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Ok so a true christian wouldnt believe in dinosaurs?

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posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:02 AM
I'm a Christian and I believe the Big Bang happened, dinosaurs lived, and that all but the Adamic line evolved from apes.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 02:22 AM
Hi Skin,

Thank you so much - I am more used to people telling me I am crap lol.

I do not understand that God connection with Jesus - because God seems to be judgement and Jesus is Love..

But anyway, as I said, I truly do think God created science as well as everything.

And Jesus was definitely a real person on this earth - you think he was a person, and I think he was a person who rose to heaven - anyway, I am so appreciative of your comments, because I have tried to promote Jesus on this site and have got people yawning bigtime. Can I just say, please do not yawn about Jesus Christ - he will be our Saviour, if we are lucky enough to have a Saviour (which we do not deserve - we have ruined this world).

It is a shame that I live in NZ and you live presumably in the States so we cannot have a conversation timewise.

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:21 AM
Hey no problems, so you live in new zealand? I live in new zealand too in christchurch definatly not american!!

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Skinon

This is amazing - we are in total synchronicity - becos we live in NZ - we definitely have a totally diff mindset eh?

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 01:39 AM

Apparently the Christians figure Jesus was a Dino Cowboy.

2nd line

posted on Feb, 23 2009 @ 02:49 AM
Dinosaur is label used to describe a group of creatures. The Bible does not necessarily use the same label. I am a Christian. I believe that the Bible is 100% truth. The best way to find out what the Bible has to say on a certain subject, is to read the Bible. The opinions of people are subjective. I urge you to make draw your conclusions on the accuracy or inaccuracy of the Bible based on personal knowledge, not the opinions of others, and certainly not from various unsubstantiated synopses.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:22 PM
There is no GOD and Jesus was a real person (if he even really existed). Come on people we all know if I tell someone something and then that person tells the same story to someone else and so on..when it gets back to me its a totally different story. Now imagine this story being told for thousands of years. People add things, removed things.....

GOD is just humans need to explain things we cannot. Before they thought the sun was a god...because they did not know it was a star. Same with the wind, and lightning and so on.

This whole religion thing just promotes separation and destruction. If you say it doesn't, then explain the millions of lives lost because one religion says they are right and the other is wrong. Once we as a race get rid of religion, we can then come together and see what the human race is all about. Once there is no religion, our species will evolve to it's highest potential. Together we will be able to accomplish things none of could ever imagine.

**On a side note, if I were to tell you that GOD spoke to me last night and told me a bunch of laws that we are all to follow, you would say I deserve to be in a nut house. Now why would I be a nut job and someone thousands of years ago is the chosen one? LOL **

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:26 PM
Oh and Dino's were real and the earth is millions of years old.

second line.

posted on Feb, 26 2009 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by Skinon

I guess first of all you would need to define the term "True Christian"
Once we could all agree on the base definition then we could have a reasonable discussion about what they believe.

Failing to do that it would seem your question about what "Christians" think has been answered many times in other threads.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 07:12 AM
As far as I can understand, the ancients knew about dinosaur fossils, they just didn't know that they were dinosaurs.

A documentary I watched months ago on the History channel which showed that a lot of the areas in the world with myths of giants (humans, Cyclops, Centaurs etc) are also renown fossil site goldmines.

There is a theory that the idea of a Cyclops came about we the ancients discovered the bones of an extinct giant type of elephant. The creature that they belonged to was so unfamiliar that they people didn't even think that they could be creatures that aren't around anymore.

Anyway they saw bones that looked somewhat humanesque; femurs, ribs, shoulderblade, all belonging to the animal. But there was a great hole in the front of the skull, where the tusks had been. The people concluded that this giant man had a single eyeball in the centre of it's head. And the Cyclops was born.

Giants, nephilim, halfman-halfbeasts and all the other mythical beings were likely conjured up by clueless people trying to interpret what these giant bones belonged to.

Third New Zealander btw

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Welfhard]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:25 AM

Originally posted by RealdealOneal
There is no GOD and Jesus was a real person (if he even really existed). Come on people we all know if I tell someone something and then that person tells the same story to someone else and so on..when it gets back to me its a totally different story. Now imagine this story being told for thousands of years. People add things, removed things.....

GOD is just humans need to explain things we cannot. Before they thought the sun was a god...because they did not know it was a star. Same with the wind, and lightning and so on.

This whole religion thing just promotes separation and destruction. If you say it doesn't, then explain the millions of lives lost because one religion says they are right and the other is wrong. Once we as a race get rid of religion, we can then come together and see what the human race is all about. Once there is no religion, our species will evolve to it's highest potential. Together we will be able to accomplish things none of could ever imagine.

