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posted on Sep, 29 2009 @ 11:56 PM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda

Question: (from smyleegrl) What is the meaning or purpose of life?

Experience. The plane we are currently on, the physical plane (Elemental Earth) is intended to give us experience, so we come here for many lifetimes, perhaps in different places, with different roles, and goals. But at the end of it all, its all about experience.

So our personal choices and decisions in the regarding of "Good" and "evil" makes little difference after we're gone? (From this plane of existance)
I live my life with the thought that the decisions I make, dictate the life I lead and the afterlife I experience. I am the consumate good guy. I'm kind. I don't mince words, nor do I falter in saying what's on my mind, damn the PC factor. I'm rarely rude and when I am, I'm clever and funny about it. No-one takes offence. I live my life making decisions that help my own soul as much as it helps someone other than me. I avoid decisions that result in the opposite result.
I have personal honor.

Does it mean nothing other than "I went to Earth and I never got to kill/rape/slaughter/resist arrest/overdose and hang with scum/etc???"

I understand the concept that experience breeds wisdom. I'd like to look back on my life and recognize all that was good and bad. I'm very honest with myself as it is, but, what I hear from you is it's just, basically, a 70 or so year rollercoaster ride and when we're done, we throw up and get back in line.

What about the loved ones we've lost to death? Will we still see them afterwards? Will I recognise my brother who died as my brother, or, see him like an old classmate I haven't seen in 20 years because we're just two guys from the ether that got thrown to Earth in the same family? My mom, dad, uncles, aunts, nieces and nephews? Friends here? Are they friends there?

Your answer, has...HAS very much peaked my interest.

Thanks for replying (In U2U if it will detract from this thread, although, I don't think it will).


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 05:29 AM
reply to post by Cuhail

Thanks for helping to clarify my questions.....can't wait to see if we have answers soon!

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:41 AM

i m from far away

i m an alien scout based in france

i ve seen my introduction post being censured when i talked about my origins.

I know i come without proof. Except the one you ll see if you accept to meet me

i can answer questions but dont think i know everything... i was "made" to observe and report (france is my assignment but each country in this Earth got aliens like me hidden inside humans, with family and jobs...)

hope this thread goes on i m one of those who wants the truth to be shown to all

ps : again , sorry for my poor english

[edit on 30-9-2009 by xenotouch]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 07:46 AM
So are there any beings that can live forever and still have an intact memory of all their past interactions and are all creatures created by the same CREATOR????? Please answer IF YOU MAY.

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13
So are there any beings that can live forever and still have an intact memory of all their past interactions and are all creatures created by the same CREATOR????? Please answer IF YOU MAY.

well, this is a huge question, dont expect huge answer

I dont know how to start, it s very difficult to answer without explainin the whole "life process"...

first of all there is no such thing as a "religious god". In fact, the only deity we love is The Universe. But it's only cause we don't understand how it works. So, YES, THE UNIVERSE CAN LIVE FOREVER AND STILL HAVE AN INTACT MEMORY OF ALL ITS PAST INTERACTIONS...

Imagine the solar system. Look it inside your brain, as it's usually shown : planets turnin around a sun... now imagine this system being part of a biosystem, like an atom and it s particles are part of a leg... that s all. Amazingly difficult to understand and so simple in fact... life is everywhere... we may have our own universes inside our bodies... with civilizations and all... the universe is a living entity. It has the ability to learn, communicate, breath and eat... we re not just as the same dimension plan...

About creator, or creators :

once again, you ask i anwser, but dont call me a mad person or a fake please...

we dont know who started it all. Really... maybe a god... maybe nothing understandable... but we know for sure that life on this galaxy was created by an ancient ET race. They created something new : DNA. And from this DNA, every life in this galaxy is parent. We are cousins. Physical differences come from different environment. On my planet, gravity makes us taller and thinner than humans... but it s the same genetic materiel... believe it or not...

We have the same brain, and as we can use the parts you dont, we can assume humans are capable of psychic powers like you call them...

so we know who created us, but who created them, and what form of non DNA life was it ?

ps : before someone ask, as i grown in earth, i look entirely like you humans, except a small part of my eyes. And i have few psychic powers, cause even for us, it need to be trained and learned. I did not have such lessons on earth. So i have naturally develooped abilities but they are so weak compared to my homeplanet people.


