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Weird symbol on my mother's skin

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posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by Artistw

I have been searching for information regarding a strange skin marking that appeared on my skin 4 days ago. What you describe of your mothers' experience is nearly identical, but for a slight difference in the pattern of the marking.
Mine is the size of a large coin (US quarter) has six identical petals attached to a center circle, much like a simple flower design. There are no crossing lines through the center circle. (I have a pix but not sure how to link to it...)
The mark appeared after I had been working in the yard & went to shower. It does not hurt, itch or burn. Today, it did start to rise a bit in one small area of one of the cross lines. I am looking into possible spider or tic bites. Did your mother ever find an answer? Did it ever go away?
edit on 21-8-2012 by turtleback because: punctuation

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 08:39 PM
reply to post by Artistw

The skin anomaly in the pictures you provided looks like a circle within a circle with three straight lines which divide the two circles in a near equal fashion, much like a pizza pie. The mark reminds me of an impression I have seen made on skin before... It is very reminiscent of the scars left from polo vaccines, without the three lines...

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 04:21 AM
Does the skin feel completely equal? For example - are you able to close your eyes and run your fingers over the mark and feel no kind of raising of the skin? If so - I have reason to believe that she 'burn' originated beneath the skin.

The symbol is much like the mark of Baal, as shown below:

It is possible that your mother may have had some sort of demonic encounter, even in her sleep. Her specific mark is like none I have seen of yet, but I will look into it for you.

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 05:55 AM
I don't know what has been suggested thus far, as I only read slightly past the first page, but I will go ahead and offer up some ideas I have. First I will say that this does not look like a ringworm at all. Much too uniform and patterned. The first thing I would do is look at the end of your mom's hair dryer/blow dryer. If the patterns match, then there is your answer. If that is not the answer, check for other things that could have come into contact in that specific area either for a prolonged period of time, or a shorter period of time accompanied by excessive heat or pressure.

This very well could be paranormal in nature, but it could also be mundane. The main reason that I think it could be paranormal is that this exact same marking has popped up on men and women, although mostly women, around the world. I'm positive that it has happened much more than has been documented, and the fact that it has been documented, although to a minor extent, in my opinion goes to show that it is at least a recurring phenomenon. Coupled with the fact that no good explanation has been found by any of those who have experienced this phenomenon, I think a case could be made for something supernatural. Many skeptical people will not even entertain that idea, but others may if and only if a sufficient effort is made to find logical, although maybe not obvious, reasons for this to occur.

I think we can rule out a medical cause, although I am not well-versed in medical literature enough to say that with any high degree of confidence. It just seems as if it were a rash it would not be so uniform. And what are the odds of people all over the world experiencing an identical rash, which is in itself rare considering it is composed of geometrically positioned linear markings?

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 09:55 PM
This happened in 2009, and really does appear to be ringworm. Though, admittedly, I was pretty excited for a while, before I read the dismissive, and probably correct, comments.

Gotta love nature.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 10:49 PM
OP, great intrigue, S&F, don't have a clue but your effort to provide pics and detailed description are quite honorable. I am looking forward to some forensic style help in your mother's case, if it is at all available. Ringworm??, too much "artwork". The lines crossing the circles don't match the diagnosis.
edit on 16-9-2012 by Gridrebel because: (no reason given)

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