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The Final Contact

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posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:19 PM
Continued from previous post:

ly-on said... Increible pero algo paso a mi tambien...En la fase final de la meditacion del triangulo, entrando en el estado ALFA, pude ver el interior de una nave ovalada, con asientos de cuero obscuro alrededor...senti mi cuerpo levantarse y..como no estaba preparado a esta experiencia, me asuste' un poco...Segun los Guias, tuve un desdoblamiento no fugaz, una levitacion y entre en una constelacion llamada NOPQ, una domension semi paralela "LA PROXIMA VEZ NO TENGAS MIEDO" fueron las ultimas palabras... Tuesday, 26 July, 2005

And the English version:

"ly-on said... Incredible but something happened to me too... In the final phase of the meditation triangle, entering the ALFA state, i could see the interior of an oval ship, with sits made of dark leather all around... i could feel my body floating and.... as i was not prepared for this experience, i got scared a little... according to the Guides, i had a double decoupling, a levitation and entered a constellation named NOPQ, a semi parallel dimension "NEXT TIME DON'T BE AFRAID" were the last words... Tuesday, 26 July, 2005"

So commander, what? do i need to say more about this post?

On that same post there is a lot of content, but it doesn't make any sense, just a lot of more confusing words as commander likes to use.

Things like:

privados de acontecimientos que se darán sin términos aislados a propósito de los contactos que se han venido unificando, en charlas con el seudónimo del propio no regime del Centro Cabalístico de Orión.Si los encuentros que se tuvieron entre seres terrestres y extraterrestres alienígenas marcó redundancia de planos que se complementarán de un hoy 5º tipo.

"deprived of events which will be given without terms isolated own purpose of the contacts that have been unified, in chats with the pseudonym of the own regime of Centro Cabalistico of Orion. If the encounters that were had between the terrestrial being and the extraterrestrial aliens marked redundancy of planes that will be complemented by a type 5º"

So i won't bother with those anymore.


sunday, september 25, 2005 ...y la NASA jura que...

...que la llanura de Cydonia, en Marte, nos es otro que una serie de rocas....

Miren la "ciudadela" de piramides a la izquierda, una enorme piramide a la derecha y la cara mas arriba...

sin comentarios...

"And NASA swears that...

... that the Cydonia valley, in Mars, is nothing but a bunch of rocks...

Look at the "city" of pyramids to the left, a big pyramid on the right and the face above...

no comments...
He talks about a picture embedded on the original post, so please go to that site and search for "y la NASA jura que" and you will be able to see by yourself.

Next one:

tuesday, july 18, 2006 El responable del contacto de septiembre
El general UR Tanner, o el Dios Anubis....
Cita: 16 y 17 de Septiembre 2006

"tuesday, july 18, 2006 The responsible for the contact of September General UR Tanner, or the Anubis God...
Date: 16 and 17 September 2006
Be prepared!

And here he says this pic on that post is the Anubis God and be prepared because he is coming on September 16 and 17 2006.

Next one:

monday, august 28, 2006 sobre las naves de luz... En la reunion del 26 de agosto 2006, Diva recibio' informacion sobre la estructura de las naves de luz: nitrato de carbono, algo que no es posible sintetizar en la Tierra. Asi que las naves parecen de plasma o vidrio, segun los casos....

Pic here:

"monday, august 28, 2006 about the ships of light... In the reunion of August 26 2006, Diva received information about the structure of the ships of light, carbon nitrate, something that is not possible to synthesize on Earth. So the ships seem to be made of plasma or glass, depending on which case..."

So commander, don't tell me you need someone to 'channel' you the composition of your own ships??? i am getting confused here, i though you knew all about how your ships are made but couldn't explain to us because of the war with the grays...


monday, september 04, 2006 una Ciencia cierta.... La numerologia regala grandes sorpresas: El nombre de mi hija sera' NASHIRA, 7 letras...y el total de los numeros es 34, osea 7...y no sabia nada!!!!!