[edit on 30-9-2009 by xenotouch]

[edit on 30-9-2009 by xenotouch]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:27 AM
So you feel my E.T FRIEND that the UNIVERSE IS GOD AND NOT A VERY SMALL CREATION BY THE RELIGIOUS GOD. Yes I can agree with you that you may be made of simular materials as these HUMANS for you all were CREATED INSIDE THIS LITTLE UNIVERSE WITH EXISTING SPACE MATERIALS. But you feel the UNIVERSE IS GOD hmm interesting enough. So your species has no knowledge of the NON DYING 1z THAT MAY HAVE SEEDED YOUR CIVILIZATION. I have no disbelief that your are an E.T. I just collect data to see if your species knows of the CHRIST THAT WAS GIVEN THIS WHOLE UNIVERSE. Also familurise yourself w/ LILUTH SHE WENT UP TO THE HEAVENS AND HAD OFFSPRING BUT CAME FROM THE EARTH REALM ORIGINALLY FRIEND hence your simular genetic features as these humans, as you say. GOOD DAY FRIEND hope you all get the information you seek in FRANCE.

? On your planet does a PYRAMID OF SOME TYPE EXIST.

[edit on 9/30/09 by Ophiuchus 13]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:50 AM
pyramids ?

pyramids are mathematics

and mathematics is the universal language

just look the gizeh site... then keep looking for "similar pyramids site"

you ll find a lot, with same number of pyramids (dont forget gizeh site got at least 2 small pyramids more than those stayin up today), same alignement, same mathematical properties

the day you ll found them all, you ll understand better why pyramids where build and what is their purpose

hint : space travel and beacon

edit : and YES we got pyramids too

[edit on 30-9-2009 by xenotouch]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 09:45 AM
edit : and YES we got pyramids too

[edit on 30-9-2009 by xenotouch]


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by AnthraAndromda
reply to post by WitnessFromAfar

Yep...I'm here.

Please ask away...I have answers to all questions [I wish...]

Sorry for the delay, I'm having a busy week here in my personal life, and ATS has unfortunately been forced to take a seat on my back-burner...

That being said, thanks for replying, and know that I will come back to follow up as I am able.

My questions are as follows, thank you for considering them:

1) Did you come to Earth via Spacecraft, or through some other means?

1A) If Spacecraft, what is the primary motive force exploited by your craft's 'drive' systems?

1B) If Spacecraft, do you use the same craft to travel between stars that you do for atmospheric entry/exit, or are there smaller crafts used for planetary deployment?

1C) If Spacecraft, did you stop to refuel on the way here, or did your vessel exploit some (unknown to humans) force acquiring all of the energy for the trip at the outset of the journey?

2) Does your race, in it's natural appearance, physically resemble Human form?

3) How far out into Space is it possible to connect to Earth's Internet from, using your technology?

4) Did your race stumble upon Earth, or did you pick up one of our messages to outer space (or possibly broadcast transmissions...)?

5) Of the elements found naturally here on Earth, what element is of the most value to your race?

6) Does pulling work in physics, without being a result of a pushing force?

7) Using your interplanetary travel methods, if you were to return to your home planet from this one after coming here and staying for 1 Earth day, how much time would have elapsed on your planet?

7B) How does your speed of travel compare to the speed of light?

8) Have you observed other planets where other races are at a similar evolutionary point to Humans on Earth?

9) Can you communicate with your world from this distance?

I think that's asking a lot to start out, so I'll stop there.

Thanks very much for considering my questions.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Cuhail

So our personal choices and decisions in the regarding of "Good" and "evil" makes little difference after we're gone? (From this plane of existance)

Good and evil are relative terms and can only be understood in terms of the other... One can not know good with evil, nor evil without good. This is why we must experience everything, this first hand experience gives us knowledge and the methods to judge good and evil, light and dark. This knowledge along with yet more experience leads us to wisdom.

I have personal honor.

Does it mean nothing other than "I went to Earth and I never got to kill/rape/slaughter/resist arrest/overdose and hang with scum/etc???"

