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For the indigo children.

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posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:32 AM

Originally posted by TheRealDonPedros
From Wikipedia :

The term itself is a reference to the belief that such children have an indigo-colored aura. Beliefs concerning the exact nature of Indigo children vary, with some believing that they have paranormal abilities such as the ability to read minds, and others that they are distinguished from non-Indigo children merely by more conventional traits such as increased empathy and creativity.

There is no scientific support for these claims.



What is an indigo Child?
As a summary, here are the ten attributes that best describe this new kind of child, the Indigo Child

* They come into the world with a feeling of royalty (and often act like it)

* They have a feeling of "deserving to be here," and are surprised when others don't share that.

* Self-worth is not a big issue. They often tell the parents "who they are."

* They have difficulty with absolute authority (authority without explanation or choice).

* They simply will not do certain things; for example, waiting in line is difficult for them.

* They get frustrated with systems that are ritually oriented and don't require creative thought.

* They often see better ways of doing things, both at home and in school, which makes them seem like "system busters" (nonconforming to any system).

* They seem antisocial unless they are with their own kind. If there are no others of like consciousness around them, they often turn inward, feeling like no other human understands them. School is often extremely difficult for them socially.

* They will not respond to "guilt" discipline ("Wait till your father gets home and finds out what you did").

* They are not shy in letting you know what they need.


Sounds way too general for my tastes, seems like its more of a "feel good" for the parents than anything else.


This is misinformation from what i know. Indigos do NOT feel like royalty and if they act like it it is because there is healing to be done just as anyone else. and everyone "deserves to be here". the authority thing is true in the sense that we remember free will and know that no one has any right to tell anyone what to do or how to do it b/c it is all about preferences and choices. The anti social thing can happen and that is b/c people will think we are crazy if we talk about the things we really want to talk about. it's a difficult balance for sure being an indigo and still interacting with individuals that have not yet woken up.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:36 AM
ok so does that make me less human than you?

you keep saying we? and wake up to what ??

i could tell you things that would blow your mind does that make me special???

am i missing anything here?

maybe you fiind this clip fittin?

becouse i totaly dont get this indigo child thing

[edit on 13-2-2009 by theresult]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by theresult
reply to post by azurite

whoa ok that was alot to take in!!!

ok sooo the people "indigo children" are like evolved humans??? so what is it they do then that makes them so impressive?

and im not sure on the dimention thing here

I mean im still confused as to what they "do" ??

the other thing that confused me was the DNA aspect of this.. is there helix any different to that of a human or are we talking something els??

help me out im just trying to understand

Btw there was some indigo child person on project camalot who was ment to be from mars?? beriska i think the kids name was from russia??

i didnt get much of it sounded like he watched to many movies as a kid i mean a kid of his age could draw the solar system "i know i could" ?

im open minded n just want to understand what your saying

there is a difference in DNA between humans and indigos. this is NOT b/c indigos are special this is b/c the planet could/can only handle a certain amount of frequency at one time. so the humans (who are also of similar origin to indigos) agreed to hold 12 strands while indigos agreed to hold more 24-48. it was all a TEAM effort and in no way do indigos consider themselves better it was simply and agreement. now things have gotten messy here and many indigos need quite a bit of healing and are not all awakened yet. if any being thinks they are superior to any other than that being needs healing regardless if they are indigo or not.

all beings have the inate ability to be telepathic, psychic, etc. it is all a matter of healing. if all or even part of your DNA is turn on than this is possible for any being. it all comes down to choices each being has made along the way that effects how much healing their DNA template needs. Angelic humans with 12 strand potential can walk thru star gates, have psychic abilities etc just as indigos can.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:45 AM

Originally posted by theresult
ok so does that make me less human than you?

you keep saying we? and wake up to what ??

we as in indigos. wake up to who you really are and what your potential really is. wake up to the what is REALLY going on in the world, etc.

i could tell you things that would blow your mind does that make me special???
this makes you special b/c they happened to you and are uniquely your own experiences. everyone is "special". i think i answered this better in my previous post.

am i missing anything here?

maybe you fiind this clip fittin?

becouse i totaly dont get this indigo child thing

[edit on 13-2-2009 by theresult]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:47 AM
there is a difference in DNA between humans and indigos

how? i dont mean that in a disrepectfull way.. but?

in what way do we differ in the repsect of dna?

im just asking for proven "change" of dna you speak of in medical ways or alteast some proof of the "mutation" of ones dna? can it be medicaly proven?