"monday, september 04, 2006 an exact science... Numerology gives away great surprises: The name of my daughter will be "NASHIRA", 7 letters... and the total of the numbers is 34, again 7... and i didn't knew anything!!!!!"

But it was a boy! so not that exact of a science i guess...


monday, october 02, 2006 EL ENCUENTRO DE COCHASQUI

"monday, october 02, 2006 THE COCHASQUI ENCOUNTER"

There are several pics of a light in a dark sky on that post, he is talking about some UFO sighting and offer to post some more info later, which never happened.

But why would the commander of the federation need to post "proof" of some UFO encounter like this? why not just take some pics of his own ship and place them on the site instead of some random light on a plain dark sky? and it seems one of the cult members took the shot, why would you be surprised of your own ships that you need to take shots of them and post them on the web like this? something smells bad here....


friday, january 12, 2007 Desde Sirio....el grande OANNES

"friday, january 12, 2007 From Sirius .... the great OANNES"

The pic is supposedly of the OANNES God, i leave it to you what to think of this.


monday, january 14, 2008 ...sobre Einstein...

En la reunion del 12 de Enero del 2008, el espiritu de Albert Einstein ha contesatdo algunas preguntas sobre sus origenes. Entre lo mas destacado: " Nombre verdadero TALBER, que significa "El Anunciado" . Los grises lo sondeaban y no consiguieron en totalidad la formula...

"monday, january 14, 2008 ...about Einstein...

In the last meeting of January 12 2008, Einstein's spirit has answered some questions about his origins. Between the most outstanding:
Real name TALBER, which means 'The announced'. The grays use to drill him but never got in totality the formula

Q--UX-A--1/AL4 _.5 (quantum physics) "

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:42 PM
Continued from previous post:

"about Einstein"

Se promulgo' la ley en una raiz cuadrada del maximo lider Neon, y Ly-on acaparro' la formula P GRIEGO en el año 10.894 pues la estatica se define 8 aberturas dimensionales P GRIEGO + 1 al CUBO

" A Law was passes in a square root of the maximum leader Neon, and Ly-on took over the formula P GRIEGO in the year 10.894 because the static is defined 8 dimensional openings P GRIEGO + 1 to the Cube"

Believe me, that's what the post about Einstein says, not a word left out of the scientific explanation, makes about the same sense as in Spanish.

On the top of the site, there is a quick explanation of what "Alias Union" is all about:


It reads: "Official site of the Alias Union group lead by Ms Diva Gomez, missioner contacted by Masters, Extraterrestrial Guides, Aliens, Master Jesus, Angels"

So that's it, there is a lot more content from where to take quotes but i got bored, if what i have posted here is not enough to help you see, then there's nothing i or anyone else can do, so i will leave it here.

My take on this is, i believe this 'Alias Union' cult is getting low on business and commander is here or was sent here to recruit personnel, as it happens, he already provided a clue about this, when he said the

The contact will take place in Ecuador

Guys, be careful with that, we don't know what is the real purpose of this cult, and a trip to Ecuador could mean bad news for you later on. Don't give your personal information to anyone on the net, specially to someone like this.

A final note, he even lied about using Linux:

Some points i like to bring up:

- Your son photo is displayed on that site, you should be ashamed of how you are using your son to play this hoax, he is about two years old now, you at first thought and was sure it was going to be a girl, because it was 'channeled' to you, but guess what, it was a boy, by the way, all this can be found on that page, the post about the child being a girl, then the post about being a boy.

- I believe you need to seek help, your own delusions are taking a hold of you, in a really really bad way.

- Stop trying to mislead people into your believes, or are you seeking to harm other people?

As i said earlier, he is really focused too much on leaving behind those who don't believe in him, so that brings up a red flag for me, most probably, he was left by those who he loved the most, probably they got tired of all this crazy stuff and left.

Be warned that someone who is mentally unstable can harm people who don't follow his ideas blindly.

For those guys who believe in him, i can tell you i'm a little worried about you and your physical and mental health, if you continue to listen to this person.

It is up to you, as i said, what i have seen is enough for me, i asked you ly-on, to come out clean, but clearly you have another agenda here, so i waited for you to make a choice, and you have chosen to keep lying.

