posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 07:55 AM
Yep thats right.
Mah Dad, Mum, Sister and myself were sitting down at the table eating a nice roast for lunch, then somehow the topic got swung to politics, religion
and state, and then it somehow got onto how I do hypnosis (i dont have a clue how it did..i cant remember......neways....).
Well my Mum just started fully having a go at me, and that i shouldn't be doing hypnosis, why do i need to do hypnosis, it's not good for you...I
told her it's not dangerous and explained what it is, while trying to explain about it she kept cutting in, saying it's no good, it'll mess up my
brain, stop doing it, etc...
She even went as far to say that next time she goes to the doctor, she is going to ask hima bout it and see wat he says about it, and she bets he'll
say it's no good for me, and it's dangerous to do, not healthy. I told her to go, ask the doctor, and he'll say it's fine, there is nothing wrong
with it, and that it's just to get your mind into a deep meditive state, calming it down, and relaxing the mind and body....
I even got her to sit down and listen to what it was....just some guy talking saying i'm going to go into a tranc, and relax, and go into a deep
trance, my body is feeling so relaxed, thinking of nothing, just concentrating on his voice, relaxing, going deeper, etc....
And she stills aid it's no good, it's rubbish, i shouldn't be doing it, that i dont need to get into trance, why dont u just meditate? I told her
this is meditation. It gets you into a deep meditive state and relaxes the mind.
Nope still no good. She still is going to ask the doctor next time she goes there and ask if it's bad which she is soo sure it is, and still is
against me doing hypnosis.
I say to you all....SHE IS IGNORANT! No matter what i said to her she refuses to accept what i was saying and was fully convinced, without any proof
as to why it was bad for me. She was making up # to try and change my mind, make me think it was bad for my mind, bad for me.
How do i compete against this ignorance?