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Adventures in Windows 7.00

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posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:03 PM
This will follow installation of windows 7 on an acer 6510 laptop.
Dual core 2.0 gig processors
4 gigs ram

Loading went flawlessly.

All basics work, sound, network.......

Comodo antivirus/firewall would load, but would not run properly.
It would not allow updates or running the antivirus scan so uninstalled.

Avg 8 was loaded and allowed update durning install phase was successful.

Zonealarm would not load, .dll issues

Loaded ccleaner, defraggler, glary utilities, safari browser
NOTE: I.E. is version 8.0

Using safari, downloaded "pctools firewall plus free edition. (8.1 megs)

I am NOT installing the connected antivirus (threatfire) that comes with the firewall.
I am choosing "normal user" as opposed to expert-for simplisity sake-I may try later.


The installed firewall was not on by default. Double clicking brought a box from action center with options:
windows firewall
pctools firewall
get different program online

I am choosing pctools firewall
New popup box:
yes i trust the publisher or
No, i would like to verify the identy of the publisher

I am choosing yes, trust

The program loaded and became funtional-you must manually place it on toolbar

Ccleaner was configured and run-No Issues
Glary utilities was configured and run-No Issues
Defraggler: It was able toi analyze fine as well as defragging (225.4mgs of fragmented files)

Interesting note: with vista and xp on my laptop I could not log into ATS (look, yes, but no login), however, with windows 7, no problems.

Ran windows update and downloaded needed updates


posted on Feb, 21 2009 @ 01:23 PM
May I interfere in your thread?

I take that as "Yes".

I installed Windows 7 on my computer (before I had it only on a virtual machine) today.

It took exactly 20 minutes to install, and everything is well, except that it does not allow me to use the same refresh rate on my monitor as Windows Vista, both on the same machine.

The System Rating is different, and although the disk rating could be different (the two Windows are in two different partitions), I was not expecting such differences.

Vista rating

Windows 7 rating

posted on Feb, 22 2009 @ 08:06 PM

You are correct, there is a different numbering system with win7.

I would welcome any and all information/experiences with windows 7 (good and bad).

Sadly, I will be dealyed 2-3 weeks on this thread.

The reason is my laptop failed (hardware failure) and is going to be sent in for repair on monday or tuesday. ( this will lead to another post, adventures in laptop warranty)
( The laptop won't even "P.O.S.T.)

I am told it takes around 10-12 days, turn-a-round

I paid about $150 for 3 years of protection.

Just worth noting, the extended warranty I purchased "ONLY" covers hardware.
(I am told this is common).

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