Here is my evidence, make the best out of it.

I'm not sure if i can post this here, if not, mods please edit this post:

Commander ly-on:

Name: /* removed /*
Born: Roma
Age: 40 years old
Place of residence: Quito, Ecuador
Family: Wife and Child, /* name removed */ two years old

That's about what i will be posting here, i am not playing 'commander', you don't know who i am, and as i say, you are not allowed to harm human spirits, and here i am to stop you.

You have misused your gifts, you have turned into lying and hoaxing people to turn them into blind followers, just to increase your EGO and for hidden purposes, you are not worthy of anything at all right now.

And i hope you will receive the punishment you deserve, although, as someone already said, on this world, these days, you probably won't.

So long commander ly-on, i don't care about you, i care about people who was mislead by you, so please, go away.

Thanks for reading this.

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 10:55 PM
Guys and Gals, seriously....

I could go on and on for hours here, with more translations and facts about this guy, but why do that, i trust you will be able to see what's going on with the information i have already posted.

In case you have any doubts, please let me know.

posted on Mar, 19 2009 @ 11:28 PM
A quick explanation of commander ly-on last words:

Originally posted by commander ly-on
Dear members,
The selection is over.

Which means:

Dear members,
I feel debunking coming soon, gotta get away.

You did not follow your heart; you follow your “leader” without a name and without faith.

You decided to believe in your hearts, instead of following me blindly, as such, since you are now protected by God, i can't get near you so i will have to leave you behind

We saw the misery of the group, which is not a group at all,

I am angry at you for not believing in me, so i will try to insult you in a childish manner. i hate you i hate you i hate you!

using terrestrial deductions in order to discover the fake by the strange mistake we made about a simply astronomical question

Our was a simply TEST in order to see who has faith and who is following the posts deductions, automatically.

Quick excuse for his mistake, after going to check on some sites and discovering he pasted the wrong number.

That was the code we was talking last time.

Anyway, ALL your distances from the Sun to EVERYWHERE are wrong.

Using all caps as a way to enforce his version of the story and etc, we all know this don't we?

You made a question which denotes the poorness of element you have about time consequences: if we live in the future, why not answer the forthcoming question.

We give an example: Commander ly-on, the dream of my 12 years old son is to be a doctor. You live in the future, can you tell me?
My answer: we know the answer, we won’t give you. Why? Because if we tell you that in 15 years your son will be a lawyer, you, from this moment, would stop, censored and deny his own dream: be a doctor. And when you son ask you to buy a book of medicine for kids, for the next Christmas, you’d probably buy a bycicle.

Very poor explanation, i would buy him whatever he wanted, we already know he is going to be a lawyer, so let him play for now, eventually things will come out fine, as they should, right?

Kaifan you will never enter a spaceship

I hate you and don't want to play with you anymore.

JacobBh you are on stand by.
Odette, you are on stand by

If you play with kai you won't play with me.

Alienmindflare you will see several Ufos, wait for the call.

Just not yet, you haven't really fallen for his lies so you need to be worked a little more.

Nightchild, you will feel the bad part of the alien contact

And those bad aliens will be sent by who?

FiatLux, you will never see us

Glad for him.

The others, in standby for poor participation

Got tired of going through the thread and finding which ones are blinded by the script.

The contact will take place in Ecuador, Cochasqui pyramidal sacred ground, soon.
Of course, we know in advance, who, among the invited, will have the sheer nerves to see the great spaceships of light.

We're all going to commit suicide on Ecuador, those who have the sheer nerves to see the great spaceships of light will go through.

