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Are you living your life unconsciously?

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posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:43 AM
For the past 3 1/2 years I have dedicated myself to researching all thing metaphysical. It started with aliens, 2012, govt. conspiracies and progressed to meditation and journeying inward.

Once I got past all the garbage and disinfo, I started meditating twice a day. I realized that coming to this website and looking at nothing but doom and gloom threads was starting to affect my life. I was feeding the fear that the NWO so to speak, was creating. Me getting scared and telling everyone he world was going to end was part of their plan!

So now here I am meditating daily and I recently made a discovery that turned my world around.

I discovered that I was living my life unconsciously!!

My spiritual ego took me over. I thought with all this meditation I've been doing, enlightenment is sure to follow! I was missing a big piece of the puzzle.

It came to me while driving in my car. My mind was racing about all the things i needed to do that day. I realized this and began to focus on my breathing. I observed what my body was doing, which was tensing my ab muscles an taking short breaths. I was in stress creation mode and i didn't even know it! Then I would say, "Ok Ryan, deep breaths, clear your mind, breathe from your diaphragm let it all go." I would become present for a moment.

Now I would find my self doing this 3 or 4 times a day when the thoughts got to be too much too fast. This is when the realization came!!

The only time i was consciously present through out my entire day was for these 3 or 4 brief moments!! I have been living on unconscious playback!! It hit me like a ton of bricks. Ninety percent of my day was just my ego and the past reactions to certain situation that my subconscious had recorded unbeknown to me.

My unconscious mind was like a tape recorder. "Ok someone is raising their voice...release the anger chemicals!" It takes into account how you react to situations in the past and if you are not consciously present in that moment, you will react as you always have. There is no room for spiritual growth when you are constantly reacting unconsciously to situations. You feel as if you are in control but YOU ARE NOT! I have just realized this and it has amazing implications.

The past few days, ALL i have thought about is staying preset and watching my breath. I want to be a conscious being. The reason I am writing this is to help others gain his perspective and see if anyone has mastered the art of staying present throughout your day. Tips are appreciated!!

[edit on 12-2-2009 by bringthelight]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 12:04 PM
Nice realization
. THis book is an in depth explanation for what you have discovered. It is a book that you love or hate though and seeing that you already got there on your own you might not need to read it

I try to life my life and act on things that occur with a clear and open conscious so that i won't go on autopilot, some times it works sometime it doesn't but realizing the workings of it all is a big step forward to being and staying conscious i'd say.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 02:58 PM
Good thread bringthelight. I hope this develops into a thread with a lot of input and advice.

I've had the same problems myself with being "unconscious". The only time I feel alive is during and immediately after a meditative session. I've always felt that I'm aware of things going on around me, as in I notice that they're happening, however, I don't often stop and think about or reflect on what I've seen. I feel like 90% of my life is archived to be picked apart in the other 10% when I'm "awake".

I try to keep on myself to keep up the meditative mindset throughout the day but it often gets lost in the clutter of the day and I don't realize I slipped until I bring myself back. It's frustrating but it's a part of being human, it's a mindset that needs to be practiced constantly as you mentioned. Extreme emotions are very difficult for me to deal with and it's often when someone does something stupid and I get exasperated that I lose grip on the clarity.

Again I must say I really like the concept of this thread and I hope others have something good to contribute, I'll be watching this thread with interest.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:03 PM
When I clicked on your link I had a good laugh and a feeling of connectedness. I actually just finished reading the Power of Now. It was an amazing book and I have been reading it on and off for the past month. If I had the time I would have read it straight through. I would also recommend this book to anyone.

The amazing thing about my "revelation", was that I read ET's words over and over again and thought I got it but I really didn't. It took an amazing moment of clarity for me to really get what he was saying. I had to experience it first hand.

This just made me realize that I can read every book in the world, but real knowledge comes from with in. These books are meant to help and guide but you really have to look inside to find real answers. It is such a great feeling to have one of these moments

[edit on 12-2-2009 by bringthelight]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:06 PM
Hi, bringthelight ! !

AAhhhhhh ! Another one, waked up!
It's fun that feeling, right ?

I am new to this "world", too.
If you do searches on the subject of my signature,
or the [My Favorite Sites] box, in my profile,
you will go forward/deeper a little more !

