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A question for those against the war in Iraq: Would you support it if WMD were found?

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posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:40 AM

Originally posted by American Mad Man

Originally posted by revenge

Originally posted by madmanacrosswater
A nuke is a WMD - WMDs are Nuclear Biological and Chemical - hence the term NBC protection.

Chemical weapons are not "Weapons of Mass Destruction." The government and corporate media threw that into the mix for maximum fear effect. Long range missiles are the best example of WMD.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:41 AM

Originally posted by Muaddib
You know...the Chinese and the Russians have given/sold weapons, WMD included, to the middle east and others, they still do. So do not even go there that the US has been giving them weapons. Yes, we did when they were fighting the Russians and Iran, but that was long ago.

All countries are equally as guilty...remember when reports were arising of Iraqis gassing the Kurds? The United States was still sending biological weapons after these reports were don't try to say that we are in it to "help others" is for our own benefit.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by krankinkx

Originally posted by drunk
They caught OBL ages ago they are holding him in the same place as Saddam Hussein, they are probably cell neighbours

I'm sure that was said in HA HA!

Of corse it was but you never know.With the current administration at the helm.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 12:17 PM

All countries are equally as guilty...remember when reports were arising of Iraqis gassing the Kurds? The United States was still sending biological weapons after these reports were don't try to say that we are in it to "help others" is for our own benefit.

Can you post links that coroborate what you said?

This is a link about Syria storing wmd for Iraq.

Links within ATS that show that Iraq has unloaded WMD in Syria. Agent47 gave good links as well as Seekerof and others. All credit goes to them of course.

posted on Apr, 15 2004 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by Muaddib
Russia, and China, among others, "are still giving/selling to them" all kinds of weapons. If you want to look at who is giving still all kinds of weapons to terrorists look at those two countries, and any other that don't want the US as a world power.

Then Using Bush's reasoning why not invade Russia and China? Oh that's right... the US only invades countries they know have no WMD. Hell if the whole point is getting WMD off the middle east why not tell Israel to surrender their arsenal of Nuclear and Biological Weapons? The whole "WMD" and "freeing the Iraqui" people excuses are just that.

#1 - Even if Iraq had WMD they had no means to deliver them

#2 - Why would Saddam attack the United States with a WMD knowing full well the US would turn the whole country into one huge pile of rubble? Saddam may be many things but stupid aint one of them.

#3 - The Iraqui people dont want americans there, as it has been made perfectly obvious to everyone the past couple of months.

#4 - The CIA Helped Saddam into power in the first place, and gave him Billions of dollars in support and plenty of Weapons of Mass Destruction to use against the Iranians. Yeah that's right people..... the WMD used to kill the kurds were american made.

#5 - The same applies to OBL. Isnt it funny that the US seems to create its own enemies. Lets not forget the Bush's Grandfather Prescott Bush along with other American Bankers Supplied Materials for Hitlers war machine, making themselves rich while betraying their country as americans gave their lives in WW2.

So dont even try to defend Bush and his family. Prescott was a lying cheating murdering son of a bitch. His son is a lying murdering son of a bitch, and his grandson and current president Bush is a lying sack of # murdering son of satan bastard!

*Sits back and waits for people to start calling me a democrat, bush hater, Liberal*

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