Life is easy or difficult
Depends on the way you live it

Yeah, i wake up in the morning, go to the kitchen, prepare some coffee, scrambled eggs, orange juice, turn on the tv, sit for a while eating, i enjoy the small things on life you see, then i go upstairs, play the violin for a while, put some music on, lately I've been too much into Mozart, then i go down stairs, do so kempo training, one hour or so, then shower, it is 11 am, time to work, work for a while, then time to eat, let's go eat out with some friends, there's a nice place close to my home, after that, some more work, then let's go out, let's see, there's a cool bar near my street, with live band and very cool people, ok, let's go, or to the movies maybe? not, i need a beer, bar then, oh it is night already, ok, some meditation, some reading ( I am reading 'The Unfettered Mind' by Takuan Zoho, highly recommended read to anyone into Zen and even for those not into things like that), then some sleep, when i can, because as someone else on this thread has commented, i have too much energy, i cant' sleep)

Yep, life is easy...

You are now free to reach the other topics and sum your questions to the other questions, a task without end


Commander ly-on
Leader of the Alias Union Contact
Planet Earth



I can see through you...

[edit on 19-3-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 12:08 AM
kaifan has just hammered the last nail in the coffin. the thread was fun while it last though.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 12:17 AM
It was just how I stated 1 week ago-plus I could not only See but feel it. I wished him well as he's going to need it, and All the Help he can get. Its Easy To Tell a Cult When The "So called leader" of the goup uses manipulation to try and Overpower his/her followers and easily targeting people who are vulnerable. ...and now Back To The REAL WORLD! -cheers.

and edit to add: I also felt that he would be traced, the thing that has me greatly concerned is all this stuff on New Age/Aliens/2012 etc; etc; is becomming a concern in our current society- which I do believe is leading some people down the wrong path.

[edit on 20-3-2009 by embedded]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 12:55 AM

Originally posted by embedded
It was just how I stated 1 week ago-plus I could not only See but feel it. I wished him well as he's going to need it, and and All the Help he can get. Its Easy To Tell a Cult When The "So called leader" of the goup uses manipulation to try and Overpower his/her followers and easily targeting people who are vulnerable. ...and now Back To The REAL WORLD! -cheers.

Yeah, i truly mean no harm, but i can't just ignore this and the possible danger that this represents. kudos to you for keeping your mind free and not let anyone come with false hope to disturb your soul.

By the way, that's not me on the eyes pic, that's my ex-girlfriend roxx who helped a lot on this research, thanks to her for all the hard work and his special talent at 'seeing through'.

What worries me now is, we don't know if this is also happening somewhere else, or what the final purpose of this cult is, and i wonder if there are several more members trying to recruit people on the net, i hope this is just an isolated event.

But lets see if he comes again with more explanations, if any, i am wondering about that, what is he going to say about this? but i will not be waiting...

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 03:54 AM
reply to post by Kaifan

Wonderfull research... I must say.

Almost inspiring...

Have you tried asking advancd scientific questions and waiting for a non responce to disprove the assertions of fakers?

I find it works pretty effectively.


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 04:39 AM

Kaifan threw the last punch,

Amazing research, thumbs up for you.
And to think I almost believed in him,
Good work mate,


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:06 AM
Related Story:

March 19, 2009, 4:53 pm

"A tsunami was generated after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck at 2:17 p.m. Eastern time beneath the sea near the volcanic eruption in waters near Tonga. A tsunami alert for areas outside the immediate region was canceled six minutes after an initial bulletin was issued."

Interesting.... interesting.


[edit on 20-3-2009 by Edrick]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Kaifan

I have no doubt about who he is.I souly come on here to read Commanders posts.

I just notice that you spend alot of time on here 'trying' to prove he's a fake,,,is this your mission in life then?

Ive said this before,,those who dont believe in him,,why the hell do you spend time in posting,we know you dont believe,,theres no point in trying to get others to join you.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by Edrick
Related Story:

March 19, 2009, 4:53 pm

"A tsunami was generated after a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck at 2:17 p.m. Eastern time beneath the sea near the volcanic eruption in waters near Tonga. A tsunami alert for areas outside the immediate region was canceled six minutes after an initial bulletin was issued."

Interesting.... interesting.


[edit on 20-3-2009 by Edrick]

Another tsunami on the west coast of America, from North to South.

Nope, that's not it, Tonga is not exactly on the North or South US, or in the US at all.

