I keep this short and sweet ..
Dont believe the pipe ...These are lies to deceit more ..
I wont reveal my name or status but rest assured anyone with a minoor in economics can read the lies they tell you right there ...
I call big sloppy BS lies !
PLZ stop just watching youtube for your education and please read some good old fashion books ...
You interested in economy ...???? great we need people that are ...
This field is so complex (and i am not native English Speaker ) I cant even try to start ..but
One statement for you all to think about ..
In a fee ( a really free ) global economy there would be NEVER EVER be a recession ...It would be impossible !! A complete Oxymoron!
One examples: A complete monopoly of certain goods would never be possible in a free market .
Its Governments that keep monopolies or create them through interference ..under such pretenses as security etc etc etc
Now think about this research it and you will find ITS TRUE !
But we have a economy run by criminals and pressure groups and above all by the governments (note plural)
Its these Governments monopolies that strangle markets ... Ultimately Governments and a very small group of people decide when and how to initiate
another skim-off. Yes like skimming milk
Thats what a recession or the NEW WORLD BS PC correct expression
ownturn is ..normal folk is bled dry and we start all over ..
Happened since the beginning of BANKS!!!
Remind me again WHO owns you Americans ..Your banks ...Your foreign policies ...OHH but thats all not connected right ? this is economics ..RIGHT
So now you know WHO runs and profit from the so called free economic ..
Yet men knew this for centuries and does nothing ...
free market ....
Just another lie we take as a fact as staring point as a constant ...and start all our research on ...
Stop looking/researching an Issue taking a lie as your staring point /....
This you should apply to everything ..not just economics