posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 11:59 AM
Fact is they money will have to be sorted out sooner or later..
You see
Gold is GOLD.. it only has one value... 100 yen 20 dollas 50 GBP 1xtrillion zimbabwe dollas..
its about putting value on something..
This crash is not about the value of gold but about how the banks around the world have been totaly robbed LOL..
The biggest bank robbery ever.. AND the funny thing is, it was the Banks doing all the robbing..And now the party is over they will get back to
basics.. its not the end of the world just give them time to eat ther sour grapes they will all just "write" off there debts.. simple really
cant value or pay back what you dont infact own "CDS" amounts too 56 trillion
the UK alone is in debt for 4 trillion "was robbed" or "missplaced"
only yesterday mervin king, the head of the bank of england said that british intrest rates could hit ZERO...
better start printing that money again Mr King LOL...
watch them print it dont worry all is good.. becouse the greedy people at the top will not let this game end
AND you can take THAT to the BANK!