and then justify "Gov't everything" was/is the answer. That country was a hollow shell when it collapsed. I'm sure more than one Russian would be more than happy to educate you.

Corrupt, greedy individuals gaming the system are what have brought the economy down. I like how your prediction is so cheerful - gosh darn it's so great to see the US in turmoil

Maybe you need to look into how this crisis has originated from multiple points across the globe, NOT just in the USA. For starters, the Eurozone banks are more Fckd than the US, thanks to their extreme over-leveraging. But you don't see me cheering their downfall do you?

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by ag2000
reply to post by questioningall

I found the rant unbelievable, I sure didn't hear that, when the govt. gave them billions of dollars to BAIL WALL STREET OUT!! So now, when it comes to ACTUALLY possibly help the "normal" hardworking people, now Wall St. is going to yell ' NO BAILOUT'? Give me a Break!! So, the point of the rant was 'ONLY HELP WALL ST AND THE RICH, BUT NO ONE ELSE'? Sickening!!!

WRONG! I am a "normal" hardworking person and I won't be getting a dime! Not one F-ing dime! His rant wasn't against bailing out the average american...It was against bailing out people who got into homes they can't afford@! It isn't a bailout of "normal" working people, its a bailout of greedy, selfish, ignorant people who bit off more than they can chew! I say F them.

Right on - I bought a house with an "aggresively conservative" price tag for my income, got a fixed 6% rate, and have paid my mortgage bill on time. I go to school, and pay for that out of pocket while working full-time. I also let my brother live with me and don't ask for a dime in rent.

I won't get anything out of this "plan". No rate adjustment, no payroll tax reduction, nothing.

Instead, my tax dollars are going to help pay for the dude that bought a $800K home on some crazy pay-option adjustable crap and that opted for a "stated income" mortgage application - where he LIED about how much he made (maybe he made $70K a year??) - "Yea, I make $300K a year!!

See why me and others like me are PO'd?? Work hard, and you get screwed. Lie, and you get handouts. Thanks Barry for the GREAT lesson on morals, I'll be sure to pass that on to my future children

[edit on 20-2-2009 by ACEMANN]

[edit on 20-2-2009 by ACEMANN]

[edit on 20-2-2009 by ACEMANN]

[edit on 20-2-2009 by ACEMANN]

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by bpg131313
I hate the bailouts. I despise the mortgage bailouts. Those people are being given our money because of their idiocy. That will certainly teach them a lesson. Reward failure and you'll continue to get failure.

That pretty much sums it up for almost every facet of what started the ball rolling that led to this bailout situation.

I have been doing the right things despite little income and all I'll get, like so many other in my situation, is the negative effects of this bailout and most likely none of the positive if there is any.

When I had a professional salary I wouldn't have even considered to possibility of spending even 300K on a house. Ignorance of reality must be layered awfully thick on some people as well as a big heap of corruption for those in control of the business money making machine.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by ACEMANN

...where he LIED about how much he made (maybe he made $70K a year??) - "Yea, I make $300K a year!! ...

There was a time where calls were made to verify facts such as income. The corruption must have become a sport were anything goes, an agent makes his money and someone can deal with the problems later. That person dealing with it shouldn't be me or you.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:43 PM
There is so much blame to go around, it seems as though much of it is on individual borrowers, and actual homeowners, yes this is true, but can mr. rick mention the hot shot big money flippers, like on wall street that got burnt on this too? or the developers who might be special like some of the 350k and above wall street crew that also were using these loans to make profits from, I bet you many of these guys were speculating at the bottom and the top, in other words trading these nasty securities and actually possibly owning multiple properties flipping them, I personally know many people that already owned a house or two and they got greedy and their loans went south, these people were speculating and they couldn't afford their mortgages either.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:49 PM
Yet when asked if he would go to Washington to fix it he said


If he won't put his big mouth where his money is then he is no better then the rest.

End of story.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:55 PM
another dumb question here, if the people who are in these sub prime mortgages can't track down who really it is who owns the mortgage, well, just how can any of us be sure that the money we are paying on these mortgages is really even making to the proper owners of the danged thing??

are they gonna come back on us in a few years with a oops, you've been making a mistake and haven't paid your mortage in 20 months so we'll have to foreclose now?

we've bailed out the banks, we've bailed out the auto industry, we'll probably get socked with a bunch of bad assetts, and will most certainly end up passing our children a nice big debt for them to struggle with!

why not help out the home owners, knock $20,000 off everyone's principle balance. what the heck, then any bank that comes and can prove that they were acting responsibly we'll reimburse them their loss..
what the heck, we probably could have done that one in the beginning of this, and we'd be in much better shape and it would have cost alot less.

how can I be sure that the money that I am paying for my house is really making it to the "owners" of the mortgage???!!!
this is a not a nightmare that a few irresponsible borrowers could of created on their was a gov't sponsered scam.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 01:56 PM
I think Santelli had a stress attack yesterday, today he is under antidepressants because he is a lot mellow in front of the cameras.

Either that or he got reprimanded for the outburst.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by dawnstar
why not help out the home owners, knock $20,000 off everyone's principle balance. what the heck, then any bank that comes and can prove that they were acting responsibly we'll reimburse them their loss..

What about people like me who worked and paid for their property and house. It isn't much, but we did without to get it paid. Do I get free money also.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by Helmkat
Yet when asked if he would go to Washington to fix it he said


If he won't put his big mouth where his money is then he is no better then the rest.

End of story.

We could all go to Washington to try and solve this problem, but we'd get a grin from the people with power and be pushed to the side. There's no way to fix the system as it exists today. Santelli would do his best, I'm sure, but we already have Ron Paul in the House and while he has offered solution after solution to this disaster, he's been smiled at and shoved aside.

As I said, there's no way to fix the system as it exists today. Some European nations will collapse, with us following quickly behind them. As of this writing, the CNBC Poll states as follows:

233,008 Participants

94% = Yes
4.7% = No
1.5% - Not Sure

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:24 PM

Originally posted by marg6043
I think Santelli had a stress attack yesterday, today he is under antidepressants because he is a lot mellow in front of the cameras.

Either that or he got reprimanded for the outburst.

Considering the 233,008 that have agreed with him so far on the poll, I'd be furious at a reprimand. Of course, the brain-dead people running the MSM don't follow what We The People actually believe, only what their business criminal friends think.

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