posted on Feb, 8 2009 @ 08:31 PM
Originally posted by FredT
It seems everybody was jucied. So if the ptichers were also doing it that should even things out no?
well lots of pitchers were juiced so in a way it "even'd" things out.........but not really for the ton's of players who were natural (pitchers
and hitter's)
but seriously WHY do we have a "knee jerk reaction to the word's STEROID"? why does it leave such a emotional imprint ........
we have this strong emotional imprint that the word gives us everytime we hear it and we see the experts interviewed on ESPN, and they tell us how we
should be outraged (like they are) and most base there opinions on these TWO things IMO. Did you know MANY, MANY old time and current players
USE "greenies" Amphetamines......these enhance performance thru greater focus, energy, and strength as well but there is no UPROAR of so and so
took amphetamines so his career is ruined! well there is no negative emotional imprint with the word "amphetamine" but steroids have been
DEMONIZED......the reason i am harping about this subject because i think people's career's and legacy are being ignorantly ruined.
sure someone can have there opinion's but is it not ignorance to not leave Amphetamines on the same level as Steroids since they are both performance
enhancers......but what are steroids such a knee jerk response (conditioning? !!!) . Perhaps we need a barage of "expert opinion" on The airwaves
to demonize Amphetamines/greenies so that the next generation can develop strong emotional imprints when ever they hear a player used them?
i think the big negative outcry also has some undertones of fans being a bit jealous of the big money some players make and they like to be able to
take pot shots at the players as well and get up on their soap boxes...another reason i think their is a big outcry among the HOF voters is because
they are STatistical Geeks......( i love math as well lol) but i think that these entitled voters are SO UPSET that they can't "fairly" compare the
stats of players of yesteryear with today and decide who was the BEST , that they need to take it out on the HOF status of the players who are
responsible for the stat geeks pains......i think it is quite legitamite for the stat minded geeks to no longer compare the artifically inflated
numbers of some of today's better players with those of yesteryear..and fine.......but that IMO should be the punishment enough...let them go to the
hall juiced or not just like the amphetamine taking players will ....both enhance performance!
IMO i believe that if FANS were given a poll a decade ago and asked if they think mark mcgwire should go to the hall they would say yes.....EVEN if a
large % also said yes in the same poll to another Q that asked "would you be suprised if Big mac has taken "juice". I E FANS would have cared
alot less before they were influenced by the public out cry and conditioned by the media .........the euphoria of the home run chase would have
outweighted the questionable gains in musculature of the hitters" and fans would still have thought they should be in the hall IMO..only when the
negative barrage started did fans feel like they were obligated to take the politically correct stance now that it became an issue front and
any thoughts on this perspective
[edit on 8-2-2009 by cpdaman]