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World War III ??? i just want opinions

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posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 01:40 AM
i know you have probably heard this enough, but i want to hear opinions on ww three that is laying itself out.

i'm hearing about chinese super guns, and n. korean nukes. russia isn't doing too much for us, and as far as i can see, the next war will be between Communism and the Free World. i happen to support communism in theory but not in its applied forms. the N. Koreans and Russians and Chinese all happen to be against us in some aspect, the coming war with Iraq will no doubt piss someone off, and with dubya bustin N. Korea everytime some bum in the WH mentions Non-Proliferation Treaty, it's no doubt that someone is bout to nuke our bums.

the thing is, what can we do about it? what would you do about it? would you fight?

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 03:18 AM
If there will be WWIII i think it is going to be clash of muslim world and christian world. That is just my opinion. I personaly do not see Russia as a some kind of threat to free world. Different think is N. Korea and China....those two states are more threatening.
The problem is middle east...crazy beast!!!
And you said that you support communism in theory....well now I will tell you something. I have lived under the comminism regime from 1976 to 1991 when our country Slovenia departed from evil commuist country Yugoslavia. And I can describe you communist regime with these words: SOUL-CRUSHING TYRANNY.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 03:23 AM
First of all, there is no such thing as a "free world" that's an illusion. Second of all we can not stop WWIII it's going to happen no matter what. It's like all previous civilizations. Technological advances will destroy any civilization. Every big empire will collapse eventually, no matter what you want to do.

The only thing you can do about is to change the entire monetary system. That is the cause of all problems. Since we don't know better than that we can't understand this.

For example, many people think Democracy is a good thing, but in fact it's the most destructive and unsafe system of all. Democracy takes away your respect for other human beings and your respect for life. For us living in the west it's all easy. But now look at the entire world, there are only a few people having a real good life. The rest only have problems. Even in wealthy countries there's a huge poverty among citizens.

Unless we recognize this we will never have a "free world" you're not free when you have to go to work everyday. Freedom is like this, wake up one morning and think.. aaaaaaah what will I do today ? How can you speak of freedom when you know you'll have to work at least 40 years of your life. No work means no cash, so are you really free ? No you are not. You're a slave of the system. A system build on debts, interests and fear.

Note ! you don't have to agree with me, this is only my point of view. I think a third world war can not be avoided because the way we look at life. No respect for life at all.

[Edited on 30-1-2003 by TigeriS]

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by TigeriS

1) First of all, there is no such thing as a "free world" that's an illusion.

2) For example, many people think Democracy is a good thing, but in fact it's the most destructive and unsafe system of all. Democracy takes away your respect for other human beings and your respect for life.

3) For us living in the west it's all easy. But now look at the entire world, there are only a few people having a real good life. The rest only have problems. Even in wealthy countries there's a huge poverty among citizens.

1) Yes, like there is no dictatorships. Those who'll tell you that N-KOrea, China, Vietnam or other " wonderfull " nations are dictatorship, will be all liars. Do not believe that Saddam is tyrant, ciz it's an illusion.He's a peacefull man.

2) Sure, sure....The next time that I'll have to vote, I'll vote for a tyrant. Like this, I'll have a better live.

3) And we are responsible, right ? If they have not a good live, that's our fault.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 06:20 AM
Every night i look at the sky and see one particualr planet getting larger and larger.

If i had my books with me i would have quted RA Wilson on this matter.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 08:38 AM
Well for a world war to happen, it would have to involve all 5 continents. A war in Asia or the Middle East would only be classed as regional war.
As the Navy of the Allies is so far superior to anything opppsing it, naval conflict would largely be confined to coastal areas.
Besides the Chicoms dislike the muslims about as much as Israel. They only support Middle Eastern countries for their own strategic purposes, often to US detriment.
Besides these threatening countries have barely any means to wage war outside their boarders ( barring any WMD attack ). And in a conflict of that scale the US may be williing to respond with overwhelming nuclear force.

Anyway some of my thoughts.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 11:29 AM
TigeriS talks a big talk here acting as if it knows the truths about life, in order to cover up its own personal failures in life. Kinda like a bum mumbling to people on a street corner..

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 01:48 PM
somebody "nuking" us here in the US. Those nations that are so against us do not have the delivery systems needed to get a mass quantity of nukes to hit the US. Isolated attacks? Sure, but that's an everyday risk, that we trust in our agencies to prevent, and so far, it's worked relatively well, despite 9/11. Honestly, I'm amazed that we haven't had more such attacks, both before and since, and I think that's a testament to our security.

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 06:52 PM
MT69, I'm sorry for you, I wish I could help you.

Ultra Phoenix, I won't reply on you because your reply is irrelevant to my post.
Try to stay on topic and quit asuming things.

And both of you should remember that no one is always right, you can be wrong anytime !

posted on Jan, 30 2003 @ 10:26 PM
TigeriS - Anyone that says democracy is the worst form of Govt has major mental problems.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 12:34 AM
Actually MS...China's Airforce is superior enough that our Navy's couldn't damage their shipyards, so in case of them starting a war, they could build up a rival fleet of aircraft carriers, and bring the war to sea.

As for you Tigeris I suggest you try LIVING in a dictatoral nation (like the Soviet Union which no longer exists) and you'll see JUST how fast your views of "democracy" change.

Originally posted by TigeriS
Unless we recognize this we will never have a "free world" you're not free when you have to go to work everyday.

