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The Most Destructive Parasite on Earth

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posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 05:44 PM
no no no...we humans are a disgusting race and are destroying this beatufil earth and all the furry bunnies. we should all subscribe to eugincs and population control to save all the cuddly polar bears.

these people are the parasites. if they think humans are such disgusting parasites they should start killing eachother to save the earth...absolutley riddiculus

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by BorgHoffen
You think you are important enough to make these decisions that human beings are parasites and rodents and are destroying the earth?
You sound mentally ill.
You to are a human being.
So is your family.
Yet you believe they are rodents and parasites?
Do you not think the Earth itself, can look after itself, without your pity?
Do you not think, something as huge as the Earth, does not know what its doing when it comes to these things?
Do you not think that, the Earth, could change whatever it wants, whenever and however it wants, without your pathetic help?
I take offense when you call the species me and my family belong to, a rodent and a parasite.

I am just giving my opinion and the parasite label was more of an analogy then anything. Im sorry you take offense to this thread and I respect your opinion. On the other hand if I'm mentally ill then you need anger management judging by your approach.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 05:50 PM

Originally posted by invisibleman11
no no no...we humans are a disgusting race and are destroying this beatufil earth and all the furry bunnies. we should all subscribe to eugincs and population control to save all the cuddly polar bears.

these people are the parasites. if they think humans are such disgusting parasites they should start killing eachother to save the earth...absolutley riddiculus

Im not sure how people are comming to the conclusion that I want to depopulate the earth? Can someone show me where I said that?

What Im getting at is we need to change the way we do things for the good of the planet.

We don't need to kill any humans sheesh.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 05:53 PM
i understand what you are saying people are wasteful. but there are many people out there that use the popluation contol of the human parasite argument..and its f-ing discusting, i just became very offended because you were pretty much calling me and my family a terminal parasite.

this earth will alweays be populated by some form of a wastefull organism, why not us?

[edit on 17-2-2009 by invisibleman11]

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:01 PM

Originally posted by Shamanator
Absolute nonsense the Earth needs us we are the best thing that has ever happened to it.

The most destructive parasite on earth are cats and their Toxoplasma gondii now the earth really doesn't need them.

yeah isn't it like.. people who have toxoplasma in their brains have schizophrenia? or at least engage in purposefully dangerous or promiscuous activities?
mice with toxoplasma gondii actually SEEKED OUT the corner of the room with cat urine..
next time a cat digs in it's litter box then scratches you playfully.. remember the psycho-parasite might have just hopped into your bloodstream.

yes toxoplasma is worse than humans.. it makes humans bad.

we have the power to be creative and take care of this planet and even garden and beautify it.
or we can use it as our bathroom.

i think it requires we go underground then wipe the surface clean then rebuild it all with 100% green efficiency .. all pollution illegal and punishable by death.


posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:06 PM

i think it requires we go underground then wipe the surface clean then rebuild it all with 100% green efficiency .. all pollution illegal and punishable by death.


woah, trhis is what im talking about. people gett way too extreme with this green no polution b.s.... you know just being alive is poluting the enviroment.. breathing causes carbon dioxide, eating causes multiple soiurces of polution.... so being alive alone would be illegal and punishible by death right

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:10 PM

Originally posted by TooManyHumans
Im not sure how people are comming to the conclusion that I want to depopulate the earth? Can someone show me where I said that?

With a username like "TooManyHumans" , and the fact that your thread is clearly calling humans a parasite, it would be ignorant and delusional, as well as an insult to the intelligence of other members for you to expect people to form any other conclusion.

Prepare to defend your views like a cold beer in a rehab facility.


posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by lernmore

Originally posted by TooManyHumans
Im not sure how people are comming to the conclusion that I want to depopulate the earth? Can someone show me where I said that?

With a username like "TooManyHumans" , and the fact that your thread is clearly calling humans a parasite, it would be ignorant and delusional, as well as an insult to the intelligence of other members for you to expect people to form any other conclusion.

Prepare to defend your views like a cold beer in a rehab facility.


MY username really does'nt help me in this situation as people easily make the connection to depopulation, and thats not what I was going for when I chose the username.

Before I even posted I knew that there would be people who may get offended by what I said. On the other hand there are people who share the same views or can at least relate to some parts of it.

