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Water-Fuelled Home Heating Unit Now Available - and Open-Sourced??

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posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:37 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Whaooo, I'd love to hear more details of this heater. How much bigger is it, how many BTU's does it produce and how much HHO does it produce per minute. How does your friend cater for the fluctuation of heat requirements? Please share more.


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:48 AM

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:49 AM
Why don't they sell the product instead of selling cheap paper and vids?
Because it doesn't work!

Electrolysis of water has been studied since 1800. Wiki

Ok, it doesn't need much energy to separate water in H and O, but as the efficiency of this process is only from 50% to 80%, at the end you have to put energy in it to make it work.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:25 AM
Well I was about to say great, finally someone giving away ideas for clean free energy.
But oh no, they aren't, they are selling books and videos.
Do you think maybe one day someone will publish some free energy stick it on a website in a pdf file and give it away for free?

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by ImaginaryReality1984
Firstly for those who think this is free energy it's not free energy, the energy is coming from the water. Secondly to all those who are saying it's a scam, well from what he seems to be saying it looks like this is either using a battery somewhere to split the water into it's separate components or it's a fuel cell.

Either way it's nothing new, just nicely packaged.

Hey, as long as it works and does its job...

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:36 AM

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:45 AM
reply to post by MajorDisaster

This is a scam that uses school chemistry.

Think about it. You start off with water, use electricity to separate it into H and O, then burn the H in the O to make … water!

The only place the energy can come from is the electricity. No one makes heat this way because it’s way more efficient to convert electricity directly to heat by passing it thru a resistor.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:41 AM
Great invention. We are seeing more and more of these Hydrogen fuel sources.

If I were those 2 guys, I would either be living secretly in a very remote place where no one can find them and well armed, or totally out in public, recording their every move.

Big Oil, aka, the government, aka The Rockefeller's/Rothschild's don't like competition. Just study the history of any new alternative energy or automobile power sources throughout history, including the autombile, the inventors seem to always die, they are usually killed, suicided, heart attacked or die in a automobile accident.

I wish them the best and I can say nothing but Hooray for them! Smart guys who I hope stay around to see their invention (s) become successful!

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:54 AM

Too good to be true..............? Maybe not..............

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by MajorDisaster


how much electricity does it take to separate the water into HHO? and how much BTU does it put out? and how exactly does this work out to be greater than pure electric heating without negating the second law of theromdynamics? Not saying that it can't be done, just saying that if it is done, then a controversy is up for discussion and clarification.


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by MajorDisaster

I am sorry to say that I believe this is bunk.. The pattern for bunk energy devices is usually just like this: They don't sell the device, they sell the blueprints. Then if you try to build one and it does not work, you are not sure who to blame? blame yourself or blame the blueprints? Do you ever wonder why most products are not sold in blueprint form?

Meanwhile the person smart enough to know that a device like this is very unlikely to work would rather wait for somebody to sell a finished product rather than give venture capital to a new alternative energy startup or to buy blueprints and try to build it...

I still will have a close look at their website just to see how many of their claims they are ready to guarantee. But I bet that they will have a disclaimer that *your results may vary*


posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:00 AM
How many BTU's does this unit output?

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:10 AM

Originally posted by octaviameister
Great invention. We are seeing more and more of these Hydrogen fuel sources.

If I were those 2 guys, I would either be living secretly in a very remote place where no one can find them and well armed, or totally out in public, recording their every move.

Big Oil, aka, the government, aka The Rockefeller's/Rothschild's don't like competition. Just study the history of any new alternative energy or automobile power sources throughout history, including the autombile, the inventors seem to always die, they are usually killed, suicided, heart attacked or die in a automobile accident.

I wish them the best and I can say nothing but Hooray for them! Smart guys who I hope stay around to see their invention (s) become successful!

What are you talking about there is nothing new here and that includes someone trying to sell you something that’s already known. looofo got it right read his post – its not efficient. There are a lot of people working on this to make it more efficient that will be where the money is.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:15 AM
Mythbusters built and tested a similar device and found that it doesn't produce anymore energy than what you put into it. In this case electricity, save your money and invest it into making your home more energy efficient.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:20 AM
I did experiment with Hydrostar. I built the unit and tested. It does require a large amount of Amps with 2v. Basically- the voltage it is low. Anything above 2V it is a wasting energy. The Amps count. It depend on a unit - it will draw 10-20A to produce sufficient amount of a gas. I try different frequencies and voltages.Low voltage and high amps do the job. While a lot experiments was perform with plates - I use a cylinders. The effect it is the some. It does appear that pulsating DC current lower the power consumption. While trying ad different pulsating frequencies (from 4Hz to 45KHz) the 50-60Hz was the best for the amount of a gas output. Higher freq. did not produced more gas. Increase a amps did produce more gas. It is all about the amount of a Amps you put in and it is inefficient. You are not getting a pure Hydrogen as the process is of mixing the gas called parahydrogen. It is not as safe as they claim if build by inexperienced person. Some of the hydrogen kits do not contain a flame arrestor and that could spell a trouble. Using a "bubler" lower the gas output. Proper design "flame arrestor" have to be in line with output.
There it is a lot more about to explain here and those people look to me as a another couple of a scam artists. If someone will design a efficient working unit - then that person will post the plans for free and charge for assembly unit. Ther are many hydrogen kits available all over the net.
At are free Hydrostar plans if you want to play with.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:33 AM
Send this to the myth busters to see how they test it out? It would be cheaper than investing your own time and money into it..

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:41 AM
I remember the physics and chemistry lessons. To separate H2O to get O and 2H you have to put the same amount of energy which you get burning it to join that atoms together. If it would work in different way it would be a perpetual motion machine because the water in the bottle and the product of the machine as a gas is the same water. The energy which is heating in fact comes from your nearby power plant not from the water. Water has no energy which you can poses in chemical reaction. So it is completely *SNIP*. This man invent something which is wasting energy not producing. Heating houses by electricity it’s the most expensive form of heating. It would be no difference if you plug few ovens and heat your home instead or you plug the machine to produce oxygen and hydrogen and then you burn it. It is basic science from elementary school.

[edit on 8-2-2009 by odyseusz]

Mod Edit: Profanity/Circumvention Of Censors – Please Review This Link.

[edit on 2/8/2009 by Hal9000]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 10:58 AM
Yep, it's wasting energy alright.

If you just use the electricity used to boil the water to heat your home, it will be more efficient.

Water has a specific heat capacity of 4186J/kg, and to turn it into gas, i remember you need 10 times the latent energy ~500Cal/kg to boil the water than its heat of fusion.

So yeh, and to break up the molecules, you will need even more energy.

Bunch of scammers, boiling water is one of the most inefficient thing man has done.

[edit on 2/8/2009 by die_another_day]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 11:03 AM

Originally posted by rickyrrr
I am sorry to say that I believe this is bunk.. The pattern for bunk energy devices is usually just like this: They don't sell the device, they sell the blueprints. Then if you try to build one and it does not work, you are not sure who to blame? blame yourself or blame the blueprints? Do you ever wonder why most products are not sold in blueprint form?

Are you kidding? I think it's fantastic that they are selling the schematics! This way, instead of simply selling a unit, they can teach many other people how to build the unit!

This is the way to create critical mass, by open-sourcing the design (and yes it is still open-sourcing even if there's a small price tag)

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 11:05 AM
A member of my family recently designed a system and incorporated it into the house he built. It works - so far.

The main issue was getting someone to agree to build/install it and getting the county inspectors on board. No one wanted to sign off on something so new and different. God forbid we try to be innovative and of course, if you do, you'll get some blow back.

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