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California Medical Board probes octuplet birth

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posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 07:11 PM
California Medical Board probes octuplet birth

LOS ANGELES – The fertility doctor who helped a California woman have 14 children, including octuplets born last month, is now facing a state investigation on top of harsh criticism from medical ethicists.

The Medical Board of California did not identify the doctor who helped Nadya Suleman, 33, of Whittier, become pregnant with the six boys and two girls born on Jan. 26., even though she already had six other children.

"We're looking into the matter to see if we can substantiate if there was a violation of the standard of care," board spokeswoman Candis Cohen said Friday.

Looks like the doctor may have dug him/herself a hole with this one. She says the same specialist and the same treatment center that she had gone to for in-vitro for the first six kids, implanted the embryos for this pregnancy as well. The doctor may end up losing their medical license over this.

posted on Feb, 6 2009 @ 07:21 PM
Yes, I believe it should be looked into. Look at the rigorous standards for adopting a kid, why should it be any different? A person or couple should have proven means to support a child or children ie. a job, a savings account, etc. so that there is no chance at all these children will be a financial burden to the state.

What was that dr. thinking?

[edit on 6-2-2009 by Clark W. Griswold]


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