I made a joke in a thread earlier about writing a ebook about 'surviving in a post sitX world, the electrical and other fuel sources available to
create a good living environment without the current infrastructure to help.' and I think i'm actually going to do it! Hehe although I need a
snappier title
For a long time i've wanted to make some good quality information which I can package as an attractive coffee table book, I have visited CAT (center
for alternative technology, wales) since I was a toddler and always been really interested in alternative forms of power generation, i've built up a
fair bit of knowledge out of curiosity and I have worked with power supply and distribution at shows and events so I have a good working knowledge of
power, it's uses and problems, I'm not looking to make money all I really want to do is make a few limited books (carved wood bound, etc) so that I
have a useful compendium of information for when TSHTF plus a few to give away and sell.
The text because I don't believe in copyright will of course be available free under the least restrictive GNU copyright licence, as will any
artwork, etc. Hopefully people will have access to some good ideas and i'll be able to make some money to 'further research' possible
I was hoping because ATS has some really good survivalists, who really know what they're talking about, that you would be so kind as to look at my
idea and make suggestions. Pretty please....
Ok, so the format I was thinking of going for is to break down the required loads into chapters;
1)Having enough power to survive with your BOB
2)lights, radios and small home use.
3)Medium sized homestead with some gadgets, tools and utility's
4)Fully functioning commune with a full workshop and farm machines
5)Power for the whole community, creating large scale projects
I will be trying to think forward and allow the system to adapt to future technology (such as fuel cells, etc) and changing needs. The assumption
will always be that you want to use a full array of electrical gadgets, although other fuel sources will also be covered such as hydrogen and alcohol
– while I agree it's quite possible to live with no power what so ever like in the olden days with horses and hard work and stuff this book isn't
for people who want to do that
Ok, i'll quickly skim though what I hope to cover in the sections mentioned above.
1.Hand crank flash lights, hand crank radios, laptop / hand held device powered by battery charged with hand crank, solar cells or micro generator
with a discussion of the pros and cons of each.
2.Twelve volt systems to work from a single car battery, discussion of standard solar, wind, water plus liquid combustion and solid fuel solutions
when applied to a small system but also less commonly covered devices such as larger hand primed gravity dynamos (think grandfather clock which makes
power not time), bike generators, solar heat generators and 'large arrays of very small sources' (lots of well placed dynamos to create small
amounts of power all over the place)
3.A 240 Volt system (or 110 if you're american) for use with washing machines, power drills, etc -basically enough power to do all the jobs a
self-sufficient house need to do. Again i'll cover the conventional solutions in some detail then move onto less conventional means, such as clever
use of thermocouples (hehe I will have mentioned these a few times already no doubt, such as the ones in the soviet lamps which used the heat from the
flame to power a transistor radio -now thats clever) Alternative storage methods such as hydrogen, potential gravitational energy, etc and alternative
uses for the hydrogen rather than just converting it back into electricity when need. Also some alternative drive methods for workshop tools, such as
water power props, direct drive wind power, water pressure, etc. Also heating, cooking and other higher energy tasks will be covered in detail
4.Probably a fairly short chapter just adding a more industrial scale to section three, probably with the main focus of fuel for tractors (alcohol,
bio oil, etc) and systems which unlike 3 which need a medium load all year round instead need to have a large peek in certain seasons (sowing and
5.Again a fairly short chapter covering quickly the issues of power distribution within a community, maybe large scale wind or hydro projects and fuel
Of course I will be stressing safety and caution throughout, sustainability and proper waste management. Everything will be designed to be made with
readily available stuff, full diagrams and explanations for anything which needs it and tables with charts and formula which are important. Basically
the idea is to have a good quality, easy to understand source for all the data you might need to plan and create the electrical system you require,
further more it should be designed so as with a little effort you can start at stage one and pull yourself up by your bootstraps until you have an
entirely functioning system.
So now you know the basics of my idea what do you think? What am I missing out?
If anyone has any information or links or anything which might be good for me to know before I start writing it would be great if you could post them
in this thread
Thanks in advance, your input is much appreciated (hehe if you're really helpfulI might even give you a free copy -oh no wait, it was going to be
free anyway, oh well