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 11:55 AM
Azureite are there any identified less evolved or even less in tuned people that might be inclined and OR prone to getting in the way of indigo children's mission.
I feel like if if this is all true that I'm certainly one of those types. All the charactheristics of indigo children, are opposite of me.
I'm not entirely ashamed of this either.

For instance I beleive that not everyone is equal. That simple you're physically different you have a level of practicality toward this system and potentialy new systems and not everyone will strive live or belong in every system.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by Zealott]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by Zealott]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by theresult
there is a difference in DNA between humans and indigos

how? i dont mean that in a disrepectfull way.. but?

in what way do we differ in the repsect of dna?

im just asking for proven "change" of dna you speak of in medical ways or alteast some proof of the "mutation" of ones dna? can it be medicaly proven?

i explained the difference in a previous post humans 12 strand, indigos 24-48, FA's have 1-11 strands (FA's are beings that have lost strand ability due to their choices) and i don't mean choices like do i cheat on the math test or not i mean much bigger multi-dimensional choices.

sorry, if you are looking for 3-D type of proof i can't give you much. That's part of what i mean by waking up. waking up and realizing that you can't see everything that exists. an example might be waaaay back when before microscopes people would not have believed tiny things like bacteria existed. we just did not have the tools to see them at the time that does not mean they did not exist. so this is hard to "prove" to someone that needs that kind of proof b/c nothing external exists right now to prove it.

i can only talk about my experiences and the truth that i know with all my being. There is external proof of DNA mutation in the fact that some have extra sensory perception and some don't. but here we go again... you have to believe us when we say we can see things etc in the first place.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by Zealott
Azureite are there any identified less evolved or even less in tuned people that might be inclined and OR prone to getting in the way of indigo children's mission.
I feel like if if this is all true that I'm certainly one of those types. All the charactheristics of indigo children, are opposite of me.
I'm not entirely ashamed of this either.

For instance I beleive that not everyone is equal. That simple you're physically different you have a level of practicality toward this system and potentialy new systems and not everyone will strive live or belong in every system.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by Zealott]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by Zealott]

There are most definitely beings opposed to the indigo and angelic human mission both on and off planet. The fact is everyone that is naturally incarnate on this planet is seeking healing and some form of ascension as it is an ascension planet. there are beings off planet trying to stop this and there are beings on planet that are being manipulated by the off planet beings, these people being manipulated may feel a very strong dislike for the indigo and angelic human mission.

there is no set "description or characteristics" of indigos or any being for that matter. yes indigos tend to be more open minded, psychic etc. but that is due to there DNA strand content.

i'm not sure why you are feeling opposed to indigos you will have to answer that from within yourself. but i did get the same impression off of you from the beginning post. no judgement at all just an observation. coexist live and let live.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by azurite]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by azurite

"i'm not sure why you are feeling opposed to indigos you will have to answer that from within yourself. but i did get the same impression off of you from the beginning post. no judgment at all just an observation. coexist live and let live."


Probably because you're telling him that A. You're smarter than he is. B. You're more empathic. C. You have a more advanced DNA structure (but that's ok cause our ancestors said "WE AGREE")

You should apply your own logic to your initial post regarding said video in question. Why does it make you feel uncomfortable?

Alas, only you can answer that.