And i did my try at asking questions, he simply ignored all of them and all the questions from the rest of the members, he just replied the ones from people who truly believe him, the rest, as he said "were going to be left behind" because of lack of blind faith. Go to the thread again and see how many times he denied answers or made false statements, at least the one about how they control the volcanoes came out to be fake, look it up.

Of course you are free to believe, i can't stop you, i can only show what i found and at the end it is you who need to make the choice.

Good luck!

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:18 AM

Originally posted by Alienmindflare
reply to post by Kaifan

I have no doubt about who he is.I souly come on here to read Commanders posts.

I just notice that you spend alot of time on here 'trying' to prove he's a fake,,,is this your mission in life then?

Ive said this before,,those who dont believe in him,,why the hell do you spend time in posting,we know you dont believe,,theres no point in trying to get others to join you.

I don't, i do plenty of stuff each day, i have known for several days who he was, it took me about 30 minutes or so to find out who he is. I asked several times didn't i? i requested for he to come clean, he kept lying, his choice, my choice is to show you the truth.

The only reason i decide to do this, as i explained on previous posts, is because i can't just pretend this hoax is not happening, i know the truth about him, people deserve the truth, why hide it? people can and are harmed by cults, keeping silence can only result in bad things.

Read my response to timewalker here:

I don't think more explanation is required.

I do have plenty of time to do anything i want, i don't get tired, also, even if you see my status as online, that doesn't mean i am here on ATS, it just merely points out that i rarely close the session or the browser window, i do have a permanent net connection and my PC has several weeks of uptime, just because of my work requirements.

I own and run a software company, this week i have been doing anything at all, so i decided to come and check what's up with old good commander, and this is the result of that.

Have fun, but not let anyone fool you, i think i know how you feel, but don't, you don't need this, you can see and find better experiences in life without having to go through lies and deception.

Please follow your heart, i am getting tired of posting here on this thread, there are lots of things to do on this life, and i will not spend it listening to this guy, the reason i keep coming and looking if there are replies, is just to make sure the message went through, and to clarify things like i am doing right now.

If you still want to believe its ok, just don't send the support money yet, or go to Ecuador on a one way trip, please ?

Wish you the best!

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 07:33 AM
reply to post by Kaifan

Yes, the prediction was off by a couple of hundred miles... IF this was the predicted geological event.

I think the intensity of the event was more startling to me than the actual ACCURACY of the prediction. (Proximity speaking)

Anyways... Truth can be found in MANY places... Even the most unlikely of places.

I think the main point here is NOT whether you believe... but what have you learned?


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:24 AM
AlienMindflare, I took the the time to answer again your post, because i want to point out some things here.

First, this:

I just notice that you spend alot of time on here 'trying' to prove he's a fake,,,is this your mission in life then?

I'm not 'trying', i am showing you the truth, the fact that the truth is not as pretty as ly-on story is, doesn't matter, it is the truth, and you should always look for the truth, even if at the end it turns out to be not what you wished it was, that's the only way to learn in this world.

Ive said this before,,those who dont believe in him,,why the hell do you spend time in posting,we know you dont believe,,theres no point in trying to get others to join you.

I want to ask you to go again and read your own word here, who are you talking about when you say "those who dont believe in him" and "theres no point in trying to get others to join you" ? please think about it, i have heard these same words before, but went something like this:

"those who dont believe in God" "theres no point in trying to get others to join you"

Please forgive me if this is not your case, but the way you are writing this, it looks a lot like that, i believe in God, so much that sometimes it grows out of me and into other people, also, i do believe in life outside/inside/on our planet, life that is not human, or animal as we know, i have seen ufos, i have been abducted, or 'visited' at my own home, more likely than taken away, i have experienced tons of things related to paranormal and ufos.

But i don't go forming cults on web sites, and i don't pretend to be anyone else but me, sorry but he is wrong.

