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The Queen I hate so much

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posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:36 AM
Why the hell is Queen Elizibeth's picture in our currency.

Can anyone please explain to me why? Isn't New Zealand an independant country, she is not our Queen, or is she?

Here's one of the coins 2005:

Here's a Candian coin with her face:

Why is the Queen still regarded as the Queen? What is the difinition of a Queen? Doesn't that simply mean she is in controle? But what is she in controle of? I'm simply confused here.

This is an issue which should be discussed so that we have at least the understanding of why she is regarded as a Queen in many countries around the world.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:55 AM
Not to be rude, but since you can type and post the question, I assume you went to school in NZ, and they did try to teach you the rudiments of your country's history.

I'd suggest, since you yourself say you haven't the slightest idea why the Queen of England is still nominal head of state of former British colonies, that you start digging around and see if you can find one of your old world history textbooks they tried to make you read, and read it. That will give you the basics.

Then you can move on to more advanced hatred, like she is leader of the NWO and or Illuminati, a shape-shifting reptilian, one of the 13 Luciferian bloodlines, and so on. You will find much to revel in on this site, btw.

History is quite fascinating once you realize that these were actual people doing that "old stuff"--a little empathy helps.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 06:58 AM
listern to the pistols, god save the queen, it will explain much

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by gottago
Not to be rude, but since you can type and post the question, I assume you went to school in NZ, and they did try to teach you the rudiments of your country's history.

I'd suggest, since you yourself say you haven't the slightest idea why the Queen of England is still nominal head of state of former British colonies, that you start digging around and see if you can find one of your old world history textbooks they tried to make you read, and read it. That will give you the basics.

Then you can move on to more advanced hatred, like she is leader of the NWO and or Illuminati, a shape-shifting reptilian, one of the 13 Luciferian bloodlines, and so on. You will find much to revel in on this site, btw.

History is quite fascinating once you realize that these were actual people doing that "old stuff"--a little empathy helps.

The question is, why is she a Queen now not back when British was a colonial power, you get me? I have read history, I know her and her families role but now we have moved on, umm to something called Democracy where you chose your leaders.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by Ownification
Is New Zealand part of the Commonwealth? I personally have'nt a clue what her role is in society anymore.Here in the uk taxpayers keep the royals in their life of luxury and at xmas time she comes out of the woodwork and gives a little speech to our nation-apart from that we don't really see her!According to David Icke she's a shape shifting reptile but I'm open minded on that score,who knows?I would have a lot more respect for her if she used some of her so-called powers and dissolved our current government but I'm not holding my breath.!

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Ownification
The question is, why is she a Queen now not back when British was a colonial power, you get me? I have read history, I know her and her families role but now we have moved on, umm to something called Democracy where you chose your leaders.

Okay, if this is not just a rant thread, then I'll give you my proverbial two cents about the monarchy.

I think first it is a question of historical perspective; barring revolutions, governments are extremely conservative by their very nature--there is extreme resistance to change, because change engenders instability and because those inside government want to preserve and accrete to themselves more power over time. This is even more true for wealthy countries which the Commonwealth certainly is.

In historical terms, the collapse of the British Empire was only a few days ago. I think you look at the question too much in relation to your own personal time-frame; it looks to you to be a relic of the past--and in many ways it is--but governments and especially their fundamental governing principles are incredibly difficult to modify from outside the system. You need widespread and vocal public calls for change, and you need to overcome bureaucratic inertia and powerful vested interests in maintaining the status quo.

The Commonwealth nations being prosperous and conservative, with a relatively contented populace, there simply is no reason to change. There is no outcry, no destabilizing feeling on the part of the people that the system is broken and that it is afflicting them in a vital way, so no real pressure to change. It really comes down to human and bureaucratic nature--if it ain't broke, don't fix it.

The Queen does her duty and reaps the benefits. Its an ancient system and yes of course pride and snobbery and class all come into play as well, but just because some people are pissed off at that doesn't mean that you will see a huge popular movement to throw her out. She's got the inertia on her side.

Edit to add: there is also an element of pride in it as well; everyone knows the Empire collapsed, but in a way don't want to acknowledge it--a kind of nostalgic basking in faded glory. Heck, there are still rabid monarchists throughout Europe, pining for the return of the Bourbons and Hapsburgs and the whole lot. Part of that psychology is at play as well. You've got to toss out all those comfortable, feel-good traditions as well, and come up with something better: not likely to happen.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by gottago]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Ownification

I'm from Oz and from what i have learn t in school NZ has mostly the same system as Australia does, We are a Constitutional Monarchy , that means at the end of the day the Queen of England is the head of of Australia and NZ, Although most of what she does now days is just symbolic, she still does have her representatives , The Governor General , and the states Governors in australia that report to her over tea and biscuits
But most of the time she keeps her nose out of our business, there was one time back in Gough Whitlam was prime minister of Oz , the Queens representative(the Governor general) Kicked him out of office because of some BS reason. but i hope that sort of gives you an tiny incite of the role of the queen and her representatives in NZ and Aus.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:05 AM
Queen Elizabeth II is perhaps the most refined and gracious lady alive.

