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Plans for a small EMP device?

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posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 07:40 PM
i was just wondering how you can make an EMP generators? like the ones that are strong enough to take out a regular PC or a server. how much damage can it do and how much will it cost to build one?

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:31 AM

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 02:06 AM
Just use a 12 gauge shotgun. That will take down a regular PC or server no worries.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 02:12 AM
Here's a place you can buy them. These will be great if people actually got those credit and identification hand chips implanted. Warning, walking through circuit city with these and destroying the computers anonymously is in fact illegal.

Go here and click on the "KITS" link on the bottom of the page:

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
Just use a 12 gauge shotgun. That will take down a regular PC or server no worries.

old fashion way always is the best way

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 09:41 AM
well thats the simple way but i have another solution
"nuke the site from orbit,only way to be sure"

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 09:56 AM
Yeah interesting post. I actually did some looking into this myself a while back and came upon the schematics for an EMP bomb that they used in Desert Storm. But that's not what u want. Basically you want a way to concentrate a pulse of (most likely) radio waves in a direction to overload the ciruitry of a PC. Get a radio transmitter and use a bunch of capacitors to boost the signal strength really high.

Oh, and about nuking a city to catch a criminal, nukes emit EMP bursts.

But really, just find/write a program that crashes the head onto the disk while speeding up a disk's RPMs. (Yes, I think this is possible)

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 10:30 AM
hmm well i still prefer the nuke idea but thats just me
yeah i knew about the nuke emp thingy but didnt really know they uised an emp in desert storm
u goto a link or somein

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 11:35 AM
Sorry i don't have a link I did the research like 6/7 months ago. Just go to google and type in EMP bombs.

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 11:37 AM

Originally posted by silQ
i was just wondering how you can make an EMP generators? like the ones that are strong enough to take out a regular PC or a server. how much damage can it do and how much will it cost to build one?

The word is that non miltary officals who build their own EMP generator is monitored incase you plan to take out a major target. Be careful

posted on Apr, 17 2004 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by J0HNSmith
Here's a place you can buy them. These will be great if people actually got those credit and identification hand chips implanted. Warning, walking through circuit city with these and destroying the computers anonymously is in fact illegal.

Go here and click on the "KITS" link on the bottom of the page:

cool link, i know what i want for christmas now

[Edited on 17-4-2004 by infinite]

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 03:51 PM
would a microwave work

posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 04:19 PM
There was a very detailed thread covering all aspects of device design and deployment here on ATS some time ago, authored by ''...I've tried looking for it by trawling through the archives, but to no avail, does anyone have a bookmarked link???


posted on Dec, 2 2007 @ 05:53 PM
You can use a microwave oven magnetron to create a relatively small (would fit inside the area of a bar fridge) HERF gun. Not really an EMP, but it would be short range, low power, and will disrupt microelectronics until you stop firing. I've always envisioned building one into the bed of a truck and replacing the tailgate with composite...
Try not to shoot yourself though. I hear cancer sucks.

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 05:42 PM
hi erm it looks like any site u could get plans from has been shut down as all counrtys would be masivly effected by this and if u can get plans for a small one you can have it made to a biger bomb and take out a whole countries

posted on May, 27 2008 @ 10:22 PM
This type of censorship hobbles science and gives no assurance the tech is not in the wrong hands already.

A nuke is the only way I know to produce an EMP of any real effectiveness. A counter EMP weapon could produce (in theory) a phase shifted EMP to neutralize the first EMP, but then we get into near field physics.

EMPs could be used for radio containment fusion, emergency medical response to biohazard vectors released into wide environments, etc. So I guess we will just continue to shoot ourselves in the foot...

posted on Jan, 5 2009 @ 09:25 PM
Powerfull Magnets do a close job and can down TVs and PCs. As far as i know the materials needed are a steel bar, iron does a much job, copper wire to wrap around the bar, and a power source. Then you have to hook it up to the power source in a special way, some websites will explain. I know they can be dangerous to and if your thinking of making a big ass one you wana stay away from hospitals so nobody on life support gets the plug pulled. Again im not 100% IDK how they work but all an all pretty friken awsome.

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 09:57 PM
I was thinking about that myself. Ironically if you research FCC regulations it would probably give you a clue. Basically what frequencies are dangerous to other things. I can see why the gov would be paranoid about it though. Think about it. Are cities are just that, cities of electronics. And where would you actually test something like this, a junkyard? Tqake electonics to a field? I wouldn't want to test pulses near my apartment or anything else mechanical. I wonder if HAARP was developed to try to # with the guidance system of incoming Soviet missiles. How does one remotely set off or throw off something like that? Tesla dreamed about making a shield around our borders, so god knows where they got THEIR designs from. His hotel room?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:00 PM
reply to post by silQ

Are you planning on using one?

posted on Aug, 12 2009 @ 10:05 PM
"A nuke is the only way I know to produce an EMP of any real effectiveness. A counter EMP weapon could produce (in theory) a phase shifted EMP to neutralize the first EMP, but then we get into near field physics."

I don't know. If you look at what Tesla was talking about, we are surounded by radio frequencies, grounding, etc. The whole atmosphere is a conducter, and everything electric comes with FCC warnings, so are they because they dont want you to interfere with broadcasts, or certain frequencies can effect many other electronic devices? The internet is based on land line. Cable, DSL. No broadcasting, except wireless. But if you coul generate any frequency, somehow took a computer to the woods, could any radio frequencies, permanantly screw up anything in your computer? And the bigger question is chips. They are still based on physical connections. silicon and copper.

The cool thing about this is it's real mad scientist stuff. How to make something NOT work. Much easier than actually designing something productive, though I bet military contractors would pay handsomely for figuring out how to just turn off enemy tanks, jeeps, etc. Without actual fusion or fission. Harmless to biological entities, a real pisser to electronic gear. If I were a UFO, how would I stop a car from running.

But yeah, with power comes responsibility. There are a lot of people who are not just curious geeks, who should come nowhere near what we are talking about.

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