[edit on 13-2-2009 by TheRealDonPedros]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:23 PM
I don't think I want to oppose the indigo children's mission I hope they succeed win surprise themselves and everyone else. I'd love to be a part of that.
I just don't think it will happen and don't think it will happen in our lifetime. I like the classifying of and categorizing of people. Those identified as hinderance in the indigo movement are too strong. Even if the individuals that comprise the mass of opposition (I'm referng to types like me and those in charge of my type.)are weak puppets.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by TheRealDonPedros

this is why i do not like to get into to much on message boards. it is incredibly hard to communicate effectively in this manner. either you did not read all my posts or you are misunderstanding them. i have said over and over that there is no sense of eliteisim at all. and i said very clearly that all beings have the potential for becoming more empathic etc. i have done extensive healing in the past years that has allowed me to wake up in the way i have. i was not always aware of my potential as most are not.

as for the video i already explained. it is not representative of positive energy or indigos that is why i was not resonating with it. and again that is a personal preference just as one can have the preference of liking the video.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by azurite

There is external proof of DNA mutation in the fact that some have extra sensory perception and some don't. but here we go again... you have to believe us when we say we can see things etc in the first place.

see what? i dont get what im ment to be seeing??

please understand what im trying to ask.. if there dna is not the same as mine.. "strands" please see the link i gave becouse RNA is important here...

so we have "evolved" humans who can do what? see things i dont? and what is that? the future? the past? everything??

so we have a load of jeusus people running about?

im confused the more you try to explain it..

tell me what makes them "gods" above me? and my interlect?

becouse im having a hard time understanding or atleast pinning down what infact you are trying to say..

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by azurite

"We don't feel like royalty"

So let me get this straight, you think you have an extra 36 DNA strands making you almost godlike in comparison with average man. Giving you not only ESP but also providing you with increased bandwidth (12 vs 48 pipes) to communicate with god (or whatever you call it/him/her/this).

To me that sounds exactly like the royalty of the middle ages. They were the closest link to god, much higher up the ladder than the average man.

I see it as a shame that the school system has allowed so much smoke to be blown up these kids/parents butts that they will believe such dangerous things. I don't mean dangerous to others, but to themselves. Indigo kids no doubt are in for rude awakening after rude awakening as they traipse through life with such a "higher than though" attitude.


posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by Zealott
I don't think I want to oppose the indigo children's mission I hope they succeed win surprise themselves and everyone else. I'd love to be a part of that.
I just don't think it will happen and don't think it will happen in our lifetime. I like the classifying of and categorizing of people. Those identified as hinderance in the indigo movement are too strong. Even if the individuals that comprise the mass of opposition (I'm referng to types like me and those in charge of my type.)are weak puppets.

the thing is we have already succeeded in many parts of our mission. we have prevented many things from occuring that most are not even aware of. you know all these posts you read about ET's coming on oct 14 2008, pole shift, etc. many of these things were planned and could have happened but were overted. the problem is you just have to take my word on it. since it did not happen everyone thinks it was all just BS.

we are all doing many things on both conscious and unconscious levels all the time. some of us are fulllfilling our missions on a very aware and conscious level some are not. but again everyone on this planet is part of the process no one is viewed as less important than another. the only difference is some have woken up and some have not.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by TheRealDonPedros

I wish to convay the same message as my fellow squire

unless you can show me the "mutation" and the helix of the DNA and RNA that is so impresive that it out flaws mine then i guess hes an alien

becouse that is what you are telling me "indigo kids are aliens"


posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by theresult
reply to post by azurite

There is external proof of DNA mutation in the fact that some have extra sensory perception and some don't. but here we go again... you have to believe us when we say we can see things etc in the first place.

see what? i dont get what im ment to be seeing??

please understand what im trying to ask.. if there dna is not the same as mine.. "strands" please see the link i gave becouse RNA is important here...

so we have "evolved" humans who can do what? see things i dont? and what is that? the future? the past? everything??

so we have a load of jeusus people running about?

im confused the more you try to explain it..

tell me what makes them "gods" above me? and my interlect?

