posted on Feb, 25 2009 @ 12:54 PM
What kind of energetic damage are we talking about?
1. Problems of the chakras:
Blocked chakras:
Nearly in everybody we find more or less blocked chakras. When a chakra is blocked energy cannot float freely through your system. An example: when
your 5th chakra is blocked you might experience problems swallowing when becoming emotional. The 5th chakra controls our communication to the outside
world. While in the 4th chakra the emotions are felt, the energy goes to the 5th to be expressed. When this condition persists it can cause problems
in the 4th (heart chakra), because since the emotions cannot be expressed it is possible that they are going to be denied or blocked, simply because
without an outlet it all becomes too painful. Or the other way around. There is a simple test from the so called “Touch for Health” method you can
use to measure the condition of your chakras. You will need the assistence of another person. It goes like this: place your right hand in front of
your first chakra. Meanwhile the thumb and finger of your left hand have to form an “O”. Then relax and concentrate on your first chakra,
visualise the colour red. Your friend must say “hold it!” or something like it and then gently (!) try to seperate your finger and thumb. The more
resistance the stronger the chakra. You proceed from there to the next chakra until you end up with the crown. The chakras where you felt the least
resistance are the ones you need to work on first. Just focusing your attention on those chakras a couple of times a day already works miracles,
because thoughts are energy.
Chakra meditation is also very helpful. Visualise your chakra, flood it with the rigth colour and visualise it to open a little like a lens from a
photocamera opens. Focus on your front and your back equally (chakras have openings to your front and to your back, except the first and seventh. The
first opens towards the earth and the crown chakra towards the cosmos).
Chakras can also be overactive: That means they are wide open, there is too much energy floating there. For example: very dominant people can have
overactive third chakra (the solar plexus chakra). This chakra is connected to the ego, willpower, personality and self-confidence. When confronted
with dominant people some of us intuitively fold their arms over their own third chakra to protect yourself.
When you have overactive chakras you can soothe them by visualising the complementary colour it should have in it and close it a little with the
analogy of the camera lens again.
Colour Complementary colour
Red Blue
Orange Indigo
Yellow Violet
Green Magenta (a shade of red)
Blue Red
Indigo Orange
Violet Yellow
The fifth chakra for example: Everybody knows people who talk and talk but don’t seem to tell anything. This is another example of the effect of an
overactive chakra. The colour is blue (like the sky on a sunny day). In the same way chakras can also be underactive.
Chakras can also be undercharged. A healthy rootchakra for example has a radiant red colour. When undercharged the colour is pale and there is too
low energy to function. This person doesn’t feel worthy of living here on earth. The opposite is also possible: the chakra can be overcharged. The
differcence between underactive and undercharged is that in the latter case there is a dysfunction in the chakra. This is more difficult to correct
than the underactive chakra. Also other abnormalties are possible: sometimes a chakra is deformed or completely absent or in the wrong place.
2. Problems of the aura
- Leaks in the aura: Usually occurs in the first layer. There is a gradual loss of energy. You could say the aura is “wearing thin”. This occurs
locally. When someone has suffered physical injury like a broken leg or something the on the aura you find a weakening in the place near the
- Tears or holes: Tears are a severe form of damage. There is a local absence of energy and they leave you vulnerable to outside influences. It feels
cold or sometimes it really feels like a hole. Tears can be caused by severe (psycho)trauma suffered in life and also by longterm chemical substance
Tears usually start in the first layer of the aura. The tear can progress from there to the outer layers and thus becoming more and more harmful. The
natural protection against unwanted outside influences doesn’t function as it should anymore thus leaving the person susceptible to what I call
“aura-surfers”, entities which thrive on aura-energy of people.
- “dark” energy: When reading the aura sometimes there is what I call dark energy: it is usually black or grey-ish. There is no energy flow in
those areas.
TO be continued..