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Michelle Obama's Blatant "Bhaphomet" Front Page of Vogue

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posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:22 PM
Yes this was done on purpose, think about this:

You are one of THE most powerful fashion magazines(we all know how big fashion is now) and you produce 12 magazines a year, these magazine editors have A LOT of time to think of/consult with higher ups on what will be on the cover, who will be on the cover what words will be BOLD on the cover, etc, etc, etc. The rabbit hole goes further, remember?

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 06:48 PM
reply to post by unknown known

...and they all love them some Crue!!!!!

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 07:00 PM
Well it is a shame that the only person who can shed light on this is ignoring me. Anyone who can offer up some evidence of this hand signal in REAL occult practices, please do as I am ignorant of such and simply want to learn.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

just you tube derren Brown as he is fun to watch to or look at the vid in this thread i posted how he made the creative work of advertising gurus themselves how he wanted it just by apparently insignificant things on the taxi ride to the studio, until you watch Derren Brown and the Advertising guys you are blind to the power of the subconscious mind in controlling your thoughts, words, and creations and actions.

Thank you for your honesty Doomsday when soo many who still have their eyes covered to truth are being so negative against anyone who agrees with my original premise, it is brave indeed and a sign of a true Ignorance denier.

Kind Regards,


You know, I watched that video you posted, and my first thought was that it was fake... but it certainly made me think for a very long time about the subject... a very long time.

Weather or not that video is fake... I have my own beliefs on the subject matter at hand.

I tell people that I've studied 9-11 for two years... When I stumbled upon a 8 part series entitled "9-11 in Hollywood" on Youtube, I started to look at the world a little bit differently... A LOT differently.

I wish more people would watch this, and realize that we've all been programed to some extent. While I feel there are several things in the videos that might not apply... There are too many to say that none of them apply. Something is trying to control our subconcious thoughts... On a level we never thought possible.

And then I watched September Clues on youtube... yea. Can You say BLACK OPPERATION?

Thanks MischeviousElf.

edit: And remember this... There aren't that many people that will believe this kind of stuff.... So you can expect to see numerous insults.

I've tried to talk about this kind of stuff in Hollywood several times...

[edit on 19-2-2009 by Doomsday 2029]

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

Hey!Hello! You got a believer right here. All you need to do is show where that symbolism is in the world of occult. It is easy to find pictures of people doing it and claim they are demonstrating some link to devilish doings but then where is the actual link between that gesture and any devilish doings? There is no cult or occult practice that actually uses that hand gesture. That is the only problem I have with the story but if you can show me otherwise, I am more than willing to watch/listen/read.

posted on Feb, 19 2009 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Luciferdescending
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

There is no cult or occult practice that actually uses that hand gesture.

How would you know?... Are you in every secret society in the world?

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by Doomsday 2029

Originally posted by Luciferdescending
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

There is no cult or occult practice that actually uses that hand gesture.

How would you know?... Are you in every secret society in the world?

Please do inform me of the one(s) that use this hand gesture. If there is reason to even notice it, then you must know why, right? Or is this just another thread about nothing? You can prove me wrong anytime now.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 03:02 AM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Please google the topic at hand. I make it easy for you: baphomet.
Please don't troll.

Thank you,


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Please see your u2u

Hopefully that will explain a bit though if you would like to know more I will not show that way in any form, I am happy here to post some opposite Mudra's to raise the opposite energies if anyones likes, ones based not on Ego dominion and control subjegation of others, but of bringing in healing and breaking sown the practitioners ego.

I would never ever be at your hooves even if you were the real thing, please explore the following Bonpo practioners who not only wish for the leading to nirvana of all beings on this realm, but also work in controlling and subjegating the malevolant energies and entities of all realms, there are some now as I type who are engaged in this keeping balance. Lucifer or more correctly the energies or entities that his lineage comes from and was misrepresented in the Bible will never ever have complete control, the good always florishes and even single fame of love and compassion in an entirely dark void still drives the dark away, the flame WILL NEVER go out, dim maybe but never go out.

Kind Regards,


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 06:31 AM
reply to post by Doomsday 2029

I am pleased very much both that you question the video, as this is important, but also are awakening your own mind to the possibilities of what you find truthfull in this and can be more aware and spread that truth as well.

Much much more manipulation goes on than many realise, and probably even more than I think though I approach everything with a keen eye looking for it.