becouse im having a hard time understanding or atleast pinning down what infact you are trying to say..

i never said anything about anyone being gods above you. that is a distorted perception. you threw that one in yourself. but that is due to the mass programming on this planet that somehow you are lower or unworthy. that is NOT what i ever said at all. forget about indigos, humans, etc. the fact is we are all one and we all work together. DNA differences is just mechanics and to complicated to discuss here. DO NOT ever feel as if anything is above you or better than you. we are all valued and loved equally in the consciousness of source period. any being that leads you to believe that you are somehow lower or unworthy is disempowering you and up to no good.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by TheRealDonPedros
reply to post by azurite

"We don't feel like royalty"

So let me get this straight, you think you have an extra 36 DNA strands making you almost godlike in comparison with average man. Giving you not only ESP but also providing you with increased bandwidth (12 vs 48 pipes) to communicate with god (or whatever you call it/him/her/this).

To me that sounds exactly like the royalty of the middle ages. They were the closest link to god, much higher up the ladder than the average man.

I see it as a shame that the school system has allowed so much smoke to be blown up these kids/parents butts that they will believe such dangerous things. I don't mean dangerous to others, but to themselves. Indigo kids no doubt are in for rude awakening after rude awakening as they traipse through life with such a "higher than though" attitude.


i appreciate your point of view but this is not at all what i said. i DO NOT feel better than anyone. either no one is really reading all my posts or there is a serious lack of communication going on here. i think it might be time for me to disengage in this disscussion b/c my words are being misconstrued.

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:45 PM
I think Azurite might be saying we all have the potential for higher understanding, we have just yet to activate our latent abilities.

Its slightly contradictory to the indigo belief that they have 24 - 36 more strands than the average man. What the Indigo and I believe Azurite would say is that "Yes you have the ability to activate the true potential of your DNA. You just only get 12 activated strands VS 48".

So its not exactly a case of "you've got the gift but it looks like your waiting for something". More of a case of "you've got the gift, but my gift is better".


ps - I love slipping a Matrix quote in. Had to be done.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by TheRealDonPedros]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by TheRealDonPedros]

posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:52 PM
forget about indigos, humans, etc. the fact is we are all one and we all work together. DNA differences is just mechanics and to complicated to discuss here. DO NOT ever feel as if anything is above you or better than you.

i dont get this part? forget the reason for the thread??? humans? ok..

we are all one = indigos are full of # ?

dna diffences is just mechanics and to compicated to discus>> LOL

well i gues its becouse you have no clue? and CAN NOT debate it becouse you have no proof.. and i did ask in a very polite manner i think..

DO NOT ever feel as if anything is above me? or better than me? so what is an indio child

NO offence but im having a hard time in what your argument is ??

please tell me becouse i dont like conjecture


posted on Feb, 13 2009 @ 12:54 PM

Originally posted by TheRealDonPedros
I think Azurite might be saying we all have the potential for higher understanding, we have just yet to activate our latent abilities.

Its slightly contradictory to the indigo belief that they have 24 - 36 more strands than the average man. What the Indigo and I believe Azurite would say is that "Yes you have the ability to activate the true potential of your DNA. You just only get 12 activated strands VS 48".

So its not exactly a case of "you've got the gift but it looks like your waiting for something". More of a case of "you've got the gift, but my gift is better".


ps - I love slipping a Matrix quote in. Had to be done.

[edit on 13-2-2009 by TheRealDonPedros]

[edit on 13-2-2009 by TheRealDonPedros]

indigos do not have anything better as i said earlier the reason for the difference in strand content had/has to do with how much frequency earth could/can hold. if we all came in with 48 strand potential earth would have blown up it could not handle that type of energy all at once. therefore we as a TEAM split up into who wanted to hold what amount of stranding. it was all an individual choice not a you get this much and you get that much. anyway the whole DNA thing is neither here nor there. the important point is that we all as a COLLECTIVE human race have some much more potential than we realize. ALL OF US

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