posted on Feb, 14 2009 @ 11:47 AM
No I do not think most of them are mentally ill, I just think that because they don't understand science and the scientific processes behind some
things, they try to come up with other reasons of why things happen and to justify what they see. If you see something that you just can't explain,
your brain automatically tries to come up with a reason of why you are seeing it - even if it's not the right reason. It's just how the human brain
I'll give a good example: Chemtrails. Anyone with a background in meteorology at all, even if just an introductory 100-level college class, knows
that "Chemtrails" are just normal contrails, because you learn how clouds form and can apply the very same scientific information to contrails. But
people who have not learned anything about meteorology or the science behind it, do not understand how clouds or contrails form, so to help them
understand why they are seeing contrails, their brain creates this crazy theory that the evil government is spraying chemicals in the air.
Another good example is UFOs. Yes, more than likely most UFOs we see really are swamp gas or lenticular clouds. But again, because people who have no
background in meteorology, geology, or any earth science have no idea of the scientific processes behind things, their brain tries to create a reason
to help them justify what they are seeing. So immediately, they assume what they are seeing is an alien craft from outer space.
With that said, yes I'm sure there are some conspiracy theories on here that are true, but probably the more believable ones like secret government
groups or NWO groups. Those have existed before in history, there's no reason they can't exist again in our time. Humans find strength in numbers,
it's a natural human instinct. So naturally, some humans want to create secret groups to gain more power.
[edit on 14-2-2009 by ProfessorRusso]