posted on Feb, 15 2009 @ 01:15 AM
I saw a thread here right now where a guy says he sees an increase in dead birds in his area, and it reminded me about yesterday when i talked to my
friend who works at a vet office in my city. He said the vet found something wrong with the bird and it looked like the h5n1 avian flu strain. The
bird was from another city,my friend told me that another weird thing he found out was that some government workers (he does not recall wich agency)
came to the vet office and asked for a "secured container".
This is making us think that now our birds here in America are slowly starting to get the h5n1 virus.
In Asia many people are starting to die from the avian flu, IF it will be DISASTROUS and will spread QUICKLY. It might literally cause
civil unrest and panic no doubt.
I just wanted to give you a heads up, and IF YOU KNOW ANYTHING or SEE STRANGE BEHAVIOR let us know.
An h5n1 epidemic will be WORSE than the spanish flu. We must try our best to prevent it.
Flu epidemic.