Part 2
4. You let Dick "Crazy-Eyes" Cheney do whatever the hell he wanted to whomever he wanted whenever and wherever he wanted, and be damned
to the damned old Constitution anyway. Cheney once said the vice president's office was not part of the same branch of government as the president's
office, and he said it with his bare face hanging out the whole time.
Why? He didn't want to give any of his official papers over to the National Archives, as mandated by at least two federal laws. [...]
5. On July 19, 2006, you vetoed H.R. 810. On June 20, 2007, you vetoed S. 5. Both vetoes killed legislation aimed at funding and vastly enhancing
the reach and scope of stem cell research in America. [...]
ALSO, you defied lawfully issued subpoenas and potentially set a precedent that could shatter the separation of powers.
You told the American people Iraq was in possession of 26,000 liters of anthrax, 38,000 liters of botulinum toxin, 500 tons - which is one million
pounds - of sarin, mustard and VX nerve agent, 30,000 missiles to deliver the stuff, mobile biological weapons labs, al-Qaeda connections and uranium
from Niger for use in a robust nuclear weapons program, even though all of that was a lie. You made a joking video about not being able to find any of
You outed a deep-cover CIA agent who was running a network designed to keep weapons of mass destruction out of the hands of terrorists, and you did so
because her ambassador husband told the truth about you in the public prints.
You gave away our right to privacy by sending the NSA to spy on us.
You turned us all into torturers and butchers in the eyes of the world with your decision to use Abu Ghraib prison the same way Saddam Hussein once
You tried to appoint Henry Kissinger to lead the investigation into 9/11.
You turned the entire Justice Department into a carnival of political hackery.
You championed the economic policies and deregulation fantasies that have left the financial stability of millions in ashes.
You used the threat of terrorism against your own people in order to give yourself political cover.
You killed hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people who did you nor us no harm.
You did all this, and so much more.[...]
It will be in the best interests of many powerful people if we as a nation simply dismiss you and forget you ever happened. A lot of news media people
want us to forget you, because in forgetting you, we would forget the media's vast complicity in your actions and misdeeds.
A lot of rich people making new fortunes from war profiteering and defense contracts want us to forget they and you even exist, as it would make it
possible for them to do it all again someday.
A lot of politicians who stapled themselves to you would simply adore it if we forgot about you.
The Republican Party would be forever in our debt if we forgot about you.
No. We will not forget you. We will remember.
We The People are going to save you from ignominious oblivion. We will remember. You could be the president who doomed America, the worst president of
all time, but we must not, will not let that happen.
You will be remembered differently, because we will hold the memory of you high, and behold you, and say, "Never, never, never again."
We have tasted the soot and smelled the blood on the wind; we have seen how fragile our way of government is when placed in the hands of low men such
as you, and because of that, you will be remembered for all time.[...]
May you live forever, you son of a bitch.
William Rivers Pitt is a New York Times and internationally bestselling author of two books: "War on Iraq: What Team Bush Doesn't Want You to Know"
and "The Greatest Sedition Is Silence." [...]