posted on Mar, 12 2009 @ 05:23 PM
Commander ly-on
San Pablo Lake
bad aliens, as you call them, we call them bad elements, have many different strategies in order to contact, they confuse and finally invade others
being’s brain. Most of the times, they start present themselves exactly as you want them to be: peaceful, bright and smiling. But in other
occasions, they just wait for the contacted person (contacted from a positive entity) to increase his ego until he or she accepts everything he or she
can canalize and receive, with the tremendous mistake that he or she forgets to analyze the “origin” of the message.
I give you 3 examples: Carlos Diaz, contacted from a “light” civilization and now reduced to a simple passive communicator, by Grey entities. And
Billy Meyer, contacted from Sin-Jansen also known as Semjase in the Internet (her real name is Sin-Jansen) and forced by “bad elements” to build
models in scale of the real extraterrestrial ships, in order to cover and discredit his great and genuine contact he had since childhood. And finally,
Blossom strange woman.
no effort communicating with you. You cannot escape reincarnation laws, until your last one, that will take place the exact moment the God or the
Energy, has decided for you. In order to be in contact with the generator, which is the producer of multiple dimensions with multiple levels on each
dimension, you just have to die in your planet.
Airtek, Internet is the summary of what we are doing in this Planet. It is up to you to choose the right path and use this powerful tool and make it
useful. My communication is as much simple as we can, since 45% of the forum joiners and members, do not speak and talk English as well as you, and we
try to make them feel comfortable with their own lexical mistakes.
You would rather prefer wisdom and answers instead of perfect English skills, trust us.
JacobNH and Shadowland, we will meet one day, not “face to face” but you will see us, don’t doubt it.
FiatLux, I have to explain to you something that is difficult to understand or, in your case, believe. You have had 54 lives so far, you have been
always a male, masculine sex, because you were born man and you will always be a male. Before this life, you were a Dutch Boer in 1922. and before,
you were a Chinese merchant. So, you, as all of you, are the product of past reincarnation. We, the half man Guide living here, have our spirit coming
from the Future, as we are on a “stand-by” state, here and there at the same time.
It is strange, anyway, that you don’t believe in US but you always make questions in this Forum.
Of course, we know you really hope this is not a fake.
We want to make a you a simple question: who do you think The Mona Lisa is ?
We wait for the answer as you wait for ours.