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Does The Roman Catholic Church have agents in Goverments

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posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 03:52 PM
Just want to know what the members think, i've been on a lot of sites lately highlighting the Jesuits,Knights Of Columbus etc.

It seems to me that these organisations certainly have a grip on certain goverments.

Even former Catholic's will verify the Vatican is hellbent in obtaining power, This is a church that has had a hand in inquisitions, ww2 and scandals.

What are the members thoughts?


posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 04:22 PM
The Vatican Billions

chapter One on line:

vatacan billions

by Avro Manhattan - Chick Publications

Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age

"Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21

The Historical Genesis of the Vatican's Accumulation of Wealth
Historical genesis of the Vatican's accumulation of wealth - The splitting of Christianity accelerated by its policy of temporal riches - Christianity expropriates all rival religions - How the Apostolic tradition of poverty was abandoned.

Chapter Ten: The Richest Man on Earth?
Pope richest man on Earth

And YES they have infiltrated governments for years:
As you remember from history, the popes had the power to crown the Kings, so you know who they were beholden to.

" The third stage was to move into the courts and legislation, and branches of the judiciary to take over as judges and lawyers, in order to manipulate the Constitution in their favor until it could be changed. Once this was accomplished, the thrust was into politics to capture the political parties. Then the military and the newspapers. Even back in the times of Lincoln over half the newspapers in the United States were controlled by the Vatican.

in government

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 05:35 PM
The takeover of the Legal system and police has already started happening in Scotland.

The Goverment and the Members of parliament are hellbent on stopping Protestant marches and attacking the only Protestant Christian fraternity at all attempts in the Media.

It seems hard to get the truth out because of the Roman Catholic grip on the media.

I was looking at an interesting book called Vatican assasin's but the publisher had difficulty getting the book into mainstream shops beacuse of the Vatican's control on media.

Even Rome's involvement in WW2 is kept hush when they should be verbally attacked on a daily basis in the news and web for their heinous deads!

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by orangeman dave

While the Pope has a certain element of moral leverage over more devout Catholics, to say that in this day and age, there is a big Catholic conspiracy in Scotland is a little bit over the top.
People of every religion are in power in every country in the world, it doesn't mean they are hell bent on world domination.
My 'supposed' religion - Catholicism, was once a power mad organization that prayed on peoples need for something better to sustain a crumbling empire. That whole thing changed a couple of hundred years ago.. by this stage, its just a spiritual religion with no real power, just wealth.

As a side note,

What a lovely quote by Oliver Cromwell about getting rid of catholics in your signature..

Well guess what, he did, just under a million of them, almost half my country in fact.

I can see the sectarian element in your post and the way you portray yourself on this site, obviously you are one of those anti Catholic/Anti anything not Scottish and protestant Scots.

Just one question.. Why all the hate? You are not the only country that the British empire screwed up by forcing people of separate religions together and giving one more rights so that in the end they both despise and fear each other...

Look at the disaster zone Ireland was for almost 600 years..

If we can let it go for the most part, why can't ye? You lot didn't have to deal with the ethnic cleansing..

Why is there still so much fear and sectarianism in Scotland?

[edit on 7/2/09 by Dermo]

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by orangeman dave

Does The Roman Catholic Church have agents in Goverments

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:42 PM
With Vice President,Speaker of the House, and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court all Catholics, maybe there is something to look into here...

How come they didn't get a Catholic Prez? Or is that one coming?
Snuff out Obama. Then round up every dissenter to appease the blacks? is a tour de force...

OP's link isn't the home page. The Page seems to be more than just anti-Catholic.

I did notice this particular creepy connection. Cardinal Stepinac, convicted of authorizing the forced conversion of Orthodox Croats during the well documented Yugoslav genocide is Beatified by John Paul II LINK

posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 07:44 PM
Usually one would just call them Catholics.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 03:12 AM
The answer to your question is yes. This was taken from: - with references!

