posted on Feb, 9 2009 @ 11:17 AM
Hi to all,
Recently, there have been too many discussions on UFOs here and in the media.
People, GIVE IT UP!!! Its NOT aliens....Its DARPA thats doing all this classified researches near AREA51 and otehr US AFBs in the US.
I dont really get people that think its aliens invading Earth. Come on now....It has to be DARPA conducting secret tests of new generation aircrafts
and God who knows what. Just look at their website. There into heavy duty technology creating all kinds of neat and super stuff that we do not really
know about.
So all this UFO stuff, has to stop someehere to a point.
The military works with DARPA aor vice versa conducting super technologies for special future military aircrafts.
For example, DARPA did hefty work and tests for the Homeland Security Blimps flyimg over major citites and military AFBs around the US and people are
thinking there UFOs...Theres no such a thing as UFOs and aliens...
Just my 2 cents here.