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'Free Energy' DIY Anyone?

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posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 03:29 AM
For four days next week, my family is going to be out of town, so I'll have the house all to myself. I think I'll try to put the SSG together then. I've just been gathering up all the parts I will need. I think I have everything that will be needed to build this. I have several identical magnets that I can put on some sort of wheel, and I'm just going to use rechargeable batteries or something in place of car batteries. The trickiest part will be the coil, but I can probably just wind something myself if I don't have anything here to use. I've got a couple ordinary transformers I can test, too, but since I don't quite know how the circuit is supposed to be doing what it does, I'm a little nervous about changing even the smallest things.

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 04:55 AM
reply to post by RogerT

For power generation you might try scaling up something like this,
just remember that high power permanent magnets are dangerous.

Uneven permanent magnetic vortex runs forever ?

Consider storing your energy as compressed air, one of the benefits
they found at Tata motors in their compressed air car is as they
release the compressed air it is very cold and provides air cooling.

You can likely use CO2 pressure bottles that welder supply places
have and the beauty of it is you will likely never need to replace them.

For short term power storage in electrical form use a Super cap
like they do in hybrid cars, and for long term use the compressed air.

Just make sure and use over pressure safety valves, and maybe
consult a pneumatics specialist.

The way to store air more efficiently than batteries is via Axial
air compressor.

Axial Flow Compressors over 90% efficient

Axial Flow Compressors can achieve over 90%, and with multi-stage
you can hit high pressures.

90% is the same as some good batteries, but I think all batteries
have some leakage, and all batteries eventually need replacing..

Good Luck !

[edit on 9-7-2009 by Ex_MislTech]

posted on Jul, 9 2009 @ 05:42 AM
thanks, I'll take a look at those links.

I've recently been turned on to C.A. so this is more impetus for me.

I've a lot of reading to do now, but the momentum is building

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by RogerT

No, I don't hide. I am just looking for a practical drawing and schematics which are feasible to implement. Still found nothing. I keep eye on this thread.

posted on Jul, 12 2009 @ 06:15 PM
To RogerT and any other ATS’er who actually does FE experiments.

I don’t know if you have kept up with my thread (Free Energy Using Synthetic Tornadoes).

I have just posted details of a practical Synthetic Tornado design which you should be able to build.

(see my post dated 12/7/09)

I am sure that you will find it a very rewarding experience.

posted on Jul, 13 2009 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by graysquirrel

Thanks, I will check out your thread. More Schauberger similarities, I like that

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 04:53 PM
A few questions:

Regarding the bifilar coil, is there anything special about that particular coil that is necessary to the SSG, or will any transformer work in its place? Also, I found a youtube video of a guy making a homemade bifilar coil, and I couldn't tell due to picture quality, but the wire is insulated, right? If it isn't, I don't see the point of making this at all, and in the video, I couldn't tell if the guy's wire was bare or if it was insulated in a colour similar to copper. It doesn't make sense to me if it's not insulated, but I have to ask since the video I found was not completely clear on this point.

Does it matter what kind of motor I use to spin the wheel with the magnets on it? I don't see any information about what is used here, and there has to be a motor or the wheel won't move in the given configuration, other than perhaps to align the closest magnet with the coil and then stop. I have a motor I can use, and my 'wheel' is a plastic ice cream pail lid :p (The schematic said aluminum, plastic or wood, and that was the easiest thing at hand)

Does the strength of the magnets matter? I've got a bunch of identical magnets that are fairly strong. I'm not sure what kind they are, but they're slightly stronger than most fridge magnets, for instance.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by DragonsDemesne

The coil is constructed using magnet wire, and yes that's insulated. On the yahoo site, there is all the information provided, and even includes instructions on how to wind the coil, and the exact turns and gauge of wires used, which is #23 for the power, and #26 for the trigger. Using the correct components is necessary, if you want it to work.
Not sure what you mean by the motor, the ssg is a motor as a whole, actually a motor/generator. I would at least use wood for the rotor, as a plastic ice cream lid might not be sufficient enough to maintain itself during rotation. You don't want magnets flying off during the rotation which could be quite dangerous. That's why those guys use the certain tape in addition to the glue when securing it to the wheel.

posted on Jul, 14 2009 @ 10:10 PM
reply to post by Freezer

Hmm, I didn't think about it spinning that fast, but I suppose it might, since the two motors I found (I'm using the smaller, slower one for convenience) will probably spin it fast enough that the magnets would fly off unless they were very securely attached.

By 'motor', I'm talking about whatever is spinning the wheel. My understanding was that there should be a motor in the circuit in series just to the left of the bifilar coil in RogerT's diagram (pg 9 of this thread. I could imagine it in other positions, too, but it has to be somewhere, and that's where I thought it was supposed to be). If that is not there, the wheel will not turn, unless I'm missing a key component somewhere. Either there is a motor somewhere, or I still don't have the full picture of everything required to build the SSG :p

I will see if I can find further instructions for what I'm missing on the yahoo forum.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:25 AM
NO additional motor. The SSG IS the motor

Are you referring to the potentiometer? That's used only to find the sweet spot and is replaced by fixed value resistors.