Honor is good, yet if you have Honor, then you have known dishonor.
And, yes this all means much more than "I went to Earth ...". You need to understand that you will spend many, many life-times on Earth and on this plane. Each will be different, as in each you will have a different set of experiences.

What about the loved ones we've lost to death? Will we still see them afterwards?

We are all "Stars", unique individuals existing within the universe, we are immortal and timeless. Yes you will see those who you have known and loved, though in a different context.

Etarzi od Oma

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 03:53 PM
Thank you for responding. Sincerely.

I'll mull that over and see if it gels.


PS, I have known dishonor. I didn't like it. Honor is easier and more rewarding.


posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by WitnessFromAfar

My questions are as follows, thank you for considering them:

1) Did you come to Earth via Spacecraft, or through some other means?

Spacecraft...My mother, while still pregnant with me made the trip. I was born in Earth orbit and placed with an Earth family.

1A) If Spacecraft, what is the primary motive force exploited by your craft's 'drive' systems?

As I understand...there are two primary drive systems. One is a high-velocity mass ejection used to manuvering near planets and in orbit. The second is a Worm-hole drive system used for interstellar and intergalactic travel. This worm-hole system can connect two very distant places via a comparitively short tunnel. For instance my mother recently made a trip to a star some 90 light years from Earth, using this system the total flight time was about 45 minutes (Earth time: stable orbit to stable orbit).

1B) If Spacecraft, do you use the same craft to travel between stars that you do for atmospheric entry/exit, or are there smaller crafts used for planetary deployment?

No. for atmospheric operations we use much smaller ships. Mothers "flag-ship" is something over a mile in length and nearly as wide at its widest point.

1C) If Spacecraft, did you stop to refuel on the way here, or did your vessel exploit some (unknown to humans) force acquiring all of the energy for the trip at the outset of the journey?

I'm not sure what is used to generate power. Mother tells me that they exploit dark-matter and energy...I'm not a physicist, so I have little base to understand these things [even my semiconductor physics education fails...sigh]

2) Does your race, in it's natural appearance, physically resemble Human form?

Yes, very much like Humans, but a little more than twice the height.

3) How far out into Space is it possible to connect to Earth's Internet from, using your technology?

Again, I don't know. I currently live on Earth, mother is about 100,000 kilometers away. She doesn't have an internet connection, but as I understand it, this because of any signal or technical issues. More out of respect for Earth, and the fact that she might have trouble getting an IP address (though I think I could help with that)

4) Did your race stumble upon Earth, or did you pick up one of our messages to outer space (or possibly broadcast transmissions...)?

Neither, we were asked by the Pleiadian Federation to come here and "oversee" the integration of Earth into you local stellar community.

5) Of the elements found naturally here on Earth, what element is of the most value to your race?

All / none...they have equal value to us, and we can "make" any of them in virtually any quantity we might need.

6) Does pulling work in physics, without being a result of a pushing force?

Not sur I understand this question...but Newton sait it best...every action has an equal and opposit reaction.

7) Using your interplanetary travel methods, if you were to return to your home planet from this one after coming here and staying for 1 Earth day, how much time would have elapsed on your planet?

This is actually quite difficult to explain and grasp. I'm not sure just how to convert elapsed time on Earth to elapsed time on another planet. so...

Travel time from Andromeda to Earth takes about 6 weeks (as Earth figures time), for my people a somewhat shorter time period has passed. But this does not account for ageing of our people verses Humans. For instance, I've been on Earth since 1947...some 62 years, yet to my people I'm a small child. I've always found this difficult...

7B) How does your speed of travel compare to the speed of light?

Worm-hole travel makes moving large distances take little time. So, while the speed of the ship is always sub-light, the effective speed can be 1000's of times faster than light.

8) Have you observed other planets where other races are at a similar evolutionary point to Humans on Earth?

In our Galaxy, yes...many. My people have been in space for over 60 million (Earth) years, in that time we have seen many species evolve into valued members of our stellar community. It is partly because of our experience in this area that the Federation asked us to come.

9) Can you communicate with your world from this distance?