You have faith, but in the wrong person, i can tell you this much, when you saw this thread, you talked about it with your friends, and you pretended to be a non-believer, you even made fun of him, but inside you, you truly believed or hoped for him to be true, well, he isn't, and you need to be true to yourself, you made fun of it just because you didn't want the rest of the people to believe you were crazy or make fun of you, but right there in that moment, you betrayed yourself, your own heart and soul, you should always be true to yourself and believe in you first, then you can go and look at the rest of the world and see beyond the words.

I care about you, i need to make sure you are not harmed because of some guys fantasies. I don't want to babysit anyone, so all i can do is show you the stuff, you need to make something out of it.

I am not a leader, i don't need or want followers, i can't take that responsibility, but i am a soldier, who will fight for the truth no matter what, and so there are several others here on ATS who have the same mission as i do, so if you want to take it like that is fine, my mission in life is to make sure the truth comes out, whether you like it or not, its good or bad for you, is up to no one but you, but i will do whatever i can to make sure you get it clean and ready, avoid the pollution, also, as i like to say sometimes, watch out for the big bad wolf! its out there, waiting for you..

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:37 AM
Hey guess what, how many earthquakes are in 1 month?

Till don't know, ok ... start counting then ->

Seismic predictions never worked for me for that reason.

I still don't know what to believe because its confusion and contradiction information.
Every entity says know something is always different from the previous information than i have read.
And in my opinion this is a very strange way to try help people.

Sorry Commander, if you are genuine you must do better, this are times of lies and deception, the people that are waking up don't want to fall in the very first comfort than aper in the way.

( 1º post ever

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:43 AM

Originally posted by Edrick
reply to post by Kaifan

Yes, the prediction was off by a couple of hundred miles... IF this was the predicted geological event.

I think the intensity of the event was more startling to me than the actual ACCURACY of the prediction. (Proximity speaking)

Only problem is, he comes from the future, he knows everything, he is predicting things because, he already said, for them this is the past, so, how can he be wrong, again?

That's not a prediction then, i can throw predictions left and right and maybe some of those will happen to coincide with natural events, then i will say, look at that, i was right, but if the prediction is not exactly as i said, then i failed, its just a coincidence, i don't know the future and i was just guessing.

Anyways... Truth can be found in MANY places... Even the most unlikely of places.

I think the main point here is NOT whether you believe... but what have you learned?


Truth can be found in many places, but not here sorry.

I don't believe in him, i believe in a lot of higher things, i can see through him, i may not be able to see through other people, but he can't fool me and i won't allow those lies to mislead others.

I didn't learn anything from him that i already knew

- I already knew i shouldn't trust someone who claims to be a God or on Gods level, because i have experienced several things in my life in the spiritual world and this has nothing to do with that.

- He didn't teach me anything about our planet, our universe, our life purpose here, or in the future, our past, anything at all, and if you can go through the thread and bring those missed bits of knowledge to the front, i will be very thankful for doing it, in fact, please do it, i would like to see them, because before posting this, i went though the thread but couldn't find anything of worth, all i can see is just common knowledge mixed with nonsense and lies.

- I have been able to experience astral projections since about 10 years ago, i have seen and meet several entities, some of them light ones, some of them dark ones, felt happiness, pain, fear, warmth, sadness, longing, tons of feelings while on those 'trips', and yet, i know no commanders or federations, on that aspect, i didn't learn anything new here.

I am not sure, but the only thing i learned here is, humans can and will do anything to gather attention and power, there are some people out there that are really in need of attention so bad that they will do whatever they can to get it, including this hoaxes and forming cults based on lies that at the end, sometimes, result in massive suicides, as we already have seen in the past years.

This is dark, i can't see any light here, or feel warmth, or good about reading all those words, i only see falsehood, and that bothers me inside.

So my apologies if you see something else here, i don't, truly.

posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by commander ly-on

wow! I get to be an ET contactee?


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 10:35 AM
reply to post by Kaifan

You said that truth cannot be found here... And I disagree.

There is MUCH truth here, but maybe not in the stated categories.... "Future" "Aliens" "Predictions" "Technology"

No, I found none of those here either.

What I found is another truth altogether.

One about differing viewpoints....

I learned that some people will accept claims of the Astounding as a given, choosing to believe.