The Jesuits (Society of Jesus) are the spies and the assassination squad of the Catholic Church. People who believe this institution to be “religious” or “spiritual” are sadly deluded. It is and always has been political in every respect. It is a political front that operates to control people using many fictitious religious characters and ceremonies stolen from religions predating it from around the world. The separation of church and state mean nothing to the Catholic Church, that works relentlessly and ruthlessly for world domination by any means possible. This institution has been built on mass murder, torture, extortion, organized crime, lies and depriving humanity of true spirituality. It has controlled kings, queens, nobility, presidents, governments, and nearly anyone in power.

There are claims of a “Black Pope.” This is only a myth; a myth to divert the responsibility from the Catholic Pope and his clan of criminals. In truth, they employ the concept of Hegelianism by playing both sides against the middle to gain control. This is analogous to someone who openly preaches against illicit drug use, openly works for the DEA pretending to fight illicit drug use and in secret, operates a drug smuggling and distribution ring right out of the DEA; or a crooked cop. While the Catholic Church openly claims to be a religious and charitable institution, it secretly runs and controls organized criminal activities.

The Protestants are all too happy to condemn the Catholics and dig up dirt on them as blame shifting takes away the need to explain how such degeneracy and odious actions could repeatedly occur within the xian churches. Of course, we all know Satan has been a scapegoat for these criminals all along, as they are too deluded and indoctrinated to see it has been their own “god” who has always been deceiving them.

Ignatius de Loyola was the founder of the Jesuits. The Protestant reformation had done serious damage to the uncontested control of the Catholic Church by the time he arrived on the scene. He came to the conclusion the only way the Catholic Church could regain the power it lost was to enforce the canons and doctrines on the temporal power of the pope and not just destroy lives through the Inquisition, as the Dominican priests and nuns were doing, but to secretly infiltrate every area of life.

“The constitution of the Company of Jesus was at last drafted and approved in Rome by Paul III, in 1540, and the Jesuits put themselves at the disposition of the pope, promising him unconditional obedience.” ²

Ignatius was more aware than any other Catholic leader who preceded him that the best way to control a man was to become master of his mind. “We imbue him to spiritual forces which he would find very difficult to eliminate later.” “…forces more lasting than all the best principles and doctrines; these forces can come up again to the surface sometimes after years of not even mentioning them, and become so imperative that the will finds itself unable to oppose any obstacle, and has to follow their irresistible impulse.” ³

One must always remember how the Catholic Church has much esoteric knowledge at its disposal from centuries of confiscating, looting, and systematic removal of these materials from the populace. The Jesuits have used this knowledge to the detriment of humanity. Unbeknownst to most, the Jesuits have infiltrated every country on the face of the earth and have been expelled by many. Through the Catholic sacrament of confession, the Jesuits gained control of Kings and Queens, rulers and nobility. They were even offered important political posts openly. It wouldn’t be at all surprising that blackmail was frequently used.

end of Pt. 1

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 03:14 AM
Pt. 2

"Whenever a country was infested with Jesuits, they managed to take control. This was done through infiltration. Soon after, the authorities began consulting them with important issues, large donations would start flowing in and before long, “they occupied all of the schools, the pulpits of most churches and the confessionals of all high ranking people.” 4

"The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the start of the two world wars- a situation which may be explained in part by the gigantic finances at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, giving them power in so many spheres, especially since the last conflict." 5

“No state suffered as much as Poland did under the Jesuits’ domination.” “And in no other country apart from Portugal, was the society so powerful.” “While Poland was heading fast towards ruin, the number of Jesuit establishments and schools was growing so fast that the General made Poland into a special congregation in 1751.” 6

Teachings of the Far East were corrupted with the arrival and infestation of the Jesuits. Jesuit Robert de Nobile settled in India to convert the masses to Catholicism there. True to the nature of a Jesuit, he infiltrated the Brahmin priestly caste (always appealing to the ruling classes). “He developed the clothes, habits and way of living of the Brahmins, mixed their rites with Christian ones, all with the approval of Pope Gregory XV.” He converted over 250,000 Hindus. 7

This, more than likely is where a lot of the ludicrous new age teachings with their promotion of the nazarene, the teachings of “karma” and angels comes from- xian infiltration.