Kind Regards,


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:14 AM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf
Oh cmon its not experimenting, my bad prose, any more than a "Survey" or "Poll" is.

To be honest, in this context, I'm not sure whether 'survey' and 'poll' isn't that much different from 'trolling'. Particularly when you also use terms like 'fishes' and 'bait' in another post.

Regarding the hand shape: 'sometimes a cigar is just a cigar' as the alleged Freud quote goes.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Nichiren
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Please google the topic at hand. I make it easy for you: baphomet.
Please don't troll.

Thank you,


Yeah um, my google must be broken then because it did not turn up one real cult that uses that hand gesture. All I get are references like this thread that point and yell but do not know what they are talking about. It must be easy to tell people to go look stuff up since that is all I get here. How about just one person present what it is that you think I should find here.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:39 AM
reply to post by MischeviousElf

and yet...still not one example of a cult that uses this hand signal. Not one example of occult practices that incorporate this signal. I would not mind all the condescension if it was followed by the info that I am being ridiculed for seeking to begin with. None of you have presented any.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 08:02 AM

Originally posted by Luciferdescending
reply to post by MischeviousElf

and yet...still not one example of a cult that uses this hand signal. Not one example of occult practices that incorporate this signal. I would not mind all the condescension if it was followed by the info that I am being ridiculed for seeking to begin with. None of you have presented any.

This is a great point. I'm genuinely interested if anyone can produce pictorial evidence of this hand shape being used in the way that is being proffered here before its use in heavy rock/metal or the Deaf community.

Or is this one of those 'that there is no evidence is evidence of a conspiracy' things?

It's also interesting that when people relate this to Baphomet - and the vast majority of pictorial representations are variations of only a couple of images anyway - the actual hand shapes used by Baphomet aren't the 'devil horns' that appear in these kinds of threads.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by Luciferdescending

Ok, tell me what hand sign I used to do with my band members? What part of "secret society" don't you understand???

All the best,


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 12:01 PM
if she is really using hand signals that's very chidlish & sophomoric

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 06:04 PM
All ego front and snipes, with no depth to accusations, no real research, me me me, Now now Now generation spiritual stuff is not like that, many many years of being prepared and "right" for the information, both on it's surface level of understanding and its deeper esoteric and secret meanings.

I wont say the name but Member Descending, I u2u with info how to properly get this info and you still post this, I feel you will get your little hands burnt very soon, like a lamb to the slaughter if you follow the path you seem to be in awe and interested in and come across a real adept or teacher, the results will be catastrophic for your mind, karma and free will good luck

I will as said be very careful what I post, many young people read this and I certainly are not going to provide link's to ceremonies, and satanic publications with history much before any western music, it you want to do that do the research yourself, and be prepared to spend a good day digging but it will be found,


The same horned hand shows up in Tantra as the "mudra" for enchantment. That gesture, the horned hand, is associated with Satan, in the minds of both Christians and "Satanists."


So it was being used in India WITHOUT ANY doubt at least 2500 years ago probably well before, and is a negative aspect or black part of Yoga or magic theirin, enchantment subjegated free will and is control and going against what is good for the enchanted.

In addition and the site is in russain
to make you think before you look any further and RUIN your life Satanis contains the rites of lucifer original text from around 13th C but that will take some work to find, the Mudra I Know is mentioned in those rites, having read it many years ago and never revisiting (having read nearly every religion's main books to find my truth)

STOP talking about stuff you do not know and being soo shallow to think it is all a modern Rock thing, All front no depth,

Please look at the following authors name has a DAS in it, learn and grow to what that means

Human civilization, since prehistoric ages, has evolved as a society with a great inclination toward occultism or esoteric knowledge of the world of spirits or supernatural forces. People who mastered the occult or the “hidden belief” inscribed the medium of communication among the inhabitants of esoteric world in the form of some unique symbols with hidden meanings. These are the perceptible signs of invisible power of natural forces or satanic influences which are mainly used by the occultists to manipulate the natural laws to satisfy their own benefits. Among these symbols Horned Hand, which is quite similar to the Karana Mudra of Eastern religions, is depicted as a form of raised index and pinky fingers describing the devilish sign of a beast.

Horned Hand is believed to be the depiction of the woolly Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, or the Horns of Cernunnos which has long been portrayed as a synonym of Satan or a demon. Raised index and pinky fingers symbolize the horns and tightly closed middle fingers and thumb represent the mouth of the goat.