**On a side note, if I were to tell you that GOD spoke to me last night and told me a bunch of laws that we are all to follow, you would say I deserve to be in a nut house. Now why would I be a nut job and someone thousands of years ago is the chosen one? LOL **

Mate,that is pure freaky.I swear your above statement(apart from the side note bit) is near enough word for word my slant on the religio-urancy crap that hypocrites hide behind & has been my response if asked for at social gatherings & such over the last 20years.You are spot on in my eyes pal..
Also,has anyone got an accurate figure as to how many "men of the cloth" end up ar*e tapping a kiddy?Why the direct connection between this hideous,gutless crime & the fact these old pervs try & live so called celibate life isnt pointed out more often amazes me.All that pent up "seed" must rot 'em from the inside out....Its not natural itell ya.But does this god think its ok?just a test for one of his preachers,that oh well the good reverand pervo. strayed from the flock somewhat.Never mind,pass the collection plate around.its all good.Play us out with an uplifting hymn Mrs.Morriss.........................

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:37 AM
If they believe Earth is 4000 or 5000 years old.....and Nibiru/Eris's orbit 3600 years ....WTF?!?! are we just in time???

1. If you live out you life and die a natural death (or Killed By someone else) go to heaven....


2. If you kill will be stuck at heavens door.

[edit on 28-2-2009 by nibirusight]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:53 AM
i am a bible-believing Christian-- and i TOTALLY believe in dinosaurs and i believe that they were around within the last 6000 years- we have this man come to our church once a year and he is amazing to listen to- he has a museum in maine called 'dinosaur encounter' with dinosaur bones, eggs and fossils--- he has a website - you should check it out- it is very interesting

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 08:57 AM
reply to post by tiger28

Trouble is that they are dinosaur fossils, not dinosaur bones. The difference being one is made of minerals that occupy the space that used to be bone and the latter is just bone.

Bone doesn't get replaced by minerals in 6000 years.

If you believe that all forms of life that has lived which is now extinct all lived in the last 6000 years, there wouldn't be room to move around we'd be so cramped. Imagine how impossibly cramped noah's ark must have been!

[edit on 28-2-2009 by Welfhard]

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Welfhard

i wish i could tell you how he is able to explain it all- it is amazing-- honestly, my faith wouldnt be shattered if i found out the world was millions of years old- in fact i have lean toward the 'gap theory' so i dont have a problem with it--- i just was really shocked when i was reading on here how people had been told by churches that dinosaurs didnt ever exist- i mean that is ludacris! i wanted people to know that there are christians who fully believe the bible and believe in dinosaurs

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:35 AM
Ok so a true christian wouldnt believe in dinosaurs = dinosaurs had a different name in the bible.

posted on Feb, 28 2009 @ 09:41 AM
I'd imagine that the same logic that supports a young Earth and fossils being created in such a short time would show all the dead from the supposed world wide flood of Noah. But no fossils or bodies were found. I'd think that there would be a layer of evidence in the strata if this were the case. We have oodles of fossilized examples of prehistoric life but nothing that supports basically much of the bible myth.

Just a thought

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:15 PM

Originally posted by tiger28
reply to post by Welfhard

i just was really shocked when i was reading on here how people had been told by churches that dinosaurs didnt ever exist- i mean that is ludacris!

Yea that is ludacris but also just as ludacris is thinking they are a mere 6 thousand years old... I think i said in one of my earlier posts, but i too believe the chinese whispers theory of how religion came to be.

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 07:51 PM
My father is a retired pastor (one of those 'born again' types
and he is very involved in the paleontology world. He goes on digs, has quite a collection himself and he is also a paleo sculptor for museums and such.

So, not all Christians dismiss dinos

posted on Mar, 1 2009 @ 08:30 PM
Im a Christian and if i weren't my view of the world would be that of an agnostic. i believe the big bang happened, i believe in evolution for the most part, i believe that dinosaurs where alive, i believe in ancient human civilizations and i believe that everything is an extension of God.
i think that alot of modern day christians are not getting the big picture. alot will dismiss science as false doctrine. i know christains that are quick to judge. others will treat people like they are better than them. some will take things out of context and force others to see it the same way they do.the bible just says that if you made a mistake there is nothing you did that can change it. all you can do is ask god for forgiveness and forget about it. jesus even went against the established religion at the time and was persecuted because he said that saying you love God is not the same as thinking it.
i also hate the fact that many people will go ridicule christains for believing in Jesus (which by the way jews, catholics and even muslims acknowledge existed ) and his teaching, which include telling others of him. i love science (i go on everyday), but i know that the teachings of the bible parallel with psychology with many respects, which is many times older than latter. so please dont lump all the the "true" christains in one group because i find it offensive.

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