Yes...We use both voice/speech and telepathy for communication. I'm quite young , so my telepathic abilities don't work very well...lack of training and practice. But, I do communicate with my mother this way all the time. Its difficult though...getting everything right...One's mind tends to "color" the communication and translate the message into familiar terms...not always accurate...

If you have other questions, I'll do my best to answer them

Etarzi od Oma

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:09 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Thanks for answering the questions....just a couple more for tonight....

Question: You stated that it is impossible to understand good without experiencing evil, and I understand this point. However, is there a moral law to the Universe that decides and defines "good" and "evil" per say.....situational ethics?

Question: Why are humans the only meta-cognitive species on Earth that we are aware of? Is this situation the same on other planets, with one dominant and self-aware species?

Question: Will a human ever be "reborn" as an alien being? If so, how is this determined? Is there a hierarchy of steps or beings toward enlightenment?

Question: Does chocolate exist on other planets, and if so can you send us some? I'm rather addicted to chocolate, I'm afraid....

Okay, I know that last question was a farce but I truly am interested in your answers. Thanks!

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by xenotouch

And how does one go about meeting you? No offense....I'm not into the whole creepy stalker thing, but do you Skype? Or something else?

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Do you know much about when first contact will take place?

Are you able to elaborate a little more about the 2012 ascension date?

will we have established regular contact with our star family before hand in order to help us prepare for this date?

I am not questioning your existance as I have had many visitations from alien craft. I am looking forward to meeting my friends soon. Can you tell them not to be shy as I am not afraid!!!

[edit on 30-9-2009 by starseedz]

posted on Sep, 30 2009 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by starseedz

Hello StarSeedz,

Does this sound familiar to you?



posted on Oct, 1 2009 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by FTL_Navigator

Thanks for the link Hades, I have not looked at that quiz before all though I have seen others.

These quizzes are interesting on one level, especially when your first investigating the idea but I know I have a link with ET's whether its starfamily , starseedz etc I just feel it intuitively It does not seem too far fetched too me although I do find it very exciting.

Looking forward to reading their reply.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by smyleegrl
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Thanks for answering the questions....just a couple more for tonight....

Question: You stated that it is impossible to understand good without experiencing evil, and I understand this point. However, is there a moral law to the Universe that decides and defines "good" and "evil" per say.....situational ethics?

Not sure...there is the law of Polarities, which would cover good and evil. However, I've never seen a decent definition of "Good", though I have for "Evil". Evil was defined as "random harm", and here you need to think of "random" in more of a chaos theory that it may not always be truly "random".

Question: Why are humans the only meta-cognitive species on Earth that we are aware of? Is this situation the same on other planets, with one dominant and self-aware species?

Evolution...simple as that. Yes there are other planets with only one dominant and self-aware species. There are also planets with multiple self-aware species, and some with no dominant species. By the way I don't think that Humans are the only self-aware species on Earth.

On my home world there are (actually were...but that another story) multiple dominant/self-aware species (2 actually), they evolved from two different bases.

Question: Will a human ever be "reborn" as an alien being? If so, how is this determined? Is there a hierarchy of steps or beings toward enlightenment?

Sure...why not? As we all evolve in a spiritual sense, live many lifetimes, have many experiences, I think that we must move from world to world, and species to species. So I see no reason that a Human might not be born into an alien species.

Question: Does chocolate exist on other planets, and if so can you send us some? I'm rather addicted to chocolate, I'm afraid....

Okay, I know that last question was a farce but I truly am interested in your answers. Thanks!

Actually...there better be something like chocolate on my home world! If there isn't, then I'm taking some with when I return

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by starseedz
reply to post by AnthraAndromda

Do you know much about when first contact will take place?

To the best of my knowledge, "First COntact" happened in March of 1947. Thats when my people contacted the US government for permission to place me here.

Are you able to elaborate a little more about the 2012 ascension date?

I'm not sure that ascension will occur, perhaps for some, but not for everyone.

will we have established regular contact with our star family before hand in order to help us prepare for this date?

I'm hoping so...that is the purpose of disclosure.

posted on Oct, 2 2009 @ 03:03 PM
In my own PERSONAL experiences, I have seen the US military fire missiles at ufo's.

I agree with Whitley wrt where contact will occur. (Or NOT occur)

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