In Italian the Horned Hand is named as “Mano Cornuto.” This hand sign is often inscribed on charms to protect the user from evil eyes. As per contemporary Italian tradition if this hand gesture is pointed toward any man it suggests that the man is a cornuto or a cuckold. It is believed that the association of Horned Hand with the sign of infidelity has been originated from Minotaur, the legendary monster from Greek mythology who was the progeny of Crete queen Pasiphae’s adulterous relationship with a white bull.

Human Hand

Oh the anciant fables and Stories of crete yes of course 50 odd yrs old

It is well known the links between freemasonary and satanism or the dark arts etc, and I have no doubt many freemasons are involved in the current administration, but i will leave this here I am saying to much here and soemtimes that is dangerous esp in future times..... find out yourself...

This is how it got into modern Pop/Rock culture in the USA

It is quite difficult to predict who has brought about this evil sign to make the acquaintance of American heavy metal ecstasy. In 1969 Chicago-based psychedelic-occult rock band Coven released their album “Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls” where they used an image on their back album cover showing their members giving the sign of “mano cornuto.” They are known to use this “devil’s sign” always at the beginning and end of each concert.

Heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio of Black Sabbath band was known to share the primal credit for popularizing this hand sign among the metal fans for the first time across the world. Dio, in his childhood, saw his Italian grandmother to make this sign to parry evil eye and got attracted to the magical incantation and the irresistible devilish attitude of raising horn sign. In 1978 before joining Black Sabbath he took up this hand gesture in an attempt to connect the fans with a declaration of high testosterone and sending out a jolt of love, hence making them crazy in front of their metal-god.

I rest my case and affirm again please become aware of all subliminal influences and images you see and partake in all, where they come from, and learn about Nildram, Mildram, erickson et al watch Derren brown and
oh certainly as well make yourself very well grounded in all religion's and traditions, or like some might become here you are just sheep being controlled and herded by a dog and cant even see the relationship between the whistle, farmer and dog anyhow.

Rock on Michelle of course so I heard she is at ever longhorns game and loves slipknot.

Kind regards, and be careful all very indeed.


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:01 PM
It's funny, but the part that required elucidation, i.e. the part betweenany historical significance and the use in the heavy rock/metal scene is the bit where you say:

it you want to do that do the research yourself, and be prepared to spend a good day digging but it will be found

It's precisely that aspect of it which I personally was querying. Unless you actual proffer some evidence - aside from 'do the research yourself' - you're not actually proving anything. Certainly not enough to claim: "I rest my case!"

Also, that quote to which you add "learn and grow to what that means" (pretty condescending, no?) is phrased quite carefully, note my highlight:

Horned Hand is believed to be the depiction

Believed to be? That's hardly cast iron.

posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

I have provided the evidence of its use for many thousands of years, where the modern rock connection from from and a root text that I will not post for curious eyes due to the dangers of what getting involved in that may mean for some.

I provided the name of an ancient text, a site it is on in Russain, I don't know go to a library?

I am not being condescending but to say it is not there because people cant look themselves is condescending, its like saying Electrons dont exist because you cant see them but wont go and study how to use a electron microscope, Dangers lurk in this subject miriam, I stated why I wont directly put the root text here to show current practises based on this Mudra, within the LUCIFERIAN rites of ancient origin, but the information is there for all to look into as ie made it available if people want to look further themselves.

I wont profer this direct link in english as the karma is way too heavy and I care about the readers. I have said enough and have a heavy heart anyhow for linking satanis. Ask someone who reads Russian and the full text is their in English in pdf format and abundantly elsewhere to.


posted on Feb, 20 2009 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf

The same horned hand shows up in Tantra as the "mudra" for enchantment. That gesture, the horned hand, is associated with Satan, in the minds of both Christians and "Satanists."


How sad that is. Did you get that from an official Satanism website? Or is this the same fear mongering based on nothing I keep talking about. Satanist use that signal as often as anyone else does - to celebrate an 80's hair band or to get Christians panties in a bunch. It is not USED IN ANY ACTUAL OCCULT PRACTICE OR PART OF ANY CULT.

So it was being used in India WITHOUT ANY doubt at least 2500 years ago probably well before, and is a negative aspect or black part of Yoga or magic theirin, enchantment subjegated free will and is control and going against what is good for the enchanted.