"In South America, they conquered the natives who were subsequently forced to live under strict Catholicism. “The Jesuits watch over them…” “…they punish the smallest mistakes…The whip, fasting, prison, pillory on the public square, public penance in the church, these are the chastisements they use.”
“The culprit dressed in the clothes of a penitent, was escorted to church where he confessed his fault. Then he was whipped on the public square according to the penal code… The culprits always received this chastisement, not only without murmurs, but also with thanksgivings…The guilty one, having been punished and reconciled, kissed the hand of the one who struck him, saying ‘May God reward you for freeing me, by this light punishment, from the eternal sorrows which threatened me." 8

“We will compose poems; but may our poets be Christians and not followers of Pagans who invoke Muses, Mountain Nymphs, Sea Nymphs, Calliope, Apollo, etc…or other Gods and Goddesses. What’s more, if these are to be mentioned, may it be with the view to caricature them, as they are only demons.”

The Roman Catholic Church was among the richest landowners in North Africa. In Mexico, they had silver mines and sugar refineries, in Paraguay, tea and cacao plantations, carpet factories and also control over the food supply as they owned the cattle and “exported 80,000 mules per year.” “And to make an even bigger profit, the fathers did not hesitate to defraud the state treasury, as seen in the well known story of the so-called boxes of chocolate unloaded at Cadix which were full of gold powder.” 10Ibid, pp. 68

January 7th, 1960, in Rome, there was a summit conference that took place that was intended to bring a peaceful co-existence between the soviets and the eastern bloc and the west. In the USA, Cardinal Spellman (who has numerous photos in magazines and newspapers standing beside important world leaders) urged Catholics to show open hostility to Mr. Khrushchev, when he visited the United States and was a guest here. Cardinal Ottaviani, Secretary of the Holy Office, delivered a most vehement speech at the basilica of “Saint Marie-Majeure” against the Soviets and the Western Powers who were involved in the peace project. 11

End of Pt. 2

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 03:14 AM
Pt. 3

One might ask what purpose war serves when an institution such as the Catholic Church is striving for world rule. Nothing known to humanity changes lives, creates devastation and opens people up for domination more than war. Both sides of the conflict are aided and funded by those intent on establishing world domination and the creation of a slave state. At the end of the war, all countries concerned are at the debt of the international bankers, much of these owned, and operated by the Vatican. This is not to disregard others who are working for the same objectives. All parties involved use each other to achieve these ends, along the way, both despise each other out of greed and seek each other’s destruction so if the goal is achieved, the winner takes all. What they all have in common is the worship of the same “god.”

¹ Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus Including: Its Second Thirty Years' War (1914-1945), its Cold War (1945-1990), and Its Assassination of America's First Roman Catholic President, John Fitzgerald Kennedy (1963) by Eric Jon Phelps, 2001
² Ibid, pp. 23
³ Ibid, pp. 21
4 Ibid, pp. 38
5 Ibid, pp. 9
6Ibid, pp. 41
7Ibid, pp. 50-51
8Ibid, pp. 56-57
9Ibid, pp. 62
10Ibid, pp. 68
11 Ibid, pp 184

Other Reference:

The Secret History of the Jesuits by Edmond Paris; translated from the French, 1975

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 03:26 AM
I remember reading about how people obsessed about Kennedy coming in, how the Pope was going to rule the White House.
As for why they don't have a president, since it obviously couldn't because there wasn't a Catholic nomination for president, maybe it's because the last one left office a bit more open minded.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 04:57 AM
And you lot think that all this is actually happening?

If it isn't the Jewish Zionists or Reptilians trying to take over the world, its that pesky pope and his band of merry Catholics... still hell bent on world domination

And now the Pope is supposedly responsible for killing JFK?

I love this site, there are some amount of nutcases here.

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:33 AM

Originally posted by Dermo
And you lot think that all this is actually happening?

If it isn't the Jewish Zionists or Reptilians trying to take over the world, its that pesky pope and his band of merry Catholics... still hell bent on world domination

And now the Pope is supposedly responsible for killing JFK?

I love this site, there are some amount of nutcases here.

If you are implying me then you did not read my post properly. The Zionists (working closely with the Rockefellers), collaborate with the Catholic Church(controlled by the Rothschilds). The church was/is just a tool to help keep the masses in line and collect massive amounts of money.