Uhhh...NO lol, it's the other way around...You are a SLAVE when you don't work every day.

The man who lives off of others, is a slave to his minions.

The man who thinks off of others, is a slave to their minds.

The man who is free, is the man who thinks for himself, and any man who can think, knows that they must work for themselves, their country, and the benefit of all they can help, so that we stay a nation of responsibility, to eachother, our our way of life.

no signature

[Edited on 31-1-2003 by FreeMason]

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 02:05 AM
Not so the US has enough stand-off weaponry to devastate any coastal target they choose to. Ship yard are especially large vulnerable targets.
As for aircraft carriers, the Chinese would have to spend decades to produce a workable Carrier Battle Group on the scale of the US. The Russians after spending years researching carrier design couldn't even make a steam catapult work. So there is no way China could challenge US supremacy with a fleet of her own carriers, there are too many obstacles standing in her way.

posted on Jan, 31 2003 @ 07:36 AM

Originally posted by TigeriS

1) Ultra Phoenix, I won't reply on you because your reply is irrelevant to my post.
Try to stay on topic and quit asuming things.

2) And both of you should remember that no one is always right, you can be wrong anytime !

1) Irrelevant ? What was irrelevant in my post ? NOTHING ! It's just that you don't like what I wrote.

2) Like you TigeriS.

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 11:35 AM
People, people... If there is a World war III, the human race WOULD eventually end and the planet WOULD be all scouraged by radiation and chemicals. To imangine the total destruction of World War III is impossible. Its just a factor that human can't recognize in nature, or maybe its that human is like that... I dunno this is my opinion about World War 3, the world would come 2 an end if it did happen.

Anyways, U.S. probably has the amount of nuke to peel off Earth's surface 10 times!!!
China probably has the amount of army to stampegde the whole WORLD
Plus look at the technology we humans have advanced to, massive destruction weapons. The two sides (maybe 3 or 4) would clash and human race would end.

posted on Feb, 2 2003 @ 11:57 AM

Now you're hearing it from someone else that you assume too much...

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 12:25 AM
n. korea has a delivery system called the taipo-dong 2 or some random spelling of that, i dunno hongul. the 2 and 3 stage versions can easily reach us mainland and even east coast cities. if they wanted to they'd get us. sorry to say. most places realize the danger of nuclear warfare, save india pakistan. but either way it's scary.

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 01:04 AM

Some good information on the current and future capabilities of the Taep'o-dong missile systems. The Taep'o-dong 4 missile is the one which could theoretically hit the east coast of the US.However what must be remembered is that these NK ICBM's are untested, so there reliability would be somewhat suspect.
Another issue is the warheads for these missiles. Building a re-entry vehicle is an extremely complex task ( the fusing for the warhead alone would take years of research and practical testing ), which seems out of reach of current NK technology. Unless of course a third party ( ie.China) has been helping them with this technology.

Click here to read a pdf document on the history of the NK Missile program.

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 05:19 AM

Every night i look at the sky and see one particualr planet getting larger and larger.

It's Mars, the god of war. Later this year it will come closer to earth than ever before.

Personally i dont put much stock in that, but it's interesting anyway.

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 06:57 AM
"Freedom is like this, wake up one morning and think.. aaaaaaah what will I do today ? How can you speak of freedom when you know you'll have to work at least 40 years of your life. No work means no cash, so are you really free ? No you are not. You're a slave of the system. A system build on debts, interests and fear."

i agree with you tigeris...

The worrying thing is Weapons dont kill people, People kill people if a peace loving hippy has a chaingun he is not really a threat to your exsistance but if a pyschopathic serial killer has a razor knife/blade he is a threat to your exsistance, if most of you honnestly think a war between the muslims and christians would be about weapons i think you are wrong, the muslims will use stealth and infiltration, there is enough terrorist cells all over the world now to do loads of dammage to our way of life, its all about waiting all we can do is sit and wait because the goverments dont tell us anything, so when dirty bombs, gas attacks, suitcase bombs, fertilizer bombs, shootings and all the rest start to happen all we can do is hope we are prepared to deal with the aftermath, because if we cant, and the western world starts to lose the fight, that is when we will use weapons like nukes and all hell will break lose, personally i expect attacks to happen rellatively close to the iraq invaision..

i mean come on the terrorists killed 4000 people with knifes on september 11th, what would brittain and the US have to use to kill 4000 terrorists.

[Edited on 19-2-2003 by The Blade Runner]

posted on Feb, 19 2003 @ 11:13 AM

"Freedom is like this, wake up one morning and think.. aaaaaaah what will I do today ? How can you speak of freedom when you know you'll have to work at least 40 years of your life. No work means no cash, so are you really free ? No you are not. You're a slave of the system. A system build on debts, interests and fear."

You couldn't be more wrong. That does mean we are free. You don't have to work. Plenty of people don't work. Those people are free to not have money and be a bum. What could be more free than having the ability to make your life whatever you want it to be. Whether it is a doctor or lawyer that makes a lot of money, or a hobo who walks around begging for money. Now that's freedom.

You mentioned a slave to the system. Well, there is a 'system' of some kind everywhere. But this one is much less unobtrusive as say, a communist system. The ideal there is equal, but utterly not free. Our system is the opposite. Free but not equal. If everyone was completely equal, you couldn't be free because equality can only be achieved if someone has complete control over you.

[Edited on 19-2-2003 by Shady]

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