My guy had noticeable lids--but not black eyes. I felt they were almondy-kind of the feel of a color. Other than that the head was similar to the
picture. I don't know if they are the same-same. For instance, you recall more in the way of dramatic facial lines. Whereas I recall more striking
kinda bumps/texture (not too pronounced) somewhat cresting the centerline of the head ever so slightly. The eyelids though-spot on for us both it
seems. I have some theories to some of those questions.
Why show themselves for a moment?
A: As a courtesy.
Why not abduct/are they abducting?
A: I believe they are abducting/working around us. Don't come to us-we'll come to you. Dimensionally. Away without leaving.
The closest guesstimation I have is shown in some movies, though I am forgetful and not really a huge movie watcer.
The room falls away enlightening upon another scene.
I know I have done a whole lot of releasing work since my 20 year memory sheet was raised (it was a criminal application), and for what I was
separated from somebody wants to speed me through. It will never be enough soon enough but it is what it is.
I am usually given a hint as too the subject matter or players or issue at hand (maybe not always)--yet I wake fully rested.
I was given another fix on my back-and healed of an illness.
My needs are met. My comforts are met. If only the aliens and some of thier human counterparts can help me with it than so be it. 'It' meaning
topics covered relating to happenings of earlier travels-many of them mundane.
I even had the luck to move somewhere more federally adherent-which is in my comfort zone. Someone is really trying to help me with what I have been
through-or at least accepting that I am helping myself. Whatever that is. I'm sure it is all legal and appropriate: the night work. If there is a
'warrant on one's experiences' one has been taken out on me.
Sometimes there is pain-most notably popped joints where I feel like maybe I have been interrorgated (to make sure I am not lying?)-yet no emotional
pain lingers. *very rarely*. I process this as 'someone needs to know this/check this *now!*. But I'm not being 'abducted'. I sleep, I am aware of
the subject matters progress and changes of attention-I even become aware of other people's needs and wants related to the material we are
discussing. It might be a head trip-or a tumor-or end of life;
Sometimes I've forgotten a thing related to something else and I open my mouth without realizing a possible associated danger-or not.
Regarding the occassional joint sessions:
Even that seems left as a calling card of courtesy so that both me and 'whoever' is on the same page --"I am here I need this" nicest torture
I've ever had, really, I welcome it-too a point: it beats swinging from beams.
Too many joint sessions and I have to question the operator-at which point someone else steps in for awhile from another association and heals me of
that or explains. I find it perplexing and strange to find out why exactly or what exactly-but with the joint thing I am never made aware of who. Not
I was brought up very 'life is fleeting'. And this is where my ability to deal with that comes in.
I've had some really scary nights as we, my more philanthopic helpers, work or get closer to some of the darker things I've encountered over the
years-or some of the others' involved. Rather, as I get closer to thinking of them (dark things, dimensional beings, paranormal occurrances, criminal
aliens, devils demons monsters what ever you want to call them ect) and remembering-it sorta brings them closer to my awareness. Some things are best
taken while I'm out. quivers. To light there is dark. To pain there is relief. To shadow there is sunlight.
Just because the world hasn't recieved it's big disclosure package doesn't mean there haven't been contact and issues for thousands of years. In
other words. There
are people who deal with issues in this arena as a fact of neccessity of keeping the Universe together.
I dunno.
The guy had real thick eyelids. Eyes one and a half or one and a quarter times our size. Skin that of living where there is much sun.
I did trip a memory. It was brief. The place and information surrounding it.
I wonder if the man is not MIA or in a cosmic crime file as the vic.
I don't get abducted for 2 reasons.
1) my health.
2) I am a security risk: any implants I may or may not have; or transmitting capabilities I may or may not have; are likely ours in the hopes to spy
Oh this is just silly!
I think they rift time having come and gone without a moments passing. OR/and a combination of that and a dream tie.
I prefer face to face really. C'mon you know my heart beats strongest when on alert.
I like your nick starlightbright. I remember my first lightbright. Keep your updates coming!
[edit on 2-4-2009 by HugmyRek]