Did you not receive the pdf file I emailed to you? Just sign up with the yahoo group, and you get all the pics and info immediately as an auto email when you join.

You need to wind the coil yourself, standard magnet wire. I understand that the number of turns and guage is quite important so it is very unlikely an old transformer will do the job.

In short, if you don't build it as specified, the chances of it working are slim.

Once you have it working, you can start playing around with variations.

[edit on 15/7/09 by RogerT]


posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 03:55 AM
It doesn't need a motor to turn, the transistor turns on\off and acts like the commutator that switches the magnetic field on at the right time.
It may need to be turned by hand once to get going, it should continue after that.

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by RogerT

No, I didn't receive any pdf file in my email. I'll look at the yahoo group later today and see what I can figure out from there. I wasn't referring to the potentiometer either, that's just a variable resistor, and other than perhaps fear of burning it out, there shouldn't be a need to swap it for fixed value resistors, though it wouldn't hurt to do so.

I am rather surprised it doesn't have a motor at all, though I can perhaps see how XL5 saying that the transistor switching would act as a commutator. I'm not sure how that is going to happen when DC current is coming from the batteries, though.

RogerT, I'll check the u2u I sent you and make sure I didn't put a typo in my email address for the pdf files.

EDIT: Oh, looks like my spam filter filtered your email :p I do have it, thanks

[edit on 15-7-2009 by DragonsDemesne]

posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:03 PM
Hmm, I've been reading the documentation that RogerT sent me, and I came across the part where it discusses choosing a battery, and they say only to use lead-acid batteries for this. That means I'll have to put my plans on hold, since I don't have these; I was planning to just use some small 9V rechargeables.


posted on Jul, 15 2009 @ 05:33 PM
link This link sort of explains how a motor with no brushes works. Normal DC brushless motors have 2-3 windings, the bendini has only one (torque coil) and one sense coil that triggers it.

The transistor chops the DC current/voltage and makes it go "on" at the right time to get the magnet to move at the right time.

[edit] this is a great site about batteries!!

[edit on 15-7-2009 by XL5]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 12:11 PM
reply to post by moocowman

Here is the link to a thread where I made couple of posts that I think would be somewhat relevant to your idea. I hope this is not viewed a being such a short post that it is deleted...

There are three posts... just look for my usename Gravitronic and find the post regarding the flywheel in the driveway. If your budget allows for a little experimentation and you can do the math to figure it out then this is almost a foolproof system in my opinion. Everthing in this idea is sound technology in today's world.

[edit on 5-4-2010 by Gravitronic]

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by RogerT

Here is the link to a thread where I made couple of posts that I think would be somewhat relevant to your idea. I hope this is not viewed a being such a short post that it is deleted...

There are three posts... just look for my usename Gravitronic and find the post regarding the flywheel in the driveway. If your budget allows for a little experimentation and you can do the math to figure it out then this is almost a foolproof system in my opinion. Everthing in this idea is sound technology in today's world.

posted on Apr, 7 2010 @ 05:04 PM
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[edit on 7/4/2010 by ArMaP]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 04:42 PM
Do-it-yourselfers are working hard at taking control of wasted energy and money. There are many ways to save a lot of money on electric. You can build your own Power Plant in your home. Solar panels are expensive to buy, but are very inexpensive to make. They are easy to make and install to power your home. Wether or not you buy, or make your own, they will pay for them self. Windmills are another example of creating power for home use. You do need the wind to blow to turn the generator and make power. The wind is not always blowing though. You can power appliances with the power from phone lines. Phone power does not usually go down in a storm, like the power lines will. Magnetic free energy generators are another way to make your own power. With a small investment you can build a generator and create free energy. There are many available plans on the internet for these DIY alternative energy projects. Creating the free power yourself has never been easier, and more cost affective than it is today. Doing some research and some work you can be saving massive amounts of money and energy. Taking control of your carbon footprint also. Saving the environment will also help the people around you and the Planet. The rewards are endless. The satisfaction will be perpetual.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by HTODDCOM]

[edit on 14-4-2010 by HTODDCOM]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by HTODDCOM

There are probably legal issues regarding taking power from your phone lines (theft from the phone company? violation of contract?), but from a purely practical level, it is very interesting, and an idea I have never seen before. There might be limitations on how much power those lines are designed to supply, though, since phones aren't going to need the power of, say, your washer and dryer, but you could probably rig it to power a few small things. And, as was said, the phone power is separate from the rest of your electrical power, so unless both go at the same time, you will have a backup source of power in an emergency. Even a lightbulb in a blackout would be very handy

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:23 PM

Originally posted by HTODDCOM
Magnetic free energy generators are another way to make your own power. With a small investment you can build a generator and create free energy. There are many available plans on the internet for these DIY alternative energy projects. Creating the free power yourself has never been easier, and more cost affective than it is today.

Thanks for your post, but I have to pick you up on this point above. I've been looking for workable plans for several years now and have yet to find anything that delivers 'free energy'.

Don't get me wrong, I'm a believer and an optimist, but I haven't found this holy grail yet. If you've seen plans of something that a DIY'er can build and have evidence that it works, please let me know.


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