I did'nt post this to make a direct attack at people or their families etc... but again I knew people would have conflicting views. So please refrain from the name calling becuase I do understand where the other side is coming from. I just wanted people to think about things in a different light because sometimes you need to be harsh to make people think.

posted on Feb, 17 2009 @ 06:28 PM
My, my, all the thin skins on this thread.

Too many people, yes there are.
Those who repeat the mantra about 6 billion people having an acre in Australia or elsewhere are doing just that. Repeating what they have heard. Like a parrot; no thinking needed. If they did think, they would begin to question just how that would work out in reality.

All over the world raw sewage is flowing into adjacent waters. Just google “sewage problems”.
All over the world there are sewage backups, pipe breaks etc.

Do tell me how you plan to solve this problem when you have 6 billion people all in one area.

Disposal of human feces has not kept up with the increase in humans. All your kind ever talks about is living space and food distribution. Never do you consider the disposal of the various waste products that they will produce.

How exactly is our music, poetry and our high tech etc. an asset to Earth? They are only an asset to us.

The lion killing for food is just Nature’s way of keeping the population of various species under control so that they do not overrun the planet. The animals have natural population controls - humans do not. Oh, we have wars, but that never quite does the job and it is not as efficient as the prey and predator scheme.

Somehow I doubt that there is a depopulation plan. If there was it surely would have been implemented a long time ago. TPTB have the power and the means. They have been talking about this overpopulation thing for over 50 years. If they were serious they would have clamped down on the Pope telling people that they cannot use birth control. They would have had a huge propaganda campaign instilling such fear into people that they would dare not have more than one child and maybe none. They didn’t do that, so relax. It isn’t going to happen. it’s a fear campaign that’s all.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 01:31 AM
Since more than one person asked what use things such as music and art are to the Earth, I'll clarify my opinion a little better.

These things (music, art, language) are important to us, as humans. They're methods of communication, ways of expressing ideas and emotions. They are not an asset to the Earth. They are an asset to us. They define who we are. We use them to question our purpose and to find meaning in our lives.

If there were no humans on the Earth, life would go on because that's what life does. It would go on without care.

Sure, if humans were wiped out, then there would be no more art, no more songs, no more promises - it would all be gone and the Earth wouldn't miss any of it one single bit.

But the Earth would be forgotten.

Life would go on. It would go on without care. And without reconigition. And without thought or purpose or meaning.

Maybe it's just an ego thing.

Or maybe humans are here for a reason.

Of course there are changes that need to be made in our behavior and in the way we treat the Earth. After all, this is our home.

But ultimately, we are all of one family. We're here to love and to share ourselves with one another. If we don't help each other and save each other, then I see no reason to save the Earth. And neither does the lion.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:02 AM

Life out of balance...we saw it in media class and i have to say it made the same point. If we take precious things from the Earth bad things will happen, and we are a parasite, but I don't think we used to be... perhaps one day when everything is gone we'll realise how great things were before all this mess

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 05:44 AM
Im leaning towards quangos arguements in this thread, music, art, poetry, love, science, you name it are all results of the human intelligence, and the human intelligence is a result of nature(even if aliens made us) so there is nothing unnatural about us, we have the ability to live in harmony with the planet, the ability to trancend what seems to be natural selection, and that ability is human, and like I said to be human is as natural as it is to be an animal, and if the planet ACTUALLY does begin to be overpopulated(which it isint) then we can travel to the stars, bring our culture, our love and our knowledge to the furthest reaches of time.

So anyone here who reccomends cold blooded culling can go first thank you very much, no-one has the power to choose who lives and who dies, the reason the earth is in the state it is in is because we have purposely been led down this road by the greedy Elitist pigs, the same pigs who hide the technology from us that WOULD allow us to live in perfect harmony with the planet and to reach out to the stars.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:34 AM
No You got it all wrong its Welfare Scum.............................

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:43 AM
The problem isn't people, it's what people are doing.

We don't have to keep doing things this way.

We already have technology to gather up all the garbage in the world and turn it into fuel, energy, and raw materials. It's called plasma gassification.

Link here:

This can clean up the beach and the landfills. It will also have an accessory effect by taking all the poison that comes from waste and garbage and reducing it to harmless elements that can then be reused. This will reduce the need to mine and harvest raw materials.

Essentially, plasma gassification is a way to change the linear process of mining>production>consumption>garbage and tying the ends together into a loop.

So though I understand your emotional sentiment when looking at these pictures, don't forget that we can eventually solve any problem we're facing if we just think a little bit and give a damn.

