posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:18 PM
After November 4, 2008, the 2012 presidential race kicks in. No one announces yet, but possible candidates start to visit Iowa and New Hampshire. Some
2008 candidates never leave, and take a few weeks vacation before making appearances. This thread will discuss the Republicans who are staying in the
news for a possible run. Like the title of Sean Connery's 1983 James Bond movie "Never Say Never Again", these politicians may say no, but many say
yes in the end. Here are a few names and a brief summary of what may happen:
Gov Sarah Palin: She has already started a PAC in her name to deal with issues. The problem is she needs to stay in the spotlight, and Alaska is not
always in the news. She may run for the Senate in 2010, and the polls show her winning by a landslide if she does. The problem is, she would do more
campaigning then her job in the Senate. Gov Palin may run for the Senate with an eye for 2016. The experience would help her grow for a better run
national campaign.
Gov Mike Huckabee: He has stated he is not interested in running again, but much of his new book tour was in Iowa. He will also have the luck of not
having Fred Thompson chip away at his Southern supporters. If Gov Palin decides to wait until 2016, he will probably run again.
Mitt Romney: He was very upset he did not win the nomination, and was also upset he was not named veep. One of his problems is he is not liked by the
major Republican fundraisers. Gov Huckabee did extremely well on a shoestring budget, and he may get the bulk of the fundraisers this time. Some
pundits are already claiming Gov Romney will be the victor, but his star has been fading fast. The 2002 Utah Games are fading from the collective
memories, and that was his moment of glory. I will predict he runs, but he will have a much tougher time this election cycle.
Gov Bobby Jindal: He has stated he is not interested (cue the them song from "Never Say Never Again"), but he has been chosen to give the closing
statement to President Obama's address to the Nation later this month. He is young and popular in many circles, but has yet to really prove himself
nationally. He may also wait until 2016, as President Obama will be a tough campaigner. I do not think he would take the veep slot, as he is
interested the the main job itself. I could be wrong, but Vice Presidents have a tough time when running for the main job. Only a few have made it. I
also think Gov Jindal will do more activities and events to put him in the national spotlight. We may see him go toe to toe with Gov Palin in 2016.
Gov Charles Crist: He is very popular in Florida, but he may have his eyes on the Senate seat being vacated by Sen Martinez. He may have lost some
national Republican support because he has been seen with President Obama. He would also have a tough time running against Gov Jindal and/or Gov
Palin. I am predicting he will run for the Senate in 2010.
There are numerous other Senators who will probably want to run in 2012. If the economy is still in trouble, it will not help Barack Obama, but it
will also not be good for the Republicans. They would have to try to fix it in four years, too.