Good for us and you ! Keep up the good. . . trip B-)

Blue skies

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Scurvy

Thanks for your reply! I also hope many others share their input and experiences with staying present. I have also told my self after meditating, "if I could just hold this feeling for the rest of the day!" As you said, the way of life today is very fast paced and it is easy to get caught up in the clutter.

An enlightened person once told me that gaining this knowledge takes time and you have to put in the work. Some people study for years to become doctor and you have to dedicate yourself in the same way to becoming present in ever moment.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:48 PM
I was in a theather 'class' last week and a teacher, who studied Moshe Feldenkrais, show'd us how unconcious we are with our bodies, body movement, breath, sound of voice, etc...

Another teacher also said a thing that I've heard recently here in ATS (I think It was Skyfloating that said) that our bodies have memories of our past and 'store' emotions...

Greeeeeeeat stuff.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:55 PM
Congratulations! Welcome to Freedom!

Conscious behavior and communication will positively effect you
and the majority of those who are around you.

You have now entered into the domino effect of passing on the "clean clear energy" vibe.


posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 03:58 PM
"I realized that coming to this website and looking at nothing but doom and gloom threads was starting to affect my life."

ROFLMAO!! That happened to me for a while as well. All I would think about forlike a week was all the bad sh*t that I was reading throughout the month, and everything just started to get too crazy in my head. 10000 things rushing through my head at the same time, and when I would watch the news on T.V. I would sit there and curse at them for being complete a-holes. Thats when I realized I needed to take a break.
So I did. And I am glad I did, because if you read too much of this stuff, and get too involved to the point where you lose it, it could have serious consequences on your life. NO JOKE! Too much doom n gloom is not good for ones soul.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 04:40 PM
Thanks again for the replys! All the info has been very interesting.

InfoBrazil: I am curious what exercises your drama teacher did with you to show how unconscious we are. Im sure that could help many people on here.

CommonGood: I took a break as well and had the same feelings you described. I realized I was only feeding fear. Now i look at the more metaphysical/philosophy based threads on here and its been great! Plus if anything crazy does down ill be the first to know.

C-Jean: Thank you and I will check out your links when i get a chance. I loved the intention experiment as well!

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:18 PM

When I was young, I told my Aunt that I feel as if I am watching my life unfold in front of me as if I were watching it on TV. She told me to turn the TV off then. That was my epiphany. Such a simple suggestion, but powerful none the less.

True self awareness comes from the realization that you are more than just being here. Everything you do effects everything around you in ways you cannot even imagine.

On another note.
There is a world out there of those who are on auto pilot.
It is so easy to slip back there at anytime. Be aware and mind yourself.
It takes a lot of effort to maintain the awareness all day, but the more you do this, the more you see the world as it truly is.
One person can have hope enough for us all, but that does not mean that you should not keep trying to break free.

[edit on 12/2/2009 by reticledc]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:31 PM
One thing I have been wondering for so long and it has been bothering me so much...

Are some people merely automations? Perhaps those people have no souls, i.e. nobody's home. In other word, they do not have souls.

Perhaps I can better explain later if you don't understand what I mean.

I have been awaken for a long time. The problem is what do I do with myself? I am just being aware of myself being trapped in this physical body, but who are the other people?

Being aware can be a blessing, but it can be hell. It feels like I'm a prisoner and want to escape.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 07:56 PM
I have thought the same Deaf Alien, but what is even more profound is if you actually confront these people. All of a sudden a huge ray of personality comes out... sometimes. Other times they will just start BSing and theyre talking way too fast for me... Then Im just like, Woah this dudes weird.

And you are not traped inside your physical body. Becoming aware is part of transcending that entire perception. Because it is false. You are traped inside your head, not your body. You may not be as awake as you think you are. You see within that perception of being traped inside the body you feel as though you are seperate from the rest of reality. Who are the other people? They are you. Dont believe me? You dont have to. There is nothing negative about waking up. It was the only thing that got me out of a major depression.

I have had a similar revelation as the OP. I call it the living dead and that is what I once was. I mean you arnt truly living like that. I also call people like that and who I once was a robot or even a slave.

Thoughts are a meaningless stew of illusionary confusion. Its direct contact with "information" such as another person, your self or your environment that makes life real.

Over thinking, over analyzing seperates the body from the mind. To stand and consider all possibilities is to drown in a tunneling sea of infinite potentiality. Follow your heart.