Malthusian prophecies are always the projection of equations that assume population increases will accelerate forever, while at the same time our technological development, political development, and social understanding and willpower all stay the same. THEY DON'T. We are getting wise to problems we're creating, and learning to fix them.

There's no problem the presence of humans create that humans can't also solve.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by username371

The problem isn't people, it's what people are doing.

We don't have to keep doing things this way.

We already have technology to gather up all the garbage in the world and turn it into fuel, energy, and raw materials. It's called plasma gassification.

Link here:

This can clean up the beach and the landfills. It will also have an accessory effect by taking all the poison that comes from waste and garbage and reducing it to harmless elements that can then be reused. This will reduce the need to mine and harvest raw materials.

Essentially, plasma gassification is a way to change the linear process of mining>production>consumption>garbage and tying the ends together into a loop.

So though I understand your emotional sentiment when looking at these pictures, don't forget that we can eventually solve any problem we're facing if we just think a little bit and give a damn.

Malthusian prophecies are always the projection of equations that assume population increases will accelerate forever, while at the same time our technological development, political development, and social understanding and willpower all stay the same. THEY DON'T. We are getting wise to problems we're creating, and learning to fix them.

There's no problem the presence of humans create that humans can't also solve.

Thanks for th eexcellent points.
We can solve our problems, its just a matter of actually doing it.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 06:55 AM

Originally posted by TooManyHumans

We don't need to kill any humans sheesh.

mmmmmmm human sheesh


I've long thought of mankind as a germ, little more than a parasite sucking its host dry.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:39 AM
The Earth was made for man, not the other way around. Elephants and Bison are very destructive, will demolish an area. But stuff grows back. That's the way God made the earth, to renew itself.

The pictures of forest fires were interesting, but forest fires would happen regardless of whether man were here or not.

Same with the oil spills. The oil bubbles up from the earth.

Volcanos erupt, and kill everything for miles around, filling the air with pollution for months and months.

You could fit all the population of the world COMFORTABLY (one-family homes) into the state of Texas and there would still be plenty of room left over for parks and roads and all the rest.

The PROBLEM is a few Illuminati who are deliberately trying to destroy the earth. Karl Marx expressed in one of his poems his dark desire to blow up the planet, to disintegrate it. To these people destroying the earth and everything on it is like giving God the finger.

This is why they blow up nukes in the atmosphere, see what it will do, why they are blasting the ionisphere with the HAARP waves, why they can and will trigger earthquakes, tsunamis and other destructive "acts of nature" -- why they spray the skies 24/7 with chemtrails.

The Bible says it: Those who hate God, love death.

Check out Alex Jones' documentary Endgame online." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>These people are eugenicists, and they have definite plans to depopulate the earth. Also check out the Georgia Guidestones, Google it up online, America's Stonehenge, shows the Illuminati's plans to reduce world population 95 percent." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Salt of the Earth
The Earth was made for man, not the other way around. Elephants and Bison are very destructive, will demolish an area. But stuff grows back. That's the way God made the earth, to renew itself.

The pictures of forest fires were interesting, but forest fires would happen regardless of whether man were here or not.

Same with the oil spills. The oil bubbles up from the earth.

Volcanos erupt, and kill everything for miles around, filling the air with pollution for months and months.

You could fit all the population of the world COMFORTABLY (one-family homes) into the state of Texas and there would still be plenty of room left over for parks and roads and all the rest.

The PROBLEM is a few Illuminati who are deliberately trying to destroy the earth. Karl Marx expressed in one of his poems his dark desire to blow up the planet, to disintegrate it. To these people destroying the earth and everything on it is like giving God the finger.

This is why they blow up nukes in the atmosphere, see what it will do, why they are blasting the ionisphere with the HAARP waves, why they can and will trigger earthquakes, tsunamis and other destructive "acts of nature" -- why they spray the skies 24/7 with chemtrails.

The Bible says it: Those who hate God, love death.

Check out Alex Jones' documentary Endgame online." target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>These people are eugenicists, and they have definite plans to depopulate the earth. Also check out the Georgia Guidestones, Google it up online, America's Stonehenge, shows the Illuminati's plans to reduce world population 95 percent.

h?v=Xpr50bp8hl0" target='_blank' class='tabOff'/>

Some interesting points, though the Earth housed life long before man, so I disagree with you there, Endgame is a great Documentary though.

