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Is Bush A Devil Worshipper?

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posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:41 PM
This is silly.
He is most certainly one of if not the most evil president we have ever had. The man cant say anything without that little smirk on his face, because he thinks we are all just dumb enough to believe him. He claims to be a christian yet between 10 and 15 THOUSAND people have died in wars he has undertaken, yet he still smirks at us and looks for WMD under his desk. I could go on and on and on, but it really boils down to just two simple words.
(yeah, thats the same symbol on poison)

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 09:53 PM
This has got to be the most misinformed, unreasonable, blatantly false things I've ever read.

EKC, what little respect I had for you to begin with has just been eradicated.

Was Harry Truman a satanist for ordering the use of the Atomic Bomb against Japan?

Was Jefferson Davis a satanist for leading the Confederacy during the United States Civil War?

Was George #ing Washington a satanist for spearheading the American rebellion against oppressive unrepresented government?

You extreme leftists have some serious thinking to do before you go voting.

posted on Apr, 14 2004 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by watcheroftheskies
He sure didnt seem to mind putting to death retarded people when he was governor in Texas....

I always get a kick out of people who are for the death penalty but against abortion....its the ultimate hypocrisy

personally im against abortion but not against it being legal ....the only way to stop it is thru education

I'm sorry but i don't see how thats hypocritical because the death penalty is ending someones life because of a wrong they commited (probably not that bad considering living in a high security prison the rest of your life as the only other option) is totally different than denying one a chance to live. I'm not saying that im against abortion though

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by cloud
evil goes by many names, and if must assume the persona of holiness, it will
. and has anyone forgotten the mention of false prophets in the bible?

[Edited on 4/14/2004 by cloud]

He totally fits the false prophet bill.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 07:35 AM

Originally posted by Phoenix
This post proves the increasing desperation of the left to pin anything they can on Bush, now he's a devil worshipper, that just cracks me up, I'm a neo pagan with buddist influence does that make me one too ?

I'm going to break it down for you, Bush SYCOPHANT, I started this thread for one reason - and it drew you here, btw - I start a thread that has very important, vital information - # people need to see and understand - and nobody hardly bothers with them - probly b/c its just too much for most people, or b/c its too in-depth for passers by - and it pisses me off - that so many people are so damn blinde and willfully ignorant. I figured I'd start a somewhat SILLLY thread to see how many people bit. It caught fire immediately. So, my theory was proven. I am having fun reading all the comments, though.

Oh yeah, hate to bust yo ayse, but I'm a lifelong conservative (now ex) Republican.

[Edited on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 08:04 AM
until Bush and his cohorts Kerry and Clinton come clean and tell us about their dealings with the Skull and Bones, I would have to say..the possiblity of all three of them and the rest of member of Skull and Bones are likely to be devil worshippers is extremely likely...what Christian god fearing group is gonna call themselves Skull and Bones???

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
what Christian god fearing group is gonna call themselves Skull and Bones???

A true Christian would never swear an oath of loyalty and submission to anything or anyone but Jesus Christ, himself.

Look at the death and mayhem that George W. Bush has brought to the world. And like someone said, he smirks his way through each and every day. As a Christian I'm appalled at his demonically-inspired actions and vapid, idiotic comments. Even his words have gotten people killed.

I will have things to answer for, too; but I sure would hate to be in his skin on judgement day.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 08:58 AM

Party on dude!!

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:04 AM
Of course he's a Satanist as are most of those around (and above) him. Only the Devil could keep that staright-lipped smirk from popping into a full grin as he tells his whoppers.

Has he ever repudiated his membership in Skull & Bones?? Christians should have had an inkling into his true nature when he called a reporter an a**hole during the 2000 election campaign in front of a mike he thought was off, or when he met with the "Log Cabin" (queer) Republicans siad he emerged a "better man for having dialogued" with them.

Come on folks...wake up...he is as much of a stooge as Clinton was...only FAR DUMBER!!

Excellent post, ECK!!!

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:04 AM

Originally posted by fortean

Party on dude!!

That's too funny! Finally, a line Dubya wouldn't mess up.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:07 AM
A true Christian would never swear an oath of loyalty and submission to anything or anyone but Jesus Christ, himself.


Are you a true Christian?

If so, what do you have to say about taking the oath of enlistment?

[Edited on 15/4/04 by COOL HAND]

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:22 AM
Noone could ever say this thread lacks non sequiturs.

If Bush and Kerry want to worship the devil it's their choice. And I don't see anyone trying to stop them. In fact, it seems Bush has a closer relationship with the 'devil' than most christians have with Jesus.

You see GW made a decision and sticks with it no matter what comes his way. Christians don't know if they want to kill you or take you in and wash your feet.

I can't really fault people on defending Bush or tearing him down. Either way it doesn't affect him too much. He's just playing his part. All our diatribes do is keep us busy while more 'devils' are being worshipped.

