posted on Feb, 10 2009 @ 10:14 AM
giving citizens a bunch of cash would be extremely foolish, it would cause hyper inflation overnight. Not that it won't cause it anyways by giving
it to banks but a slow release of the cash will hopefully not make it as bad.
I don't see a lack of money as the problem here. Like you said these so called rich elite have plenty of cash, more than ever in history in fact.
So there is plenty of cash. I admit that I don't know a whole lot about economics, but I do know logic and cause and effect.
Think of the economy as a business. Even a business with plenty of profit will go straight under if there is no cash flow. Cash flow is the key, not
more cash. I think the solution, and correct me if I'm wrong because like I said I'm not an economist, is to just keep working.... Work more than
ever. Get 2 jobs, three jobs, work doubles(I am today!), triples, weekends, holidays. Take jobs you would never normally do, low paying jobs, jobs
that aren't glamourous, jobs that aren't fun. Do these jobs exist? yeah I just checked craigslist for my town and found a bunch of postings
already today and it's only 8 am here. In fact while i was checking it i applied for a bartending gig at a wedding later this month, one time job,
but a chance to make connections, 200 bucks, and some tiips too!
Look it's hard times and everyone wants to blame the banks or the government, or the elite, or santa claus or god, or whoever...and yeah I'm sure
someone is at fault, but instead of moping around all pissed go get off yer butt and do what EVERY individual can do to get out of hard!
Remember that old concept? It's what yer grandpa did, we can do it too. Stop waiting on the government to fix it, they won't. YOU can, YOU, YOU
and YOU too!
I also think an end to junkie consumerism would be beneficial, in not funding the elite. Of course the money has to go somewhere in order for there
to be cash flow, but buying wasteful products is pointless. Buy things you need, and buy more of it, not things that are pointless, I know this
isn't what we've been used to all our lives, but it's time to grow up, change, and fix this ourselves.
I sleep on a mattress on the floor, I almost never buy new clothes, and sell my old ones when I do, much of what I own is used, and will be sold used
again, when I'm through with it(is any of this getting thru?), my car is so crappy that I actually kick dents in it on purpose just for fun(I don't
need a ferrari, neither do you), I don't even own a TV. No consider this....I take vacations every 2-3 months, I just got back from an awesome trip
to the Yucatan last nite, I eat out 3-6 times a week. I could put my money into stuff that just doesn't matter, but then....why would anyone do
The obvious solution is my eyes is to stop, evaluate, and start making changes with YOU, it starts with YOU.