posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:45 PM
I generally post asking questions about the topics the more knowledgeable and eloquent members post, but, tonight I am posting simply because, I am
DAMN mad.
I am a caucasion 29 year female physician. I am damn proud of who I am and what I have accomplished. I have 2 brothers, quite spaced in age, one in
5th grade, one of legal age. I found out Saturday, my brother of legal age, applied for government assistance. I do not mean simply welfare. He
applied (and was approved) for food stamps, welfare,and a form of assistance which pays his utility bill. He was even approved for free housing in a
government housing project, which he 'graciously' declined stating and I quote, " I ain't livin' in no project hood" . He was quite upset at the
fact that they denied him disability. When I questioned what his disability claim was, he stated, " I have chronic pain in my right knee from when I
slipped working at Hardee's". Let me interject here, that this was the only 'real' job he ever had, and he had it for one (1) day. He said it was
too hard and people were mean to him. Prior to that, he worked for our parents' company, a form of construction, to which, when he didn't call out,
he was consistantly late while living in the same house the business portion calls an office. He is PERFECTLY healthy. There isn't any reason he
cannot work. His only affliction is laziness.
I do not come from one of those high class Ivy League Families. I come from anti-union auto-workers, and carbon plant workersand the under-revered
farmers. Everyone had to make their own way, with some assistance from our parents when absolutely needed because it was hard for them too. He was not
raised to be a dependant on portions of tax payer's paychecks to survive.
He (my brother) called to tell me about his approval for this 'assistance', I wish I could adequately convey to you reader, the pride in his
voice as he told me about how easy his life was going to be now. I asked him what he planned to do with his days, he replied "smoke ciggarettes and
watch movies. I litterally vomitted. To WANT to be a dependant... to be so unaware of , or maybe not even care, that his hard working family, is still
supporting him, only now, he doesn't even have to ask for their help, it's taken directly out of their paycheck.
I think most people, with the exception of a very lucky few know, what it's like to feel hunger, and there's nothing you can do about it because
you had to pay the electric bill or some other necessity,However, I think most of us, would seek other means rather than seek a freebie lifestyle
compliments of the american tax payers.
My anger does not simply rest on him, however he has all of my dissapointment. My anger rests on the mediums that are set in place to act as
filters to ensure that these forms of assistance get to families who have no other way, Not to invest in people who simply seek to do nothing, and not
show a return on that investment. How many more people out there are living it up on my,your, and your families dime? How many of YOU have truly
needed this assistance and been denied? Why is it so easy to manipulate this system? I hope this angers you to the same point it has me.
I appologize to post this here,however, I have nowhere else to express this anger. It upsets my family if we stay on subject too long, and I would
not embarass him by telling family friends, though as proud of himself as he sounded, I have no doubt he will tell them himself. The embarassment then
will rest with our parents in the ever present question 'where did we go wrong'.
I cannot explain the feeling of defeat that this has imposed on me. It feels as though 'they' who every they are, have won. 'They' are taking
capable youth, and teaching that it is alright to let the government take control of your life. I feel utter defeat. The stability I struggled to
aquire, is going to simply handed over to someone who has invested nothing.
[edit on 16-2-2009 by Haiku]