If those that think they can see what's going on quit wasting their energy on those that refuse to even open an eye, then maybe something could actually be done to bring about a reality more suitable for those enlightened individuals. Energy without direction doesn't produce anything. Energy with direction produces 15,000 deaths.

Welcome to reality ya'll. If you want to produce your own reality then you have to study the tactics of those that have been successful in forcefeeding theirs to 6 billion walking carcasses. Then impliment the strategies but directing the energy in the opposite direction.

But you know, that sounds too much like work. So I say worship Jesus and the 'devil'. Worship money and family values. Be against abortion but petition for free "the-day-after" pills. Deny ignorance but believe all the lies you are told. See how easy it is and popular too.

Lesson for the day: Bush is a christian nazi G-d fearing right-wing zealot facist who stands on a strong platform of family values, big-business, human rights and a larger government. He loves long naps and sunset barbecues. Enjoys manslaughter and pentecostal evangelicalism. Doesn't much like PDBs or brown people.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:29 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by fortean

Party on dude!!

That's too funny! Finally, a line Dubya wouldn't mess up.

Well...that and his lines of coke.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 09:47 AM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Everything he does is racist and wrong. CAn't see him being a Christian and being as bloodthirsty and vengeful as he is.

What does he do that is wrong? What does he do that is racist...typical liberal blabbing there it seams. No facts to back it up that are based in reality.

Economy is on the upswing. Go ahead and cite national debt...then define it to me. And explain why it is the way it is.

Unemployment is lower then the averages since the carter presidency.

Name one thing he did that indicated he was racist?

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 10:53 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Everything he does is racist and wrong. CAn't see him being a Christian and being as bloodthirsty and vengeful as he is.

Name one thing he did that indicated he was racist?

Uh, gee.. he kind of let the cat out of the bag when he called taking the fight to Al Qaeda a CRUSADE. You don't pay attention to much, do you? This whole "war on terror" has been framed in a very racist way and the xenophobes in the media only play it up. Towel heads. Ragheads. You name it. It's RACIST. Racism is SIN. But you can keep your head up Bush's arse all you want and DENY reality until the cows come home, for all I care. But you better know one thing:

On that day, BushCo. will devour you, too. You are NOTHING to this cabal. Unless you have millions and millions of dollars.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:00 AM

Originally posted by COOL HAND

A true Christian would never swear an oath of loyalty and submission to anything or anyone but Jesus Christ, himself.


Are you a true Christian?

If so, what do you have to say about taking the oath of enlistment?

[Edited on 15/4/04 by COOL HAND]

Yes, Cool Hand, I am a true Christian. An imperfect Christian who struggles to do the right thing every day of my life. And to spread the truth behind the lies.

I should have stated the above comment differently. I had no problem taking the military oath. I adhere to it to this day. I love this country and will fight for it and the US constitution until the day I die - against ALL ENEMIES FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC!

I don't think God would have a problem with that.

The problem are these Masonic/secret society oaths and initiations these people take/go through. Their allegience is above God and to themselves. That is Satanic.

[Edited on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by ShadowHasNoSource
Noone could ever say this thread lacks non sequiturs.

If Bush and Kerry want to worship the devil it's their choice. And I don't see anyone trying to stop them. In fact, it seems Bush has a closer relationship with the 'devil' than most christians have with Jesus.

I nearly feel out of my chari when I saw this. It is so true!!!!!!

Lesson for the day: Bush is a christian nazi G-d fearing right-wing zealot facist who stands on a strong platform of family values, big-business, human rights and a larger government. He loves long naps and sunset barbecues. Enjoys manslaughter and pentecostal evangelicalism. Doesn't much like PDBs or brown people.

OMG once again your really hittin them with it.

[Edited on 15-4-2004 by DaTruth]

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:07 AM

Originally posted by DaTruth

Originally posted by ShadowHasNoSource
it seems Bush has a closer relationship with the 'devil' than most christians have with Jesus.

I nearly feel out of my chari when I saw this. It is so true!!!!!!

Sad, but true. If Christians knew their scriptures and were truly tuned into what's going on - they would demand congress impeach Bush. But the majority of them are asleep at the wheel and they don't even know it.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:08 AM

Originally posted by Seapeople
Name one thing he did that indicated he was racist?

Well calling his brothers children "the brown one's over there" Some may consider that racist, some may consider that ignorant. I think that they are one in the same.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:08 AM
The problem are these Masonic/secret society oaths and initiations these people take/go through. Their allegience is above God and to themselves. That is Satanic.

[Edited on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

Well then, the military must be one of those secret societies as the "So help me God" part comes at the very end after you have sworn an oath to (in order):
Support and Defend the Constitution against all enemies...
Will bear true faith and allegiance to the same
I will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over me

Since I took roughly the same oath, does that make me a satan worshipper like you? I hope not, the chaplains would be pissed at me.

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