Amazing how the zionists flocked to this one... not to mention the incredibly low score this thread has received by the same propagandists.
Keep it up, John Bull, and don't let these buggers get you down. Just because the zionists have a larger lobby in the US doesn't mean you are wrong
in making such a defiant post. And don't blame it on them for following the popular stance; defense of this particular cause is a most noble
position, and you should be commended.
As for how a non-moderator was allowed to make edits to your post, JB,... well... that's something for you guys to discuss internally, and I hope it
does get the proper kind of attention.
Returning to the topic (I hope I haven't lost the majority of you already
Folks, Bush did basically sell the Palestinians (one 'a') out by endorsing Sharon's plan to annex what he said he would withdraw from. Not to
mention that zionists control the top levels of American government, but you cannot blame the puppet president for following orders.
They don't have many friends... west of Portugal; that means, they don't have many friends here in the United States because of the powerful zionist
lobby that dictates how much the general population can know and appreciate about the Palestinans on a fundamental level. However, if you pose the
same situation to the more lenient media of Canada, Brazil, or even Argentina, you'll find that there are far more sympathizers for their cause than
you'll find here. Last I checked, those countries were still considered part of "western civilization", which would indeed be a good idea as Ghandi
That footage of Palestinans cheering on 911 has been debunked as file footage that was reairded for "mossad effect", and this idea further
reinforces the premise that the War on Terror really was primarily in response to the Palestinian uprising against Israel.
Furthermore, none of the other Arab nations were forced to give up their lands due to a 1940's invasion of zionists, so they don't have the
necessity to give up their lands for their bretheren. While I'd agree that it'd be a righteous thing to do, it's just not practical since their own
coutnry wasn't swept right under their own feet like with Palestine's situation.
That's like asking the United States to give up... say... the state of New York as a new state of Israel.
And guys, please don't discredit this as a news site. Just because you may find a news piece that doesn't necessarily agree with your ideals
doesn't mean that this isn't a valid news source. We live in an imperfect world, and what that means most primarily is that it is impossible to
please everyone with everything, and that includes this well-put-together ATSNN site.