Quote from my post:
"Both sides of the conflict are aided and funded by those intent on establishing world domination and the creation of a slave state. At the end of the war, all countries concerned are at the debt of the international bankers, much of these owned, and operated by the Vatican. This is not to disregard others who are working for the same objectives. All parties involved use each other to achieve these ends, along the way, both despise each other out of greed and seek each other’s destruction so if the goal is achieved, the winner takes all. What they all have in common is the worship of the same “god.” "

And no, the pope is not responsible for killing JFK. He is just the friendly puppet. Those with true power never show their faces.

Now it's my turn to use the laughing smiley face

Another for good measure:

[edit on 8-2-2009 by Ereshkigal]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by Ereshkigal
The Zionists (working closely with the Rockefellers), collaborate with the Catholic Church(controlled by the Rothschilds).

The Rothschilds control the Catholic Church, even though they are Jewish??

Now it's my turn to use the laughing smiley face

Another for good measure:

Well, I never!

I can't allow this at all.

Take this..

And that..

And more of this..

[edit on 8/2/09 by Dermo]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 06:48 AM
IMHO you are either ignorant and only see in black and white or you are a disinfo agent.

The Rothschilds don't give a damn about the Jews. To them the Jews are merely tools. Zionism does NOT = Jewish people

Need more proof?

-Or just do a search (zionist/illuminati vatican connection) there is tonnes of well-researched information available on this subject.

I eagerly await your answer

[edit on 8-2-2009 by Ereshkigal]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:04 AM

Originally posted by Ereshkigal
IMHO you are either ignorant and only see in black and white or you are a disinfo agent.

The Rothschilds don't give a damn about the Jews. To them the Jews are merely tools. Zionism does NOT = Jewish people

Need more proof?

-Or just do a search (zionist/illuminati vatican connection) there is tonnes of well-researched information available on this subject.

I eagerly await your answer

[edit on 8-2-2009 by Ereshkigal]

Dont explain yourself to him my friend, he has obviously had a Roman Catholic Education, the moment you start providing them with facts about what their Holy Church did you are branded Anti-Catholic.

Thanks for the replies it's good to see people can see through this abomination of a church, the richest company in the world!

It has its hands covered in blood

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by Ereshkigal
IMHO you are either ignorant and only see in black and white or you are a disinfo agent.

Firstly, Excuse me for asking a simple question.

Secondly, I can honestly answer against both of those but please forgive me if i find the connection between the Rothschilds, The Pope and the murder of JFK slightly far fetched...

Also, you have been on this site for what? 3 weeks? And you are trying to call me a disInfo agent
That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard and might I say, the exact same tactics the Catholic Church used to use on anyone who disagreed with it.. Does the phrase "Blasphemy" ring a bell?

Before you start throwing around ridiculous statements and accusations, take a look at what you are saying and how you are copying the exact same tactics as the organization you are trying to expose.

1) I know where the Catholic Church has its roots, the Roman Empire and all religions therein.
2) I know all about its subversion and horrible tactics..
3) I know all about many of the murders and secret societies involved over the years..

this is why I don't follow it... or any other religion for that matter. Each is a money spinner.

4) I also know that for the average person it is just a religion AND i also know that almost two million of my countrymen were slaughtered because of their beliefs.. so forgive me for trying to defend their legacy.

To OrangeMan Dave

No need to be patronizing man.. if I cared so much about Catholicism instead of facts, I would be in church now seeing as it is a Sunday morning and not on a conspiracy site trying squeeze facts out of obviously bias and deluded minds.

Fact 1) There is an awful lot more to the Catholic church than meets the eye.. from all perspectives... it is a twisted organization but it is almost powerless at this stage.

Fact 2) You obviously have other reasons for bringing this up other than what you are stating... lay it out on the table and we can have an intellectual debate instead of you replying to my comments indirectly...

if you had actually bothered to read my first post, you would understand my motives in this thread.

[edit on 8/2/09 by Dermo]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:28 AM
reply to post by Dermo

Dermo i would have a debate /conversation anytime, as being half Irish Catholic it wouldn.t be a problem as my dad is from a place called Tobercurry in Sligo.