This is an ancient philosophical query. The mind versus the heart. The left and right sides of the brain. It seems that you have joined the two in balance. Congratulations. Life will be alittle easier for you for now on.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by Wisen Heimer]

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by reticledc
When I was young, I told my Aunt that I feel as if I am watching my life unfold in front of me as if I were watching it on TV. She told me to turn the TV off then. That was my epiphany. Such a simple suggestion, but powerful none the less.

[edit on 12/2/2009 by reticledc]

Your aunt sounds awesome. Love that quote. Don't think i could say it any better myself.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Wisen Heimer

And you are not traped inside your physical body. Becoming aware is part of transcending that entire perception. Because it is false. You are traped inside your head, not your body. You may not be as awake as you think you are. You see within that perception of being traped inside the body you feel as though you are seperate from the rest of reality.

For me, this has been a crucial realization. I'm not sure if it's true for everyone, but I definitely think it's true for many of us.

Every time I start to think that I'm trapped inside my body, it's because I'm thinking, projecting, and fearing things that have not yet happened. In other words, the real trap is in my thoughts.

Nice thread, bringthelight. Thanks

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:29 PM
reply to post by Wisen Heimer

Great post. A star for you.

I have thought the same Deaf Alien, but what is even more profound is if you actually confront these people. All of a sudden a huge ray of personality comes out... sometimes. Other times they will just start BSing and theyre talking way too fast for me... Then Im just like, Woah this dudes weird.

Yes, I have had that happen to me before. When I talk to some of them, all of sudden, true personalities or selves come out.

But there is still another people. I don't know how to explain this. They may be living unconsciously. but it's like I was talking to bots like you'd talk to in a game. It's hard to explain. It's like no one is there. Perhaps movies like the Matrix or Existenz would explain better

And you are not traped inside your physical body. Becoming aware is part of transcending that entire perception. Because it is false. You are traped inside your head, not your body. You may not be as awake as you think you are. You see within that perception of being traped inside the body you feel as though you are seperate from the rest of reality.

So what do you suggest? Be more active physically? Think a lot less?

I have had a similar revelation as the OP. I call it the living dead and that is what I once was. I mean you arnt truly living like that. I also call people like that and who I once was a robot or even a slave.

But who are the robots and who are the slaves?

I know I am a slave. I know I am. "I think, therefore I am"

Like I said, being aware can be hell on Earth.

This is an ancient philosophical query. The mind versus the heart. The left and right sides of the brain. It seems that you have joined the two in balance. Congratulations. Life will be alittle easier for you for now on.

I hope so. It has been hard on me for many years. I tried following my heart but all I got was this overwhelming fear.

bringthelight - great thread! Thanks. S & F.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:43 PM
The Power of Now completely changed my life...NO DOUBT. I am so different than what I used to be. Life was such a challenge for me before. I was so frustrated and unhappy. Thank you Eckhart Tolle.

Congrats to you for waking up. And I agree with the other poster, your life will be much easier now. Things will be revealed and placed in your path, so pay attention. I have found, that when I finish one book and looking for another, the perfect book will be shown to me. Life is very interesting now.

Star and flag for you. I am looking forward to reading more in this thread. I hope it has a long life.

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by zippy1958

Things will be revealed and placed in your path, so pay attention. I have found, that when I finish one book and looking for another, the perfect book will be shown to me. Life is very interesting now.

This is the best part. Being receptive. Listening and having fun.
I also get the"Goose bumps" as validation.
My friend calls them the "truth bumps".

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by Deaf Alien

Just stick with it! I have found that some of the most awe inspiring moments in my life happen in the most trying of times. When the road gets rough, it is a chance for us to battle our inner demons. When we do this, often a life altering truth or realization is right around the corner and it brings you higher than you ever thought you could be.

Its always there, you just have to look for it. Find the silver lining and theres sure to be something good you can take out of any situation. IMHO its how we evolve spiritually. No yin with out the yang. Keep fighting the good fight

posted on Feb, 12 2009 @ 10:15 PM
I have that book, but I haven't read it yet. Maybe I should, but I know that sometimes letting your unconscious control things can be fruitful. Learning to follow your instincts and trusting them, and listening to desires from within seems to me to have worked well so far.

I have always had a problem with worrying about what others think, and so I have gotten far of the path on occasion. It takes a lot of courage to follow your gut.

And when you don't, it seems the universe makes "corrections" that are sometimes painful.

[edit on 12-2-2009 by seagrass]

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