posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 10:52 AM
If someone is truly delusional or has mental health problems, then there should be a community action, for we are communal beings, not islands to
ourselves. If this is truly the case, the community is somewhat at fault, though in the US, it may be put on the cabal, for lack of good equal free
health care system and support systems, because this woman should have been reached before she ruined her life. As a mother of 5 boys, who given the
choice, would have preferred none, but who loves her children fiercely non the less, I do know that even on a yuppie income, this would be
unmanageable, stressful and a terrible feeling of mission, without personal joy and rewards.
On the other hand, I can't help but feel, with the various M Kultra mind control programs going on, invasively on every level, in every area, by the
Joseph Mengle style nazis who invaded and inflitrated the US, after the war (in effect they won it subversively), I have to question this case, which
has drawn so much attention, and the doctors working behind it very much. I ask questions:
What does this serve? It seems like an anti family message, and particularly to make an example of large families.
I feel something is very wrong with this case, and feel that this woman has undergone MC all her life.