Firstly you think all the things posted is Bull, try reading up on some of these sites and links provided by me and other members it might open your mind.

People posted that Catholic's get into goverment then change the constitution, is this not happening in the Uk at the moment,

1 The Catholic MP's in parliament are wanting to change the act of settlement on a Catholic becomming King or Queen
2 Catholics having sectarian religious apartheid schools being paid for by the taxpayer why no Protestant schools?

Why should the act of settlement be changed when this is a majority Protestant country i dont see Spain changing theirs to have a Presbyterian monarch when they are clearly a Catholic Country.

You also said about your fellow countrymen/women being treated badly yes i totally agree.
But your country is not an angel my friend it is still treating Protestant's as second class citizens and has had a hand in ethnic cleansing in cork and other places.

A non Catholic wanting married has to give longer notice than a Catholic, Their was a barr on money from your goverment for Protestant school's, and non Catholic's have problems getting school places as Catholic's are catered for first. The Protestant population in the Republic has been marginalised and discriminated for years!

If You think the Vatican is powerless have a look at the number of high ranking goverment members in the Knights of Columbus, the sentate, congress and you tell me their loyalty is not to the mother church?

If you don' believe me i will provide links to these posts.

[edit on 8-2-2009 by orangeman dave]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:33 AM
Thank you.

I knew most of this already but it never really registered because when it comes to anything where a persons religion is pointed out, I usually shut off.

I don't think all the things posted are Bull.. I have said twice that I don't see the connection between the murder of JFK and the Pope/Rothschilds... I am of the firm belief that his assassination went hand in hand with his attempted disbanding of the US federal reserve.

I see how little interest the majority of Irish (who are historically uber Catholic) have in Catholicism and the Church, so I may overlook the possibility that its subversion is growing elsewhere. It did kind of weird me out seeing Tony Blair convert to Catholicism... something I had never expected to happen... so it is possible that you are right in many respects.

I have no answer for the points you have given about changes to UK laws. But might I add, similar changes have been made here over the years to better facilitate those of other religions.. especially Protestant and Muslim.. even though we are a Catholic country. These things happen.. integration, openness and moving with the times.

Please show me a good example of where groups of Protestants are being treated as second class citizens in Ireland more than anyone else. As a matter of fact, I just had dinner with my devoutly Catholic Parents and their best friends who are practicing protestants... so I can honestly say that I have absolutely no idea what you are on about.

Edit to add - I just spotted this in your post. While these points are true, It is highly likely that the laws have not been changed simply because not enough pressure has been placed on the government to take notice of them. These kind of laws are in place in almost every country in the world.. thats why there are minority rights groups in every country protesting them.

I get what you are saying about some Catholics being in powerful positions but to be fair, what ratio of the world is Catholic? So what is the likelihood of many of them being in powerful positions in politics? Pretty high.

I am starting to agree with you in some areas but I feel that your beliefs about the CC may be exaggerated quite a bit from the facts.

[edit on 8/2/09 by Dermo]

posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 09:28 AM
REPLY to Dermo

''Secondly, I can honestly answer against both of those but please forgive me if i find the connection between the Rothschilds, The Pope and the murder of JFK slightly far fetched...''
-Fair enough, at one time this would have also seemed far-fetched to me. This is why I provided the links to back up my claims. This rabbit hole goes down very deep. To fully understand the connection many hours of reading is necessary to piece the bits together.

''Also, you have been on this site for what? 3 weeks? And you are trying to call me a disInfo agent
That is probably the stupidest thing I have ever heard and might I say, the exact same tactics the Catholic Church used to use on anyone who disagreed with it..''
-I've been lurking for years (2005). Recently I've decided to start contributing to this site.
As for using "the exact same tactics the Catholic Church used to use on anyone who disagreed with it" I can use the same analogy on you for your statement "you have been on this site for what? 3 weeks? And you are trying to call me a disInfo agent".

The reason I used the term "disinfo agent" on you is because you fervently try to discredit me without providing any proof to counter my claims. Instead of debating the subject you revert to verbal abuse:
''I love this site, there are some amount of nutcases here.''

[edit on 8-2-2009 by Ereshkigal]

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