posted on Feb, 7 2009 @ 11:32 AM
There are going to be massive problems either way. There are going to be massive numbers of unemployed either way.
What they are doing with this stimulus package is creating more of the same problems.
The system has failed, it's a broken system, this crisis proves that. So why continue to run on a failed system?
I'm with Schiff on this, they're causing a longer and deeper problem by doing exactly what has caused the system to break in the first place.
You don't make an obese person healthy by strapping them down and feeding them more. You let them get them off their ass and make them work it off
while maintaining a healthy diet.
They should be making this system work of its own accord. Yes it will be tough, but at least there's a chance the system won't die.
They're just feeding the obese system, and the system will die as a direct result of it.