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 08:53 AM

Originally posted by OhZone
Too many people, yes there are.
All over the world raw sewage is flowing into adjacent waters. Just google “sewage problems”.
All over the world there are sewage backups, pipe breaks etc.

Do tell me how you plan to solve this problem when you have 6 billion people all in one area.

Disposal of human feces has not kept up with the increase in humans. All your kind ever talks about is living space and food distribution. Never do you consider the disposal of the various waste products that they will produce.

Somehow I doubt that there is a depopulation plan. If there was it surely would have been implemented a long time ago.

Regarding the sewage problem, you will always have a sewage problem when you live in cities. If you zoom out a bit and examine the problem of sewage from a more distanced perspective you'd see that the cities on the planet are dots scattered far and wide. The animals of the world produce more sewage in a day than all the humans do in a year. Spiders alone would produce more sewage.

But human sewage is in our face and must be disposed of in cities. People prefer to live in cities for many reasons. Then they look around and say, "Oh, it's so crowded. The world is overpopulated."

No, it's not. Fly over the globe in a plane and all you will see is wilderness and trees mostly. And lots of ocean.

I do agree the elite are utterly destroying this earth, as is their intent. The chemtrails, the HAARP, the nukes -- yes, this WILL kill us all and even theoretically split the earth and blow it up altogether with their dark energy CERN machines and such. The Bible says Jesus will come to judge those who "would hurt the earth."

The people who own and run this earth are evil and destructive beyond anything we can imagine. There's only a few of them, but with their technology and diabolical and cunning schemes we can read in Revelation what the result is all going to be.

Of course these same elites have built themselves a nice underground system of transportation and high tech cities and military bases to retreat to when things get really bad. And they don't even care if they die themselves because they are plumb crazy. They have huge IQs and not a lick of sense. Just pure, pure evil.

Illuminati. Devil worshippers.

And saying there are no depopulation plans or we wouldn't be here -- well, really, plans and preparations are different from the final results when fully activated. Actually, these people have been very busy depopulating the planet in all kinds of ways -- contrived food shortages, wars, forced sterilizations, abortion, euthanasia, on and on.

But their goal is to get rid of at least 6 billion more, and soon. Why do you think they are pushing so hard for all out nuclear war, WWIII, with Russia now, poking a stick in the bear's eye, doing everything to start war with Iran, and Iran just keeps taking it on the chin refusing to bite. Won't matter. They will do it anyway. "They" being hte Zionist Neocon Satanists who are out to create their Fourth Reich and kill most of us goy off, people they consider subhuman and not worthy of the grand utopian tyranny they are erecting, a world of robotic slaves to serve the needs of a few demented monsters.

Watch Alex Jones' documentary Endgame on-line. It is sane, rational history and facts, information on the Bilderbergs and these people, what they are up to. Check it out.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by Salt of the Earth]

posted on Feb, 18 2009 @ 09:03 AM
I do not disagree with the fact that some of humanity is fouling up our environment, and that the planet indeed has been somewhat harmed by our species.

What I do disagree with is clowns like the OP calling human beings 'parasites.' Do you understand how unique our species is? In the billions years of evolution on this planet there has never been species like us, that has our intelligence, and potential.

The reason there is so much pollution is because of a small group of human beings, not because of the human race as a whole. We have the technology to live in harmony with our planet, we're just being held back by people in power because they'd lose control of these technologies came out. So don't sit there and blame all of humanity for a group of scum-bag elitists who want to subjugate the human race like a bunch of cymbal-banging monkeys.

It's DISGUSTING for you to call human beings parasites. Can't you see how people are manipulated on a daily basis? Most don't even know they have the potential to help make this a better world because they're being fired upon, worrying about where their next meal is coming from, and trying to scrap out an existence in this cruel world.

Most certainly I would advocate the 'greening' of the planet. Anything we can do to ensure harmony and symbiosis with the planet would be beneficial. We need to cut back on product packaging, vastly reduce waste released into the environment, mitigate pesticides, fertilizers, and other harmful chemicals in our waters, etc...

Most certainly a solution to this problem is possible, and it involves tearing down the corrupt edifice inhabited by the power elite; the same people that have been holding back the technology (like anti-gravity and zero-point) that could set our race free.

So don't sit there, post a few unfortunate pictures, and then tell me how human beings are parasites. If you're thinking like that, you will NEVER be a solution to the problem. You will only think in destruction, and never in creation, and never in solving a problem that needs every able mind put to use.

[edit on 18-2-2009 by JipStix]

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