I have learned that some people will require a visible miracle, a "Turn water into wine for me" in order to believe.

I have learned that some will attempt to discredit, based upon their non-belief.

I have learned where religious fundamentalism comes from.

So, not counting whatever knowledge you were *EXPECTING* to gain here... I ask you once again.

What *did* you learn?


posted on Mar, 20 2009 @ 11:22 AM

Originally posted by Edrick
I learned that some people will accept claims of the Astounding as a given, choosing to believe.

Tell you what, most of these points, if not all of them, i already have learned by being on ATS and before that, from real life and friends and teachers and people in general, not from this thread.

I don't really get it why you think these points were brought to light here, at least not for me, if you learned all this stuff from this thread, well that's great for you, but i didn't. Maybe i am confused a little, but to me, most of these are common sense or common knowledge already.

I have learned that some people will require a visible miracle, a "Turn water into wine for me" in order to believe.

I don't, i believe in God, i have never seen it, but my feeling and my heart tell me there is something greater and i can 'sense' it, but i don't have any proof at all.

I have learned that some will attempt to discredit, based upon their non-belief.

There are people here on ATS and everywhere that will always deny everything with simple explanations, sometimes even dumb or ignorant explanations, but they will still deny things, just because they behave like drones that are programed to always say no, but that can be seen in every other thread about something out of this world, and on the streets, work, schools and everywhere.

And then there are people who look at the evidence and questions with logic what is being posted here, then make a choice, if the questions are answered wrong, then they ask why, if the questions are answered right, they keep asking, because that's how human nature is, eventually, a discussion leads to one of two possibilities.

I have learned where religious fundamentalism comes from.

People who follow blindly will always defend their faith and will do anything to avoid the destruction of that world where they like to live.

That has been going on since the first days of humankind, just look at the past and see how many things happened in name of God, study that and you learn were fundamentalism comes from, not on this thread, again, if you found that knowledge here, good, but i didn't, that was already something i have learned in the past.

So, not counting whatever knowledge you were *EXPECTING* to gain here... I ask you once again.

The problem is, i didn't expect to learn anything, i came here without any expectations, as it must be, i just came, get it?

The same way, i was just here, and looked, and questioned after looking, i didn't came expecting to see, or learn, or fight, i reacted to what i was seeing, to what i was feeling, if you go somewhere expecting something, you will miss those things you are not looking for, so, as a rule for life, never expect anything, always go as an empty glass waiting to be filled by what you will find, good or bad, you will sort it out later, but first wait for the content to come.

Please go see my first post on this thread and compare it with the rest of them, what happened?

What *did* you learn?

I will have to say this, at every moment, in every place, there are several levels of truth, depending on how deep you can see, you will find a table is not just a table, a window is not just a window, a tree is not just a tree, depending on how deep on the truth you can see.

In this case, i haven't learned anything, i don't see anything but lies, there is no message to improve my life here, there is no hidden meaning that will awaken something inside or teach me a life lesson.

At some point, i looked down on ly-on, because i knew he was lying and was a bad fake, and i pointed that out to him, i called him the most boring and poorest attempt at a hoax, and i was honest and direct, i haven't changed my mind, i am proud, too proud sometimes, but also, i didn't learn that here, or feel it was a mistake and must apologize, that's something i know very well about me, and i will work that out at some point, but i didn't get it from this thread.

What i have learned from this thread, i didn't learn anything i already knew. sorry. If anything, i felt attacked, at the soul level, as if when you see someone getting killed on the news because of ignorance and feel offended and sad because of that person who will be no more, and felt bad for the ones that were asking questions without knowing this was a hoax, but again, i have always felt this, since i was a kid, i have always felt the need to project and destroy falsehood, this is how i am, and i didn't found out here.

I don't know what else to say to you, there's no hidden message here, sorry.

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

Edited to fix some typos and i know there are more, sorry, i tend to do that a lot.

And another thing, i am being as honest as i can here, don't take it as if i am attacking you please, because i am not, i am just being honest, truly.

[edit on 20-3-2009 by Kaifan]

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