posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 12:49 AM
I have been noticing a change in almost everything lately. There seems to be a panic in almost everything we see being shoved into our face. We are
constantly bombarded with bad news and fear mongering. We are being told many things and people are starting to not believe any of it anymore. More
and more articles are exposing the truth about our world and the PTB (powers that be) are feverishly trying to erase them from our attention, but it
is no longer working. The PTB can no longer stem the tide of whistleblowers hemorrhaging information to the public.
Vaccinations and Big Pharma
More and more people are refusing to vaccinate no matter what the government tells them. It has now made national news that the CDC is very worried
about the unvaccinated masses and is doing anything and everything to instill fear. Here’s a good one: Why was tamiflu purchased in massive
quantities by the government as a barrier against a bird flu epidemic when there has yet to be a single case of human to human transmission of bird
flu? Who had a huge conflict of interest in this purchase? Donald Rumsfeld. Is anyone really surprised anymore? Ask yourself how many pharmaceutical
advertisements you see on the national networks and if you add it up, you will see that no national network is willing to risk losing all the
advertising money over an expose’ of big pharma. Especially, in this economy. We all know the big networks are bought and paid for and cannot be
Water Fluoridation
More people want fluoride removed from their drinking water due to its toxicity. They now realize those white spots on their teeth and their
children’s teeth are caused by fluoride (dental fluorosis) and perhaps they have even read the poison warning on toothpaste labels. Children’s
toothpaste clearly states on the tube that children should not be exposed to fluoride. The CDC warns that you should not prepare infant formula with
fluoridated tap water. Strange, considering that the CDC also states that water fluoridation is one of its greatest achievements in public health.
“Fluoridation is great, but don’t let your children drink the water.” Their tired stories and contradictions are no longer working.
The Toxic Food Supply
People have been made aware of mercury within high fructose corn syrup. It was interesting how that story vanished overnight. Unlike the HFCS story,
melamine just will not go away. Candy and baby formula was contaminated. Stories still flow about it. The current fiasco is the peanut butter
contamination. But there was also spinach contamination, tomato contamination, jalapeno contamination, beef contamination, and chicken contamination.
When will it end? The people are tired of nothing being done about it.
The Economic Meltdown
Almost no one is convinced that the government bailout/stimulus will work. It seems to be just more hogwash to get more money for their “friends”
who have donated millions through lobbyists. People are actually noticing the severe conflicts of interest that permeate these “solutions.” They
are very aware they are being saddled by the PTB with debt that their great-grandchildren will be paying for.
Gun Control
Even though what you would read in this forum suggests that there are MANY people who are opposed to owning firearms, the overall data coming from FFL
holders across America would say that they cannot keep up with the recent overwhelming demand for firearms. Ammunition is equally hard to acquire due
to mass purchases, the likes of which have not been seen before, even during the first assault weapons ban. People are putting their money into
precious metals, for example, lead and brass for ammo and steel and aluminum for firearms. I have heard that somewhere in the neighborhood of 60,000
rifles are on backorder by manufacturers and assembly shops. This doesn’t sound like a populace getting ready for submission.
State’s Rights
More and more states are standing up to the federal government claiming the 10th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution gives them power over the feds and
their shady shenanigans. Some governors are also now saying that they will consider not accepting the stimulus money due to the commitments that are
attached to it.
Illegal Taxation
More and more people are asking the IRS to show them the law. They are wondering why IRS agents do not need a warrant to raid their house or take
their belongings. They are wondering why they are required to incriminate themselves by filling out the 1040 form, bypassing the 5th amendment. They
also want to know why they could be sent to jail for exercising that constitutional right.
War on Drugs
No one is even surprised anymore when a CIA plane crashes with lots of drugs onboard. People know that the US govt is involved in the drug trade
because the true kingpins are NEVER arrested. The War on Drugs retains its funding even though they have not shown any positive results in 20 years.
Prisons are filled with the small fish of the drug trade. The bigger fish never make it to trial to expose who pulls their strings. The drug money is
still being laundered and flows into the U.S. daily. Even the Mexican people know about the drug corruption that has contaminated their cities and
lives as the war of fear rages on, beheading people and even threatening police officers on police radios before killing them to keep others in line.
Even those who hate conspiracy theory have no problem with the idea of a US Sponsored drug trade.
What does this mean?
The world of corruption, greed and enslavement is crumbling beneath the PTB. This is a sign that the dam is ready to burst. The PTB will make it
sound like this is a bad thing. They will suggest that we are in a state of collapse and spew fear mongering propaganda to try to reign in the masses.
The PTB want us scared and divided. Treat others with respect and try to care about each other. It is the coming together that will defeat them.
Personally, I see these events as a rebirth. Perhaps people will take the time to read the Constitution and realize what their rights mean and how
sacred they are. They may even decide to take ownership of their lives and actually renew their lives, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.