Yes, it was used as something completely different. Thanks for backing me up.

In addition and the site is in russain
to make you think before you look any further and RUIN your life Satanis contains the rites of lucifer original text from around 13th C but that will take some work to find, the Mudra I Know is mentioned in those rites, having read it many years ago and never revisiting (having read nearly every religion's main books to find my truth)

STOP talking about stuff you do not know and being soo shallow to think it is all a modern Rock thing, All front no depth,

LOL. Look, you need to stop telling me what I know nothing of until you prove me wrong. You have not. You have backed me all the way. You demonstrated well how it was used in a non satanic way and how a russian website tells you it might have been used as some kind of something. You are on a roll.
Please look at the following authors name has a DAS in it, learn and grow to what that means

Human civilization, since prehistoric ages, has evolved as a society with a great inclination toward occultism or esoteric knowledge of the world of spirits or supernatural forces. People who mastered the occult or the “hidden belief” inscribed the medium of communication among the inhabitants of esoteric world in the form of some unique symbols with hidden meanings. These are the perceptible signs of invisible power of natural forces or satanic influences which are mainly used by the occultists to manipulate the natural laws to satisfy their own benefits. Among these symbols Horned Hand, which is quite similar to the Karana Mudra of Eastern religions, is depicted as a form of raised index and pinky fingers describing the devilish sign of a beast.

Horned Hand is believed to be the depiction of the woolly Goat of Mendes or Baphomet, or the Horns of Cernunnos which has long been portrayed as a synonym of Satan or a demon. Raised index and pinky fingers symbolize the horns and tightly closed middle fingers and thumb represent the mouth of the goat.

In Italian the Horned Hand is named as “Mano Cornuto.” This hand sign is often inscribed on charms to protect the user from evil eyes. As per contemporary Italian tradition if this hand gesture is pointed toward any man it suggests that the man is a cornuto or a cuckold. It is believed that the association of Horned Hand with the sign of infidelity has been originated from Minotaur, the legendary monster from Greek mythology who was the progeny of Crete queen Pasiphae’s adulterous relationship with a white bull.

Human Hand

Oh the anciant fables and Stories of crete yes of course 50 odd yrs old

It is well known the links between freemasonary and satanism or the dark arts etc, and I have no doubt many freemasons are involved in the current administration, but i will leave this here I am saying to much here and soemtimes that is dangerous esp in future times..... find out yourself...

This is how it got into modern Pop/Rock culture in the USA

Wow dude, really. Stop getting info about what Satanist do from Christian websites. Again, plumbers do not fix light sockets.

It is quite difficult to predict who has brought about this evil sign to make the acquaintance of American heavy metal ecstasy. In 1969 Chicago-based psychedelic-occult rock band Coven released their album “Witchcraft Destroys Minds and Reaps Souls” where they used an image on their back album cover showing their members giving the sign of “mano cornuto.” They are known to use this “devil’s sign” always at the beginning and end of each concert.

Heavy metal singer Ronnie James Dio of Black Sabbath band was known to share the primal credit for popularizing this hand sign among the metal fans for the first time across the world. Dio, in his childhood, saw his Italian grandmother to make this sign to parry evil eye and got attracted to the magical incantation and the irresistible devilish attitude of raising horn sign. In 1978 before joining Black Sabbath he took up this hand gesture in an attempt to connect the fans with a declaration of high testosterone and sending out a jolt of love, hence making them crazy in front of their metal-god.

Like I said, the closest it gets to an actual occult symbol is being thrown at PSEUDO satanic rock. Every actually read the lyrics or look into those bands? They are as far from satanic as Nelson.

I rest my case and affirm again please become aware of all subliminal influences and images you see and partake in all, where they come from, and learn about Nildram, Mildram, erickson et al watch Derren brown and
oh certainly as well make yourself very well grounded in all religion's and traditions, or like some might become here you are just sheep being controlled and herded by a dog and cant even see the relationship between the whistle, farmer and dog anyhow.

Rock on Michelle of course so I heard she is at ever longhorns game and loves slipknot.

Kind regards, and be careful all very indeed.


You have rested your case but you never made one.

I asked one simple question
Which cult?
What occult practice?

All you gave me was black sabbith fans and pseudo christian rhetoric. Just answer the freakin question already. How many times should I ask before you will just admit you have no real answer?

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