I also suggest that you take the time not only to learn a bit about your own nation's history, the history of the European monarchies, but also about the life of this fine lady.

After you have done that, you might still hate the system that still supports these royal bloodlines, but I doubt that you will find anything whatsoever to hate about Queen Elizabeth II.

[edit on 2009/2/16 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:25 AM
Probably for the same reason we have Lincoln and Franklin on our currency, because they were historical figures.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:24 AM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

sir how can you hate the system and not the queen? when the queen is the very figurhead of the system, and the systems, police, prisons ,armies, in fact every means of control known

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by uk today

I have met the Queen and Prince Phillip. I promise neither of them were shape shifting anythings. She was a nice elderly lady with hideous shoes. He a sweet but not too bright old man, who insisted on the pomp and ceremony that was due to him.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by crowkey

sir how can you hate the system and not the queen? when the queen is the very figurhead of the system, and the systems, police, prisons ,armies, in fact every means of control known

The answer is simple.

Because the royal family in Britain exists as such simply because the people want them. You do know what figurehead means, don't you?

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by GradyPhilpott

Agreed, she has done nothing less then dedicate her entire life to her people in the UK and the Commonwealth ... from her service in the Auxiliary Territorial Service in WWII to being monarch for over 50 years she has done nothing but serve the people. Look at all the money they give to charity funds and such. QEII makes my list of the top 10 leaders of all time figurehead or not.

That's alot more then can be said of Bush II, Obama, Clinton, etc.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by ChrisF231]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Listen to the explanation to the 'hate' in my title than hopefully you will understand.

I didn't have time to explain fully the 'hate' in the title so I will explain now. We have been dying and killing in the name of Democracy to remove dictators who do not allow their people a choice, why should a symbole of dictatorship exist within a Democratic society is beyong me and I am think beyong any of you individuals who have explained.

The whole idea of 'King', and 'Queen', is a symbole of dictatorship and should be abolished. I get upset when I see her picture in my currency, she has no right to be in our currency, she has no right to be a 'Queen' in a Democratic society. If We allow this than we shouldn't complain about the Saudi's.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 10:00 PM
Listen to the explanation to the 'hate' in my title than hopefully you will understand.

I didn't have time to explain fully the 'hate' in the title so I will explain now. We have been dying and killing in the name of Democracy to remove dictators who do not allow their people a choice, why should a symbole of dictatorship exist within a Democratic society is beyong me and I am think beyong any of you individuals who have explained.

The whole idea of 'King', and 'Queen', is a symbole of dictatorship and should be abolished. I get upset when I see her picture in my currency, she has no right to be in our currency, she has no right to be a 'Queen' in a Democratic society. If We allow this than we shouldn't complain about the Saudi's.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:01 PM
You've made your case and you are welcome to it, but the British monarchy is not what it was. It stands as a tradition that seems to unite the British people and fascinates the world.

It may be very well be a waning fascination and a uniter of the "empire."

The image which Elizabeth has nurtured in her life seems not to be as treasured as it ought to be by her progeny.

However, the throne was thrust upon her early in her life and she didn't have the luxury of living as "normal" a life as the "run of the mill" royal.

However, I don't believe that the current royal family is a symbol of the monarchies of the past, nor are they dictators.

There are plenty of things to get riled up about in the world today without obsessing about the royals.

[edit on 2009/2/16 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:12 PM
It does make me uncomfortable to have a monarch on my currency but I have nothing against QEII personally. I realize that she has many loyal subjects who love her dearly in the UK and if she makes them happy, that's just fine. I would like to see famous Canadians on my Canadian coins; that's all.

posted on Feb, 16 2009 @ 11:13 PM
Any country part of the Commenwealth is ruled by the Queen Of England, Including Canada, US, and Australia.

The US never fully broke away from England, it is still ruled by The Queen in a way,

One way this can be proved is from the demonization of Americans and the founding fathers, this Youtube video might help you.

He calls the Founding Fathers terrorists because they opposed England. This is all recorded history, really.

I think though that there is more proof that America never fully broke away from England, but Im not positive. The point is that England still wants to rule over America, at the very least.

[edit on 16-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

[edit on 16-2-2009 by ats__fan039]

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